Attachment Styles

edited November 2021 in General

When you are in a relationship, which sentence resonates most for you?

  1. I feel like my partner often needs space from me, but I would like more intimacy.

  2. I feel like my partner wants more intimacy than I can give them. I often need space.

  3. I feel good about both giving and receiving intimacy and space.


  • *sorry my poll didn't work

  • Honestly? #1 for me, because my need to give intimacy is generally not tied to the level of intimacy someone wants to receive. It's like having an open faucet without the house attached. I'm just trying to give, give, give, even if it's just making a mess :pensive:

  • Nah, I like to think that my pillow and I have quite a good and healthy relationship. ๐Ÿ˜…

  • I'd say I fall somewhere between 1 and 3. If I'm dating someone who is avoidant and needs a lot of space I can start to feel anxious, but if they are secure and don't have any problem with intimacy or autonomy then I feel just fine and well balanced.

    1. My partner and I both need a lot of intimacy.
  • Depending on the relationship dynamics, it can be any of those. Yes, I have disorganized attachment style. ๐Ÿ™ Given my life experiences starting from birth, Iโ€™m not surprised.

  • If you are anxious I will be avoident.. if you are avoident I will be anxious ๐Ÿ™ˆ .. im a work in progress for sure.

  • Definitely 3

  • All. It greatly depends if the other person(my partner) has been providing me the attention I crave or not.

  • I've never seen intimacy and space as being mutually exclusive.

  • edited November 2021

    Itโ€™s been too long, I canโ€™t remember. ;-)

    I agree with @UKGuy - intimacy and space are not the same thing.

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