Cuddling With Massages

Let me be absolutely clear I'm talking about a legitimate massage. Not a massage with a happy ending, because that's called prostitution, and a whole other topic. I know some professional cuddlers are also massage therapists. I was just wondering if there are any on this site that offer that. If so are they massage therapists and not just someone claiming to be a so-called "masseuse."

I know this site is specifically for platonic cuddling, I'm only asking out of a curiosity. I am not here to solicit anything illegal or against the sites policies.


  • @Odinson87 here is a recent discussion on the subject. If you search the forum you’re gonna find more, along with other interesting threads that you might wanna read on because they have very good info. Cheers!

  • Yes I am a massage therapist and have no problem incorporating that into the cuddles

  • @Odinson87, we know it’s against site rules but a happy ending is not prostitution unless the element of money or some form of compensation is involved in return for services.

  • @cuddlingpro1 firstly, it's not that it's "against site rules", it's a violent attack against the entire ethos of the cuddling movement. Secondly, this is a platonic site: it's not appropriate to split hairs on the definition of words with a sexual connotation.

    @Odinson87 yes there are cuddle professionals who are qualified in massage who offer both. Note that massage is a regulated profession in some countries, including the USA. In such places professional cuddlers may not offer massage unless they are suitably qualified.

    Informal over-the-clothes massage is usually considered an ordinary part of cuddling and is quite common amongst both professionals and enthusiasts. And as @cuddleversed says, there are recent posts on this topic already, have a look around.

  • edited January 2022

    Anyone else notice how cuddlingpro1 "muted their account," after CuddleDuncan rightfully called him out for splitting hairs? What a coward.

  • I don’t know if he muted his account or not. It seems active now. But, while I agree with CuddleDuncan, I don’t see the need to pile on, or to call Cuddlepro1 names.

    On a unrelated note, however, it seems a bad idea to let enthusiasts call ourselves “cuddlepros” in our names. Do we agree?

  • Like @lilithgrowlithe I think being well Verse in both enhances the experience!!!

  • @Odinson87, this account has been muted for months. Well before this discussion.

  • I do incorporate some massage-y touch but if they want real work they should book a specified amount of table-time... that means I put my professional hat on... the massage is not sensual but therapeutic and usually helps people relax before a good cuddle. I am liscensed! Few of my massage clients also know I do cuddling.

  • Though I am an Enthuesiats cuddler, I do include massages in my sessions. I make sure that I seek consent before giving a massage. I feel massages can be a great addition of a cuddle session.

  • @Odinson87 - What's with the name calling?

  • Massage sessions are my favorite because not only are you getting the emotional support of cuddling but you also get the physical benefits of full body relaxation with a massage. I’m a certified in Swedish, deep tissue, reiki, lymphatic drainage, and currently learning reflexology!

  • Just ask for a back rub. Don't ask for a massage. Problem solved.
    Enjoy your cuddle endeavors.

  • I'm not apologizing for saying what I said.

  • edited January 2022

    I am a licensed massage therapist with 30 years of experience.

    Licensed massage therapists cannot legally mix cuddling and massage. It violates their massage licensing law. When one is acting as a massage therapist, one is restricted by the scope of practice. Cuddling would not fall within an MT’s SOP. MTs who violate their licensing law are risking losing their license. If MTs want to engage in professional cuddling they need to keep it separate in order to practice legally. If any MT doubts me on this, I would suggest they consult their professional licensing board and ask them if they can legally combine cuddling and massage.

  • @Babichev thank you for your clarification. Also thank you for being mature about the topic unlike some people here.

  • Now when someone asks me for bodywork mid session I can just tell them it's illegal.

    Minnesota is a weird state for massage relugations. We don't have statewide rules, technically anyone can do travel massage here with zero training or licensing at all. Strange place.

    I was talking to someone about hospice massage and she said a lot of the time it's more nurturing touch like holding hands than actual massage.

    I do see l that as a form of cuddling.

    Putting my arm around someone and holding hands is something I do with a lot of my caregiving clients.

    Hmm. Lots of thoughts on mixing modalities now, thanks @Babichev I will have to look into my local licensing rules.

  • Thanks @Mike403. No more comments from me in this discussion. SMH.

  • edited January 2022

    @vivalalife - since Minnesota is an unregulated state it may not matter. Those of us who are in regulated states are required to stay within our scope of practice when we are practicing massage. When I started in 1991 less than half of states had licensing but now I think only 4 are unregulated. Mixing is generally discouraged among professions because of boundary and legal issues, conflict of interest, that kind of thing. For instance, there are some MTs who are also counselors but they keep those practices separate. If one has malpractice insurance and a client made a claim against a massage therapist for one thing or another, if they were working outside of their SOP their malpractice insurance would no longer cover them.

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