How do I get a response

What would be a good way to introduce myself. I have been sending messages but almost no one responds. I was thinking maybe it was because of no picture but in every message I have made it clear that I can send a picture for safety.

What do I do?


  • edited February 2022

    Honestly, your profile seems pretty clear and concise. You have a reason why you’re here, ways you like to cuddle and letting your prospective cuddler know you care about their safety. Aaaaand you have pics of your puppies! Lol and sending personalized messages while also saying you will send a pic if they need one is a great way to send messages. I don’t think it’s you. It just takes a lot of patience and a lot of sending messages. Most of the enthusiast women (cuddlers who don’t charge) have a huge amount of men or cuddlers they have to go through to find the perfect one for them. They can afford to be very picky but it’s also hard for them because the majority of the messages they get are gross enough that it makes some of them leave.

    Just keep sending those respectful messages and eventually something will come along. I know for the women I’ve talked with, they prefer to see some karma so they have someone else to talk to when discussing what you’re like as a cuddle partner. I usually suggest trying a pro and getting a karma while also gaining some experience on different ways to cuddle. Good luck! 🤞

  • edited February 2022

    Welcome! It looks like you just joined this month. Take your time and be patient.

    Also, write more in your profile. Don’t just let this stand as the first sentence in your profile, “Likes to cuddle while anything.” Think of something. Be specific to who you are. The more specific you are the more relatable and approachable you become.

    Show you’re personality.

    Also it depends on how you’re reaching out. Read the person’s profile and mention something in your message. Show them you’ve put energy into trying to get to know them.

    I have enjoyed cuddling with a few enthusiasts and I’ve enjoyed cuddling with pros. It takes time as a guy to find enthusiasts so maybe try a pro.

    Also consider adding a photo. It’s a personal choice of course but that can make a difference. But so can you showing effort! :)

  • The problem with asking "why am I not receiving the attention (that I deserve)?" is that it's one step away from sounding like an incel. Always be nice and thoughtful. Consider that the market of cuddles for men is steeply bid high. Money is only part of what you need to present to get a commercial cuddle. Pros will sometimes require karma as well. I learned here on one very messy day on the forum, that pretty much every woman has a bad taste left over from run-ins with way too many males who are entitled and indifferent to security concerns of women. I'm now blocked by half of the women. And I only contact pros here! I see successful men who manage to be free of creepy vibes and delight people with attractive presence. Watch them and grok their ways.

  • Thank you for all the responses and @UCpaaHVg6u0 I know that I don't DESERVE attention that's not what I was getting at. I was simply asking because as you can probably tell I'm still pretty new to the site. I honestly didn't know that there was such a high volume of creeps on here until looking through different forums. But again thank you for all the advice everyone!

  • sup babe lol hmu if u wan na cuddleeee if uwana pic hmu Im just a regular guy not a creap just a cnice guy lolz

  • @CuddleDuncan oh my lord, you had me at sup!! 🥵🥵🥵

  • @Sheena123 For me, it took reading the whole way to the third e in cuddleeee.

  • @JoyfulHeart oh I know! I’m a smitten kitten with the whole thing! Lol 😆

  • @Dillon009 I see you made some profile changes - that’s already an improvement!

  • @Sheena123 Are you saying that you're in deep smit?

  • Lol!!!! I’ll never tell

  • @Sheena123 can he get the " BAJEEZUS🫂" cuddled out of him..🤔.
    ..ROFLMAO trippin over Atari🕹️joystick

  • @GODHANDS here’s hoping!!!!! Lol 🤞🤞🤞

  • I think it's great that you're seeking feedback and advice! I have 2 tips for you.

    1. Make sure you've read their profile first. Take what you know from that to help you start up a conversation.
    2. Balance sharing some information about yourself with asking a bit more about them.

    Don't just say "hi, how are you?". Personally, I hate those sort of first messages. It makes me feel like I have to do the emotional labour of getting the conversation going. (It's extra irritating if you don't have anything written in your profile).

    Most of us have a hard time starting up a conversation with a stranger, so think about why you decided to message that person in particular... was it something they wrote in their profile? Maybe something they said on the forums? Tell them what drew your interest, maybe ask a question about it to help open up the conversation a bit. Even if it's simply because they live in the area, you can say something like, "Hey I notice you live in X-town too! There's not many people from our area on here. Have you always lived here? Would you like to talk a bit to see if we are compatible for cuddling? I don't have any pics on my profile because (whatever your reasons are), but I'll be happy to send you some if you like."

    Good luck!

  • @Dillon009 ... Yep to everything @xelda said.

  • Thank you for the awesome advice @xelda

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