
edited May 2022 in General

I feel being in a positive energy with Sage surrounding and creating protection and positivity with in a environment would really enhance someone cuddling with me because this is how I do me when I cuddle. So question what type of environment do people like to be in when you are being cuddled ?

You’ve been posting a photo of your face every time you make a comment or start a thread. Please stop. Thank you. - Babichev


  • Your profile says you are a good "coddler." As much as I love a good cuddle, it becomes a bit too much for me when I'm coddled :-)

  • Not spiritual nor religious so none of that really resonates with me . I just need someone who I enjoy spending time with and need to be comfortable. No need to break out the crystals or talk about how my chakras are doing.

  • @pmvines Oh dear, I'm sensing that your chakras are misaligned...in fact, I think you're missing a few. :p

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • edited May 2022

    I knew a singer that was into tantra. Her name was Chakra Kahn.

    I accept groans as tips.

  • I’m not really into chakras or sage or anything like that. My wife and I used to enjoy laying on a blanket by a babbling stream listening to leaves rustle overhead and smelling the aroma of nature (moist earth, conifers, wild flowers, etc.). Nothing beats the calming sounds and smells of nature while relaxing in someone’s arms.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @PlatonicSeeker. So true. Going to do that real soon.

  • @PlatonicSeeker all of those sensory reasons are precisely why most of my hosting cuddle sessions happen outdoors these day! They're absolutely divine and can totally be a spiritual experience.

  • I think creating a positive and safe place for cuddling has more to do with the person and the environment than smudging with sage. Just a comfortable, fairly quiet place to lie down with a nice, normal person is good enough for me.

  • I’ve had a sometimes troubled history with the word “spiritual;” it used to make me feel ill at ease. I have lots of doubts and feel that science and facts have a lot of good answers.

    However, love is a magic I can still fully believe in. There is something magical about the space between people in love; platonic or otherwise.

    I like a cuddle session to be very purposefully sensory:
    Mint in an oil defuser
    Temperature a little cool
    Lots of pillows and blankets
    Carefully selected music/sounds
    Observing the space as sacred/special (meaning other people and animals shouldn’t interrupt if possible)
    Be present. Be the seer.
    Meditating beforehand
    Maybe a small cup of decaf tea
    I like to prepare a list of things I’d like; to be big spoon, try gazing, start with a touch game, Etc.

  • A little over a month ago I had a transcendent experience that my spiritual friends labled as "kundalini" related. It lasted over 24 hours. Then a few weeks ago, with the help of Teal Swan, I had an extended third eye or pineal gland light show that lasted about 2 hours, and NO, there were zero substances involved. Just yoga and meditation which for me is the usual. In retrospect I am attributing part of this spiritual shake up to my cuddle buddy who upon my sharing these experiences revealed some pretty cool spiritual practices of her own that I suspect rubbed off on me. So I'm here to encourage you @Dsoft that you are on the right synergistic track. You're headed toward the most transformative aspect of the cuddlesphere. I'm with you.

  • @PeopleLikeUs Can you elaborate on "light show"? Thanks!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • edited May 2022

    @PeopleLikeUs thank you so much I really do appreciate the spiritual encouragement!

    It is not necessary to post your face photo in every post. - Babichev

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