Body butter

Hello Everyone
****do you prefer to put a cream, lotion, or body butter on your body after you shower ???



  • I have my own blend of mayonnaise and unsalted butter.

  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)

    I like to slather on a mixture of mayonnaise, French dressing, ketchup, and relish . AKA McD's Special Sauce.

  • I don't like feeling slippery so unless slathering on the sunblock just before going out counts... I don't do any of that.

    And for those above... mayo on your body may sound gross, but there are articles about the benefits. So yay for you finding a relatively cost effective regime for supple skin!!

  • edited May 2022

    I have a bald headed street .merchant who I pay 13 dollars a week to dip his head in olive oil and then rub it all over my naked body

  • edited May 2022

    So, as I learned growing up amongst many races, there is an element of race to skin cream.

    My black friends, even the males, regularly used lotion to avoid becoming "ashy". Which is something that happens to black skin but not to brown or white.

    From urban dictionary:

  • ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • I also learned this from black friends/co-workers. I also learned the many time-consuming steps some black women do to have a simple ponytail. I was surprised and felt sad. Then my black co-worker asked me what I did to have a ponytail. I said nothing. I let my hair air-dry and put it in a ponytail. It was her turn to look surprised.

    I like lotion best, but prefer to do nothing. I use Cetaphil cause I have dermatitis. It's a little greasy but soaks in quickly.

  • edited May 2022

    @Moxytocin lol 😂

    As for me, I know its important, but I guess out of laziness I don’t put lotion on my body after I shower, but 1 thing I never miss doing is moisturizer on my face … it’s a must for me.

  • @Dsoft Like your earrings. May I ask what they are made of?

  • I put my lotion on when my body is still wet, before I towel off, in the shower. It soaks in better that way. I prefer a good cbd lotion.

  • edited May 2022

    I use a scrub of Himalayan salt covered in jojoba oil. Then I shower it off and the oil has enough staying power to work even after I towel dry. I also use a hair product by Terresentials that is more like clay than shampoo. It's not a soap and it also works as a moisturizing body scrub.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    I use Mobiloil 10w30

  • Back in Philly, there is a store in Germantown called Yadain's, and they have everything shea butter.

  • @Btown That's a good weight.

  • Not that this thread hasn’t veered enough already but there is a product called in shower lotion which is exactly what you might think ( unless you are thinking of fast food chain condiments being rubbed onto one’s body.. ).

  • Plumbers have told me that using oils in the bath can end up clogging the drains. Something to think about.

    Here’s an article on bath products that can clog drains:

  • @Babichev - I'm not a plumber, but the engineer in me finds several statements in that article a little hard to believe. For example. is says that "Oils solidify as they cool..." It may solidify if you put it in the refrigerator, but if it was a liquid in the bottle at room temperature, even if you freeze it solid, it will be a liquid when it returns to room temperature.

  • edited May 2022

    @GreatHornedOwl - good point. However, if one runs cold water - and in my apartment you have to run the water quite some time before you get to the hot water because the bathroom is a bit of a distance from the water heater - you’re pouring cold water on oils that get more viscous as they are cooled. And then there is winter. When oils hit the cold ground outside or even run through an unseated basement they can become solid. Oils down pipes are just not a good idea. They can stick to the sides and when one is doing it repeatedly, over time they can build up. Body butter is solid or semi-solid at room temperature. Cocoa butter is solid at room temperature. Olive oil turns solid when it’s chilled. It’s the cumulative buildup not one-off occurrences.

    People in new homes with nice new plumbing may not run into these problems but those of us in old buildings need to be especially mindful of what goes down the drain.

    That being said - in reference to the OP, I use lotion only rarely but no oils at all in the bath.

  • @babichev - Even if the cold water that flows initially were to solidify some oil. the hot water at the end of a shower would liquify it again. By the time the drain pipes get underground, they are usually at least 4" in diameter. It would take an enormous amount of solidified oil to clog a pipe of that size, even if all of it accumulated in one location, which is quite unlikely.

    When shower drains do clog up, the clog is almost always in the p-trap, and the cause is usually an accumulation of hair. Soap (which may be a solid at room temperature) can be a contributing factor by binding the hair together.

    One other common cause, especially in older buildings, may be plant roots that have infiltrated the pipe through tiny cracks.

  • The soap that goes down the drain is dissolved at that point and yet it sticks to the sides of pipes. It binds hair together and the hair catches the soap. That alone is enough to clog pipes. Try adding a little oil to that on a regular basis. I’d rather not.

    The pipes may be 4” in diameter in the yard but in an old building there are usually tree roots and decades (or almost a century) of accumulated crud so that the inside diameter is no longer 4”. I’ve seen the inside of old supply line pipes that had so much mineral buildup just from water alone that the inside diameter was no larger than a straw. In the winter it’s cold, doesn’t matter how much hot water gets run down the drain. I know because I had to call a plumber out in February. One of the tenants poured some grease down the drain and it was as solid as cold butter.

    Anyway, I think I’ve made my point. If you do a google search, there are plenty of plumbing websites that claim bath bombs, bath oils, etc., can clog pipes. They could be wrong but I’ll trust the plumbers on this one. I can’t see why they would all have it out for the bath oil/bath bomb companies.

  • I love a nice rub down with lard or schmaltz on occasion, but since I'm not Jewish the latter might render me guilty of cultural appropriation.

  • I think lard may actually do some moisturizing, tho it's not used for that. I've heard to apply a piece of bacon to the site of a splinter for several hours and it will soften the skin and make it easier to remove. Just an interesting thing I've heard, nothing to take to heart.

  • Any sort of oil/grease/fat can help keep skin from losing moisture by forming a protective barrier. Some folks used to use bear grease.

    Meanwhile, someone who apparently used to work for a plumbing company sent a link to a photo that shows what can happen to pipes - not the pipes in your home but the city’s pipes. I know in my municipality, where a lot of the infrastructure is old, they ask people not to put oil or grease down the sink or toilet and even to wipe out oily pans with a paper towel before washing them. Why? See this photo:

  • @Babichev Yeah see what I did there?! Very clever if not slightly cunning. Imagine that...all this and brains too!

  • Good to everybody I just use Shea butter it keeps my skin moisturize and nice and shine

  • edited May 2022

    I put a sunscreen moisturizer on my face every morning and night cream on my face before bed. I don't moisturize other parts of my body unless they are noticeably dry. Sometimes after a long hot shower, I get incredibly itchy and I have moisturized with a body lotion so I don't scratch all my skin off. I don't even buy body lotion, I always get it for Christmas and my birthday and I use so little of it I have several bottles from previous years.

  • [Deleted User]LolaCats (deleted user)

    I use tree hut sugar scrubs that have oils in them when I shower and then I use baby oil or lotion when I get out.

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