No Luck on this Site?

[Deleted User]ricgonz09 (deleted user)

I'm looking a female for cuddling. I'm a gentleman and respect boundaries.
Is this site legit?



  • In my (albeit brief) experience, this site is indeed legit. I'm not sure how many people are in your area or how long you've been waiting for replies, though. It could be a matter of patience... or something to do with your approach if you think active members aren't responding to you.

  • It's legit, but non-professional females are typically overwhelmed with messages. It's not so simple to find a non-professional cuddle buddy. Sometimes it can help to get some karma from a professional first so the person you're messaging can see you successfully and safely cuddled with someone before. ☺️

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    This is an exercise in patience, patience and a little patience. That along with contacting potential cuddle partners in a fashion that would cause them to be interested. Participating in these forums is a good way to get noticed also.

  • Patience is hard... especially when you're depressed and can't afford an actual therapist... :(

  • The site is legit. I'll tell you about my experience. I joined just about the same time that you did. I'm 80 years old, and married, neither of which help.

    You might try adding a photo (or preferably several) to your profile. If you have a real reason for not doing so, then at least attach one to your messages. If that isn't doable either, then mention that you will be happy to provide a photo, although that will certainly be less effective. Your "About me" section contains nothing but a few useless platitudes that could apply to just about anybody. You need much more. You want a woman to read it and feel that she actually knows something about you. What kind of work do you do? What are your hobbies? What kind of music do you enjoy? Even that probably isnt enough. Get it up to several paragraphs.

    Are you still in a relationship? If not, why not? If you are, then why are you seeking to cuddle somebody else? If you don't have a plausible, legitimate reason, then this may not be the site for you.

    Initially, I sent messages to several dozen women, and received only one reply, which read "I prefer younger men." I knew that I had do do something. I repeatedly tweaked my message, finally, actually pointing out our age difference, and suggesting several reasons why it shouldn't matter. I also made several tweaks to my profile. I became active in the forum, although not as active as some. I only post when I think that I have something that's actually worth saying.

    Gradually, as my message and my profile.began to improve, I began to receive more and more replies. I recently had a pleasant lunch with one woman, although it did not result in a cuddle session. I am currently chatting with several women all of whom seem to be promising.

    The bottom line, is that if one thing doesn't work, try something else, and be patient.

  • @GreatHornedOwl

    I only post when I think that I have something that's actually worth saying.

    I operate on the same principle. The trouble is, sometimes I'm wrong.

  • edited June 2022

    Definitely is legit. I myself had a hard time in the beginning until I expanded my profile, added more pictures, participated in the forums, and booked some cuddle sessions with professionals which gained some karma. I will say that there seem to be more active professionals than non-pros (at least within 20 miles of me that can host). But each session I've had with a professional has been amazing so far. :) It does help when they use a payment method that allows me to use a credit card (for some reason cash app doesn't want to link to them for me). I've also met a few non-pros which also were great but those didn't happen often yet. Another thing is I've simply enjoyed making online friends from other states to talk to. :) This could also possibly lead to potential cuddling in the future if they or I were to travel in each other's area. I have gotten in touch with some pros and made plans when they were coming into town.
    So I guess my point is don't give up, be patient, and try different things. I joined this site in march and it has had a huge positive impact in my life. I don't feel as lonely (if at all once in a while), I'm no longer desperately searching for a relationship since I can enjoy my friendships and cuddles here without meeting someone potentially toxic like some other past relationships I jumped into and stuck with simply due to loneliness. I'm now loving myself more and dedicating time to be kind to myself. I'm happy finding cuddle friends for now. If the right person for a relationship comes along someday, great, but I'm in no rush or actively searching thanks to getting cuddle needs met on here. I actually now might be more picky when it comes to personality because I'm debating if I would want to give up the cuddling on here or not if I met someone and if they were ok with it. I haven't had that issue yet so I'm not sure. I just know this has become a site and thing that I enjoy a lot now.
    Now some great desires are to be rich and be able to teleport so I can travel everywhere for cuddles. :) Also, so I can get a place by myself so I can start hosting as well.

  • What @GreatHornedOwl said. And he does an excellent job of posting readable, worthwhile and substantial things.

    I think those of us, including @CSnMUS87, who enjoy meeting and chatting with people online whether it progresses to a cuddle or not seem to fare well. I think our genuine interest and perhaps eagerness? to really know people shines thru and shows others what a good potential cuddler we can be.

  • [Deleted User]Snuggluffagus (deleted user)

    Completely legit! Enthusiasts or pro were both great options!

  • @CSnMUS87 love everything you said. 💜🤗

  • @ricgonz09 This site is legit. Initially I was leery of approaching professional cuddlers, because to me at that time, it felt like a type of prostitution. I have since totally reversed that view. The cuddlers I've met with have been all really professional, and all of them adhering to platonic cuddling on a platform of consent. I feel the pros here are far better to deal with because of their training and experience. The caveat is to pick the pros with credentials and karma. Overall my experience has been healing and pointing me towards a more spiritual direction, growing in connection with other humans.

  • I've been on this site for 4 years. Have met 4 enthusist in person. Most seem to be looking for boyfriend or date. Message many, but either stop after I send a picture or after 10-15 messages, they deactivate.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    Great thread. I am enjoying everyone's comments.

  • Welcome 🙂 In my somewhat limited experience yes, a female enthusiast can be found. As others have noted, though, kindness, respect, and patience go a very long way. Especially the latter.

  • @ricgonz09 I do agree that adding more to your profile would be a big help!

    @CSnMUS87 Sooo happy the site has had such a positive impact for you! 🤗

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • edited June 2022

    Get some pictures of yourself up.

    Write an "About me" in three parts. 1) Open with what you will bring to a cuddle and why someone would want to cuddle you. 2) Explain your background with cuddling. If you journal for a few days about this you can then reduce it down to one paragraph. When was the earliest cuddle you can remember? How did it affect you? When did you realize you needed and wanted to be cuddled? 3) Close with what you expect to get out of cuddling. What are your wants and needs?

    Netflix is not a movie and any reference to Netflix in your profile is not good. Pick a movie.

    People tend to mimic dating sites in their bios which is a mistake. Adding too many descriptives like hobbies, likes/dislikes, and things you like to do outside of cuddling comes off like dating and should be avoided.

    Turn negatives into positives like "I'm old = I have life experience" "I'm broke = I value things money can't buy" etc.

    Find and explore a cuddle workshop. This will greatly improve communication leading up to, during, and after cuddling.

    Cuddling as a companion-oriented endeavor is new for most of us. People who don't seek cuddling tend to hold such activity in reserve for romance or early-stage love relationships, so as a cuddle community we are charting new territory. In many cases, the only model we have for expectations around cuddling is what we observed growing up, the stories we heard from others, and what is put before us in the media and culture. So cuddling as a starting point for involvement and continued companion/friendship interaction requires self-searching. You'll learn the most by creating and maintaining cuddle relationships that are exclusive to cuddling.

    Shoot for one friend and one 5-star review from that friend. Once you accomplish that you'll reach a turning point in your quest.

  • Good advice from @PeopleLikeUs .

  • @PeopleLikeUs - I can't agree that " Adding too many descriptives like hobbies, likes/dislikes, and things you like to do outside of cuddling comes off like dating and should be avoided."

    If one person tells you that they like cooking, knitting, and stamp collecting, while another likes hiking, canoeing, and wildlife photography, You may never participate in any of those activities with either of them, you have learned valuable information about their personalities. That can be just as useful in selecting a cuddle partner, as in selecting a date.

  • @GreatHornedOwl Agreed. But I do leave out my passion for my “Coffin of the Month” collection. When I had that in my profile conversations came to a dead stop. And as you can see I am also a member of the Pun of the Month club.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    You could reach for the rabbits foot keeping in mind it didn't do much for the rabbit.

  • @GreatHornedOwl I thoroughly agree. Getting to know someone's interests and personality doesn't have to have anything to do with dating.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @ricgonz09 it's legit, and it'll take some time and some tries with messaging women on here to get one who will reply to you. Just be friendly, courteous, and casual, and don't be pushy.

  • Be @RaveHeart. Then you'll be awesome!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • I just love these post and ghost threads. Op has deleted while everyone was giving excellent advice.

  • I wonder if sometimes the poster and ghosters feel or realize that cuddling and this community run deeper than they do. No offense to them, just so eye-opening and different from what they expect maybe.

  • Legit, but it’s steadily becoming a de facto pro site if you are looking to cuddle with a female member. If you’re not, good luck. That’s not a normative statement but a factual one based on the overall number of pros to enthusiasts here.

  • +2 with Mark

  • edited June 2022

    @MrMarkAndrew Skip over to Colorado this month, we've got enthusiast stuff goin' on!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

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