Attaching/Sending Documents?

I have put together an agreement & waiver to help set clear boundaries, manage expectations & explain my cuddle process to prospective clients. Would love to be able to attach this to my profile somehow so people can easily view this document & look it over. Is there a way we could do this? Thanks!! :-)♡


  • Not currently. If you have a Google account then I would recommend uploading it to and then enable the sharable link via Invite section. Then you can publicly link to the file.
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    Can a professional cuddlers own agreement legally override the agreement on the site that she's contracted through or does she have to observe the agreement stated on the website?
  • My waiver and agreement does not interfere with the agreement on this site @morpheus. It reinforces them if anything. The boundaries I set for sessions are my own to determine. It is a responsible way to manage expectations when entering into a professional agreement. Every pro should have something like this to make sure everyone is on the same page and protected.
  • Thanks @mark! I'll give it a try. :-)
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    @jrose so you're saying that legally, you're agreement overrides the agreement on the site? That's my question, I'm not agreeing or disagreeing or saying it's good or bad, I just would like to confirm the legalities of it all.
  • [Deleted User]masterofcuddle (deleted user)
    edited February 2017
    @jrose That's just ridiculous. Do I need to start bringing my lawyer along to these sessions?? Does this really require reading all kinds of legalise and signing waivers. If it has come to this please count me out.
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    This is actually a great topic and raises questions. Privacy for me is very important so if cuddlers are going to have us sign waivers, then maybe I should have them sign a confidentiality agreement.
  • Seems overly complicated
  • [Deleted User]Alternis (deleted user)
    If local pros make me sign stuff count me out yo. I want to be discreet as possible.
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    @alternis has a very good point also, not a lot of clients are going to want to sign these documents.
  • edited February 2017
    If someone is unwilling to sign a simple agreement that states healthy, respectful boundaries and outlines safety procedures - something used by any other professional cuddling service, I do not want to work with that person and certainly will not be meeting them in private. It is a protection to both of us and also helps to find people that are serious and respectful about platonic cuddling. Confidentiality is always respected. There are clear guidelines outlined on this site that everyone has to agree to, my waiver reinforces these guidelines and helps to ensure we're on the same page. Especially since some people tend to ignore the guidelines or push boundaries set on the site. To see some people become so aggressive and defensive to the idea of a pro taking precautions, ensuring solid communication and mutual respect for her and her clients is a bit concerning. I find it inappropriate to jump to negative conclusions and make assumptions about an agreement you haven't even read. It is standard, smart and as I stated above, a very good idea for all pros to use. Signing an agreement in no way compromises confidentiality. I don't understand why someone would think this.
  • edited February 2017
    I had someone today express concern at the idea posted on the forum of having no required agreements at all. I just want to say that the Professional Contract and Client Agreements will likely remain in place indefinitely. They offer some level of protection in the form of a deterrent against the wrong type of client/pro and they also offer some degree of legal protection for Cuddle Comfort.

    Professionals can have their own additional rules provided they do not contradict the agreements already in place here. 
  • [Deleted User]Spoonie (deleted user)
    Mark, can you point me to the client agreement?

    As for physically signing an agreement, that is something I will not do. I suspect most won't. 
  • edited February 2017
    @poonie When you go to message a Professional the client agreement is linked below the chat box. It will be a pop-up agreement in the very near future on a per cuddler basis. We do not require any signatures from a client but again if a Professional wants to ask for that then they can and will have to consider the impact on their business from doing so.
  • All of my clients have had absolutely no problem signing an agreement. They completely understand and support the idea. As I've said, it protects both of us. Just as anyone agrees to the guidelines set by I have updated my profile with a google drive link to my agreement. Please feel free to take a look! :-)
  • [Deleted User]Spoonie (deleted user)
    I took a look.  I would never sign that.  You want a copy of my driver's license?  Do I need to be finger printed as well?  With all due respect, you are certainly free to run your business as you see fit, but I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.  While I have no doubt you will get some to sign away, you are also severely limiting your potential client base with that.  Anyway, good luck to you....
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    I wouldn't sign it
  • [Deleted User]masterofcuddle (deleted user)
    No way would I sign anything like your document. Did a lawyer help you draft that or did you just copy it from the web? Sometimes I've given a kiss to a pro on the cheek or forehead as a thank you at the end of the session. Would I then be sued ?? Doesn't it kill the moment to have to sign a doc and have your drivers license copied?? I've never had to sign anything when I get a massage? If you have that little trust in the person why are you even seeing him/her? So if my wallet disappears during the session you aren't responsible?? I would hope you'd provide a safe place for your sessions
  • Are you aware of the agreements you made to even be on this site? No kissing is clearly posted. Among other agreements that are casually overlooked... The ID is shared with my safety person and no one else. Anyone who can't understand why this is a valid safety precaution for a woman going to essentially a strangers home is someone I wouldn't be interested in doing a session with. I am not here desperately seeking a quick buck at any cost. I am here to conduct myself in a professional & responsible way. With great respect for all parties involved. Proper self care and healthy boundaries empower me to give so much more love and light to others. I know there are many who understand and appreciate this. Clearly, there are a few who do not and that is just fine. All that means is we are simply not a good match. Carry on and happy cuddling!
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    @jrose I'm curious, are you okay with sharing your ID with a client and allowing them to make a copy of it?
  • edited February 2017
    Sure, absolutely. Why wouldn't I be? I offer my ID to be copied for all sorts of purposes. If someone needed to ask for my ID, especially to feel safe with me I'd offer it in a heartbeat, and do! I have nothing to hide and I respect the people I work with. I might be reluctant if I had something to hide or sketchy intentions though...
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    So you would let a guy you don't know make a copy of your ID which has your photo, name and address on it and you're really okay with that? 
  • edited February 2017
    Absolutely. I have. If I am hiring someone for a professional service like this? I would expect to! I don't understand why this is so hard to grasp lol. I might cover my home address (which I allow others to do) because I have dealt with stalkers in the past. Another reason why I understand the importance of taking safety seriously. It's not about trust, it's about being smart. If I didn't feel safe with someone, we wouldn't even get to the point of signing anything.
  • And by the way, thank you @Mark for upholding healthy, safe and legal guidelines here for all of us. My question was answered and I will consider this matter closed. Thanks! ♡
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    It all just sounds unethical to me. Making your own agreement and saying it superceeds the agreement on the site. Your prices also seem unethical. $80 an hour for cuddling is fine but $70 an hour for overnight when that other site charges $40 an hour for overnight. Also $70 an hour for video chat and $60 an hour for a phone calls when guys can go to rentafriend and get the same service for as low as $10 an hour. Also one of your rules states that the session begins when the cuddler walks in the room, shouldn't it begin when the cuddling begins? I have seen 17 professional cuddlers over the past two years and have never come across anything like this. I would never agree to any of it and I hope the industry isn't ruined by business models like this. I'm sorry if people get mad at me for speaking my mind but this is all ridiculous and some of these professionals have gone overboard.
  • [Deleted User]masterofcuddle (deleted user)
    edited February 2017
    I definitely agree with @morpheus. I have seen my fair share of cuddlers as well and I haven't had to sign anything either. Many times I've spoken to pros over the phone for FREE so that they can get to know me first before booking a session. After they have gotten to know me they feel comfortable and there is no need for a silly waiver. If you don't feel comfortable don't book the session. Also, this is a cuddling site. Why are you even offering phone and video chat ??? That's not part of this site. I'll follow the terms of the site but would never sign anything picked off the Internet by a Pro. I've gotten many massages over the years and never been asked for a driver''s license or signature ....why is this any different?
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    Deleted by user 
  • [Deleted User]cuddledingo (deleted user)

    So much hate and arguments on the forums lately. Let's all take a breath and stop jumping down each others throats for the silliest things. @Mark is going to have to change the site name to CuddleCombat soon!

    I'm 50/50 on this one.  I can see @JRose wants to protect herself and her business and the purpose of these documents is to make sure everyone is on the same page and legally obligated to not F around, but I can also see the other side which interferes with the heart of what cuddling is supposed to be as well as this site's policy, a client's privacy, and the straight up oddness of someone handing you a random document to sign in order to cuddle with them. I think most of these concerns @JRose has are usually brought up through conversation rather than a legal team, but hey... to each their own and you don't have to like it or hire her. For those that do and sign and are fine with it, great for them. This is really a non-issue unless CC has gripe with it because we, as users/clients, have the choice of hiring someone else.

    @JRose I don't know if you said that stuff about giving your ID to people just to not allow Morpheus to prove his point, but in today's day and age you shouldn't be giving your ID and info to random people no matter how trustworthy they seem. I work in a freelance market so fill out paperwork with companies all the time and I always extend my legal right to refuse giving them copies of my ID and SS card. Most of these knuckleheads file it in unlocked filing cabinets and then transfer them to banker boxes which go into storage and get forgotten. And that's from official businesses, so who knows what random client does. And if you have a bad experience with a client... well they have your ID and can screw you over. Do what you want with the paperwork if that makes you feel secure and helps your business, but please take my advice and don't give out copies of your ID. Just looking out for you.

  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    I'm very passionate about professional cuddling and believe in it very strongly. I don't mean to be rude but I am opinionated and hope to see the cuddle movement continue to grow. I'm sure I probably come across as rude sometimes but my intentions are good. 
  • [Deleted User]cuddledingo (deleted user)
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