Sending virtual hugs to everyone without a father today

If you don’t have a father due to death or estrangement I am sending you virtual hugs today. I lost my father at the age of three and don’t remember him, this has always been a tough holiday for me that I have been forced to celebrate with my uncle and with the fathers of the partners I have had over the years. I can’t mourn my father because I have no memories but I always feel a strange, sad void. I wish mother’s and father’s day exist.

For those of you that don’t have a father what are you doing today?


  • @xandriarain Sorry that you lost your dad so young. Hope those you celebrate with were father figures to you and helped fill at least a bit of the void. Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way.

  • @xandriarain Thank you for sharing about your father; I think you can mourn, even without can mourn the void in your life. Also, maybe you could try looking at Father's Day as an opportunity for a self-care day! Big hugs going out to you, missy, be gentle with yourself!

    I haven't spoken to my dad since I was a teenager, so Father's Day just doesn't exist for me, it's not even on my radar. I will be attending the Boulder group cuddle today, and I absolutely cannot wait!!!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @xandriarain thank you. Lost my dad 8 yrs ago. Sending hugs back to you. It's pretty much a normal day for me.

  • Hugs back to you @xandriarain I can't imagine that loss you had. Thank you for sharing.

  • Thank you @xandriarain I lost my dad when I was in college. He was only 48 and had an unexpected heart attack. I think about him frequently. I hope he would be proud of the man I’ve become.

  • Thanks, I sure miss my Dad, for the lucky ones that still have there dads with them, let him know how you feel, give him a hug today !!!!
    The one thing I regret to this day is not telling him how much he meant to me.
    I never told him I loved him or gave him a hug. It was because in our family no one ever showed affection and that went back to my grandmother. And it was ok at the time as that is what I grew up with.
    I didn’t start showing emotion and hugging until my 2nd marriage as the wife’s family was all about hugging when greeting each other.
    Happy Father’s Day to all Father’s!!!!!

  • edited June 2022


  • Lost my Dad just over two years ago. It never really gets better, just hurts a bit less with time.

  • I look forward to the day my dad dies. Could be another thirty years, alas. My condolences to those of you who had decent fathers, and miss them. I envy you a bit.

    I played Diablo 3 with Zwei today! It was fun.

  • [Deleted User]holdmelikeudo (deleted user)

    Thanks for the virtual hugs. My father has been absent for decades and dead for two

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