Photo request



  • Wow you all tore into that guy… for what this is supposed to be a service to make people feel better. Aren’t you all the pros. If so you would understand how to answer the question without making him feel like a perv. How about this reason based on the lack of professionalism, I need the picture to send to my friend along the the phone number and address for my safety. I have definitely been asked for a picture for that reason. Additionally a fresh picture proves that I was there with you in case something happens like you steal my wallet. You’re probably thinking why would I do that? Well that’s just what it feels like to be judged for something innocent. There were some well thought out responses this rant doesn’t apply to you. I’m sorry Danny!!! You feel like you can’t post anymore. Don’t judge everyone here. I have an amazing person I met on here. We see each other once a week. She texts me throughout the week to see how I am. On occasion when I go to pay she says keep it tonight Is on me. If I asked her for a picture she would gladly say yes. Btw I also have pictures with bartenders that have given good service, karaoke MCs , DJs. I’m actually in a picture on the wall at my massage therapist office with her. Grow up ladies and figure out the difference between a pervert and someone asking an innocent question. SMH

  • @shimmynets I am an enthusiast and I stand by my posts. I liked hearing your point of view though.

  • @shimmynets but it's not an innocent question. That's the whole problem.

  • @shimmynets
    Cool. You found someone who doesn't care if you take photos of them.
    I do.
    Many do.
    You don't have the slightest clue as to the sheer amount of disgusting and downright inappropriate requests we receive. So when we see red flags, we call them out.
    His request and the way he framed it as a "memento" screams "I'm probably going to pull one off to this later".
    Want a picture for safety? Just say that.
    Want a picture to remember an amazing experience? Say that.
    Don't put memento in quotations leaving your response ambiguous.

    I won't apologize for calling things as I see them.
    If he wanted to elaborate his innocent intentions and clear the air, he had the podium to do so. He got called out and left instead.

  • Like @CuddleDuncan said it is not an innocent question @shimmynets. And you don't understand the myriad things women have to put up with here.

  • @Rezz You say he could have stayed and defended himself. The first requirement for open and vulnerable communication is safety and compassion. He asked one question and everyone went off on him with attacks and judgment. I don't blame him for evac'ing. 🤷‍♀️ Frankly.

  • If you go back and read he did answer your question. He said as a memento. Memento does not necessarily equal spank bank. I have been in the medical field for a large portion of my life. I was an army nurse and I currently suffer from ptsd. When i was deployed my driver ran over an IED. 2 of us died and my and the driver got out with burns and ptsd. I share this not for you to feel sorry for us but to understand some of us are visual. Understand I am not defending Danny I am defending our right to ask questions to our “cuddle therapist “ and not to be made to feel small. I have a physical therapist that I could ask any question in the world and they would be able to answer it in a professional manner. If you want people to take this profession seriously then be professional. Yes there are sketchy people out there so use safety precautions. The proper answer for Danny would have sounded like this. “Hello Danny welcome to the PROFESSIONAL chat forum. First off I would like to thank you for your question. I am certain that there are probably other that have the same question. Myself personally I have a policy that I do not circulate any additional photos besides the ones I use on this site and for marketing. I sounds like you’ve seen your therapist a couple of times now and that would be totally up to her or his discretion. But Danny ultimately you have to understand this rule. The reason it works for the two of you and you had a second session is because you have made them feel comfortable. Cuddle therapy is a very intimate vulnerable process. Remember to always treat them respect and not jeopardize their comfort levels. Be well Danny and happy cuddling.” Very professional and the point was made. What I will tell you if I am bearing my soul to you in a paid session and I say hey do you mind if we take a pic because I just want to remember this moment as a good day and you make me feel like Jered from subway, I’m coming back to this forum to blast you lol. Understand I am not judging any one of you as professionals but please look out for your clients.

  • Just in case y’all think I’m a faceless dog trolling. This is me. I have my masters degree, own my own business and do well for myself.

  • @shimmynets awesome job on the example for a response. That was perfect. 🤗

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