Happy ♡ Day Cuddlers!

Wishing a happy day of love to everyone, or as I like to call it, Tuesday. (Every day is love day in my world!) ❤ Today I am thoughtful on how often we overlook sources of love that are around us in constant, abundant supply. What love sources do you have in your life that you might be taking for granted? Who or what could we be appreciating more? What gifts are we blocking ourselves from seeing & receiving? Romantic love is wonderful, but what about our overlooked friendships, co-workers, family members and support systems we have grown so accostomed to? What about our devoted furry friends that are always loving us so eagerly and unconditionally? I encourage you, especially when you are feeling alone or unloved, to open your eyes and look around you. You may be surprised to find there is a lot more love around than you realize, patiently waiting for you to simply let it in.

With love, always,
Jana ❤


  • Thank you greatly for such a wonderful and heartfelt message to any and everyone!
    There is nothing I can say to follow that up, but to say thank you and to second all the love that is given from it ^_^

  • [Deleted User]Victoria92 (deleted user)
    This is a beautiful message. Love really is everywhere, you just have to look for it. Love is shown in many ways. It may not be strictly the "I love you." it could be as simple as "Have you eaten?" or "Drive safe." It could be doing the dishes or holding someone's hand. Love is such a simple thing yet it gets so complicated. There are so many forms of love as you have mentioned. I'm sorry. I'm rambling on. I just love Love. It seems like an odd statement but I do. I think it is the most amazing thing in the world. No one understands it but everyone has it. Even if they themselves feel they have lost it, it has never really left. They might just not see it. I'll end here before I get too out of hand and stop making sense.
  • Aww this is beautiful, I was telling that to everyone all day yesterday. . Lots of people choose to see this world in black and white even loving this world that we live in is so satisfying. looking at the trees that provide us with oxygen to take satisfying deep inhalations, and relaxing exhalations, while admiring the tall mountains, and embracing all of the tiny life forms that make up this amazing world. I loved your last sentence " You may be surprised to find there is a lot more love around than you realize, patiently waiting for you to simply let it in." its so beyond true.
  • Thank you beautiful friends for sharing your thoughts & adding even more value to this message. Just wonderful, LOVE it! ♡♡♡
  • [Deleted User]NJCuddleDevil (deleted user)
    Sometimes love just needs a little money thrown at it.  Sort of like I need a little coffee to get started in the morning.
  • Coffee costs money! So do cozy, snuggly beds...
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