What is your ideal age range for cuddlers?

I'm 41. 25-60 for me. If I were to narrow it down - 35 on the low end (ideal for having similar life experiences and understanding pop references) and 55 bc of age, wisdom, and life experience. If I had a choice, I'd rather cuddle with someone around my age or older (exceptions can be made- not for much younger folks!). And you?

Also: please respect people's preferences without accusing others.



  • Depends where I'm looking on the planet, to be honest. For instance, in a heavily red state I tend to avoid older cuddlers (60 and up) because they're more likely to be bigoted against people like me than they are in blue states.

    In extremely blue states I typically avoid younger cuddlers (18–25) because they're more likely to have no personal experience with being bigoted, and thus less likely to be understanding when I mess up and say or do something that reveals exactly how stupid the things I was taught as a kid are (I still haven't unlearned it all).

    These are just preferences, though: in practice, it's not really the age that matters to me. I just use it as a probability filter to cut down on how much work I've gotta do to find a safe cuddle.

    Exceptions very much apply.

  • @DaringSprinter Looks like you put in a lot of thought, which probably translates to you being a good cuddler!

    "Know thyself." -Socrates

  • edited July 2022

    I had a little think about this. The youngest person I've cuddled was 43 years younger than me. Not sure about the oldest. Certainly 30 years older, perhaps more.

    In the context of the modern cuddle community, the youngest was 19 and the oldest... mid/late sixties I think. They both fell asleep in my arms so .... not much difference really.

    @DaringSprinter I love your phrase 'probability filter'. I've been looking for an easy way to say that for years.

  • As long as they are over the age of 18 then I have No issues with age.

  • Good stuff.

  • Because the choices are limited by forces I can't control (my own age and the available members), age is not a primary filter. Politics doesn't enter into it as it's a topic to avoid.

    I actually like learning something new so a generation gap is an opportunity to broaden my perspective.

    Anyone 30 years or older is fine. That's already half my age, let's make ideal 40. LOL

  • 18-35 is good for me and it doesn’t matter where they are from I don’t generalize or have prejudices against people based on where they live, I thinks that’s bigoted and myopic.

  • I guess +/-10 years my own age is reasonable personally so I'd say 20-40. But as long as they're mature it's probably ok.

  • edited July 2022

    @cylee1180: I sure hope it does! At the very least I figure being self-aware, knowing what you want and (in order of priority) how important it is for you to get each thing you want... I figure it can't hurt. Helps with communication, at least.

    @CuddleDuncan: "Probability filter" is a very useful term!

    Because absolutes tend to be few and far in between, and it's virtually always a terrible mistake to lump an entire group under a single stereotype, but you are more likely to find readers in libraries.... (Or, in states with established bigotry in their local government, bigots among the folks who were of voting age when those laws and so on were getting voted into place....)

    The important thing is to be aware that probability is not certainty, and so when a lovely person of any age from any place pops up, why, I'm happy!

    ...This may seem obvious, but preferring one thing doesn't mean automatically rejecting everything else.

  • I would cuddle any age 18 and older. Age does not mean much but positive energy/acceptance does!

  • Anyone 18+ is good.

    I would be far more concerned with mental stabiliy and rational thinking than age.

  • edited July 2022

    Age doesn’t matter to me. I had a 9 year old niece that would cuddle up with me. She died of cancer :(

    And I’ve also cuddled 50+ year old people from here

  • Ideally I'd like to cuddle with a women the same age as I am. I don't just mean 33 ( my age ) I'd want her to have the same birthday, born the exact same time I was. If nothing else I think that would be an interesting conversation. This is highly unlikely and cuddles are hard to come by so realistically it would be any age 18 to 99.

  • @DaringSprinter My friends have a word for being self aware: "Skynet." E.g. - I became Skynet at age 16.

    Glad yall know what ya want.

  • edited July 2022

    @Nickoli Amusing and intriguing idea. I wish you would find that. And report back, of course. Lol.

  • @achetocuddle Is your hug vice-like? Lol

  • edited July 2022

    I'm 41 and had my age preference set 30-65 and recently changed it to 25-100. Not even sure why I selected 25, for some reason I think going younger than that would make me feel like a total creeper or make me feel old as hell. :#

    Previously I thought it would be strange to cuddle someone much older than me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized age equals experience and lots of great stories. I changed my mind after reading @GreatHornedOwl and @Btown contributions on the forum. I think it really comes down to the connection, I think I would cuddle with any age if I clicked with the person.

  • [Deleted User]SoulParaTodos (deleted user)

    Age matters not to me. 18 and above

  • All! I'm an older pro cuddler and I used to see middle aged and elderly (mainly) men and now I see Gen Z and up to all ages. I think a lot of people want to feel the maternal comfort of being held and squeezed tight.

  • The general consensus here seems to be that age really doesn't matter. That's as it should be with a strictly platonic activity like cuddling. Unfortunately, I don't really believe that it's true. I'm 80, and after eight months, I can count on the fingers of one hand, the number of women who were willing to even engage in conversation with me. I don't think that there's anything in my profile that drives women away. I don't think that it's an inability of me to construct a coherent sentence. I can only attribute my age to explain most local women's lack of willingness to communicate with me.

    @SCityCuddler I'm glad that I may have been somewhat instrumental in causing you to see the light. Thank you. I wish that some of the women near me might also see the light, but so far, I haven't noticed anybody else from the Chicago area being active on the forums.

    @Mare_Bear You're not even close to being older ;)

  • edited July 2022

    Removed link [reurbo]

  • @GreatHornedOwl Well you do a lot of traveling, maybe we could figure something out. I'd be honored to cuddle with you. I absolutely enjoy all your stories!

  • @WestYorkie Link won't open. Have to be a member.

  • So I believe initially, I put 25-68. Like @SCityCuddler, @Btown's sweet spirit and flawless sense of humor caused me to raise my cap upwards to 70, then 73, then finally 75, because I mean come on, who wouldn't want to cuddle that man?!

    The reason I had it start at 25 was because I just figured I could relate better to people who weren't toooo terribly young, but again, as I met people on this site who were 22 and similar, I realized I had zero problem relating to them, so I lowered it to 20. I have not lowered it to 18 because that just feels a little too much like "I'll do anything that's legal!" and that creeps me out a bit. I have dated a 19-year-old in the past, so I have no issues with teenagers, I just think it's a bit creepy to choose the lowest possible legal age, if that makes sense. No offense meant to anyone who puts 18+, this is just my personal decision.

    The reason I had an upper cap was because when I joined, I asked myself to honestly envision cuddling with my grandparents if I wasn't related to them, and it just seemed a bit odd. I really think ageism sucks, and in general I believe age shouldn't matter, but I still found the thought of cuddling my grandfather on a bed to be strange. However, I will likely continue to raise my age cap as time goes on.

    So clearly I still have personal work to do regarding age, even though, again, generally I say and feel that age doesn't and shouldn't matter. But there's my honest answer.

    My current age range listed on this site is 20-75. This is simply a general comfort level as I currently see things, but it will likely expand as I gain more cuddle experience. It is certainly not a "rule" or a boundary, by any means.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • edited July 2022

    @achetocuddle - Needs strong, unbrittle skeletal composition!

    @SunsetSnuggles So thoughtful and open. That's why you and Clay Aiken are my goats 🐐.

  • edited July 2022

    @cylee1180 🤣 Oh my gosh, you kill me. What on earth does that mean? Maybe I can't relate to 41-year olds, damn... 😜

    I also wanted to say that the reason my age range is so wide is because I don't think having things in common matters, isn't that what makes conversation interesting? In a similar vein, I see it as a tiny bit of a red flag when I see people with very narrow age ranges near their own age, because it smacks a bit of dating interest, though this may not be the case, again, it's just something that makes me go, "Hmm." Just being honest.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • My cuddle partners have ranged in age from 18 to 70. I'll turn 61 soon.

  • @CallMeMikey You look great for 61!

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