Question for the ladies

What are women looking for here? Just a cuddle or are you looking to have someone to talk to?


  • Different people want different things. See the most recent post of CuddleWho on the Seems Like Everyone Wants to Get Paid to Cuddle Thread.

    Above all you have to be authentic and not try to follow a formula.

  • I, personally, look for friends. I may someday cuddle them, but that is secondary to creating a meaningful connection.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • edited August 2022

    I'm here for all the things!! The friending, messaging, talking, laughing, cuddling, snacking, snuggling, TVing, hugging, holding hands, even the, "Dang it! Why do all my favorite people live so far away?" pout-pout-festing, and the forum interactings too. ♡

    typos ~ whoops

  • I'm here for the cuddles! I'm an introvert so I don't need to talk at all. Obviously, I will hold a conversation if I need to but my main goal in life is to cuddle as much as possible. I love it! I'm thinking I was deprived as a child so I'm making up for it now. 😆

  • @achetocuddle good point. Being authentic is certainly important. Rather than trying to be something you are not. And yes; everyone is different. And has different needs.

  • edited August 2022

    For me, cuddling has the potential to be both physically and emotionally intimate and vulnerable. So, I won't cuddle just anyone. I want there to be some level of connection, which can range from mutual interests or values to talk about, to just a good energetic feeling. That usually does time some conversation to figure out. I do not match well with those who want to skip the figuring out part and are good to go straight to cuddling.

  • [Deleted User]thespookiestace (deleted user)

    I can only speak for myself but I’m aligned with @SunsetSnuggles, I’m here to find friends who can be cuddle buddies. I won’t be comfortable with cuddling until I’ve gotten to know someone

  • edited August 2022

    I am here to make friends and maybe see a friendship turn into a potential cuddle buddy. I am loving the community here and have already had awesome conversations with some really sweet people. I am shy and reserved and really trying to be more outgoing, and in my short time here I have stepped out of my comfort zone (and into another one) more times than I have in probably the last 10 years of my life combined. I have read many kind words about me here in the forums and it just fills my heart with joy. Thank you all 🥰

    Edit: Haha I just realized this question is for the ladies. My apologies.

  • I concer with @Charlie_Bear

    I look for good conversations, people I connect with ( total introvert) and the very few that I let my emotional barriers down for and become genuine friends.

    With those few individuals I have let into my personal world we have hit it off not only as cuddle buddies but friends who plan outings, send silly memes and texts, cook dinners, work projects together and have shared bucket list dreams that we are planning vacations around.

    Imagine having all that and know where boundaries and expectations are. I found it, and so have they. It makes the world a less harsh place for me.

  • @Charlie_Bear You're shy? Lol. Just playing with you. You are doing a good job stepping out of your comfort zone. I liked your open-hearted post.

  • I’m here for the cuddles

  • @achetocuddle haha yeah I actually am like really shy. BUT I have learned to power through it and I am pretty impressed with myself how it’s not so obvious anymore. Though I’m still screaming at myself in my head because I am so embarrassed of pretty much everything I do 😂

  • I’m looking for both, but the people (men) who’ve reach out are treating this site as one for dating. When I signed up as a Pro, one guy seemed upset & commented how he thought we made a connection. I thought the same, but nothing other than friendship & cuddling. WHAT?! 😳

    We were talking & the only thing I wanted was a friend to cuddle. When I explained to him in a very straight-forward way, I didn’t hear back right away. He did respond & it’s always with flirtatious remarks. I keep the conversation short & not as sweet as I think he wants.

  • I came for platonic cuddles and to talk, and if I expand my pool of friends, then that is a bonus.

    I think when I signed up I didn't fully understand the level of negotiation this would possibly require. I post in the forum, but decided to mute my profile because the number of messages I received was overwhelming, and having to clarify and set boundaries over and over again became tiresome. The process of communication with others has helped me better understand myself and why I joined. It has also helped me weed out prospective cuddle partners who do not match my needs or want to follow the group rules the way I do. So now I try and focus on communicating with one or two people at a time, otherwise I get overwhelmed.

    Also, I am forever thankful for @CuddleDuncan, @SunsetSnuggles, and @Babichev for their posts on being a new to CC and the posts on getting started. Their post have been illuminating and also helped me better understand my own process in this environment.

  • @TNNative Aww, yay! hugs Thanks so much!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @TNNative just want to validate how overwhelming it can be as an enthusiast in the forums - I was in a similar spot a few years ago, and it was a lot! Good on you for finding ways to make the site work for you.

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