Platonic soulmates

Do you believe soulmates are real and can you have many soulmates?

  1. I have never had a soulmate.48 votes
    1. I have met my soulmate.
    2. I have many soulmates.


  • No and yes.

  • Yes and yes. 🤗🌸🦋

  • Unusual topic, strangely phrased, but I'll bite.

    Sounds like you're talking about a QPR (queerplatonic relationship), and yes, poly is a thing some people are. Lots of people, probably, when it's platonic love we're talking about.

    Also: soul no, psyche yes. There can absolutely be more than one person whose psyche meshes so well with yours that it feels like you were made to spend time together.

    Me, I'm happy with just the one. But yes, multiples are possible.

  • edited August 2022

    No I do not believe in soulmates. Be nice if they did exist , however I just don't have the romanticism about life to put into existential theories about life and love and spirit world and grand design and destiny and yadda yadda . I've had relationships with people who I thought were made for me and then things change, feelings shift , and it falls apart . It is nice when you have it but this notion of soul mate is a bunch of hooey

  • I believe in multiple soul mate. Only one twin flame.

  • I think I’ve met people who were as close as you can get if they weren’t soulmates.

  • I believe in soul mates and twin flames, but have not encountered either in this lifetime.

  • Idk. I have been poly for many years and I consider many platonic friendships to be part of my "constellation" if you will, but there is one person that fits me in such an unusual and perfect way. Is there just one person? I don't think so, but it certainly was hard to find this one person for me and it's hard to think that I would be willing to put forth the effort again. Dating is exhausting!

  • @Nature_Lover_ is my soulmate. 😂

  • @simsaddict bool a session 🤪

  • @Nature_Lover_ and @simsaddict why arent you 2 in Utah, I would love to book a session with you both 😁

  • Piggybacking off of @DaringSprinter , this definitely sounds like QPPs (Queer Platonic Partners) or PLPs (Platonic Life Partners) to me. :)

    I, personally, have a QPP I have cohabitated with for 10 years (we just bought a house this month together, lol). I used to call him my Platonic Soulmate before I found the terms QPP and PLP supplied by the Queer and Polyamorous communities. I think Platonic Life Partner is easiest to understand from an outsider's point of view, though I prefer the term Queer Platonic Partner since, as we are both on the Asexual Spectrum, I feel it fits better.

    I am polyamorous whereas he is, essentially, monogamous (he's AroAce, so romantic relationship lingo doesn't really apply). In theory, there could be another Platonic Soulmate/QPP/PLP out there for one or either of us, but we haven't encountered them, yet. Here's hoping! :D

  • I have a few friends I would consider to be my soulmates. The kind that, upon meeting, there was an instant 'click' and things easily flowed like we'd known each other our whole lives.
    As time goes by, we often drop out of eachother's day to day for a bit (weeks, months, longer), but when we next talk it's like no time has passed and we're right back where we were.
    Ultimately, my true/most bestest friends are my soul's mates.

  • I think first one would have to define what one means by “soul mate” or “twin flame” or whatever one wants to call it. Then I’d like to know exactly how one would recognize that person? How often have we seen someone who was certain they had met their soul mate and a year later they were no longer together? I once met a guy who told his friends, shortly after we met, that I was perfect for him, we had so much in common. Not long down the road he complained to his same friends that we had nothing in common. If there is someone who is ideal for us I think it’s probably something that can only be identified at the end of our lives or, at the very least, after a couple of decades. I’ve seen friends who considered other friends “family” only to eventually kick them out of their “family” or completely lose interest in them. This is why I don’t trust any of these labels.

    I think there are others with whom we are more and less compatible. Maintaining any kind of relationship takes work. To find a friend or romantic partner with whom that comes relatively easily and with whom we can sustain it over years and decades and our entire lives is rare. When you find it, treasure it.

  • My soul mates:

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    My answer depends on exactly what you mean by soulmate, but if you mean someone you have a kind of uniquely strong spiritual connection with then no I don't believe in that. If you just mean someone you're very close to, then yes I do.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    Those with a foot fetish have sole mates.

  • @Btown You may have missed your comedic calling! Lol.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @achetocuddle Humor is my only salvation.

  • edited August 2022

    Soul mates are universal across every gender, preference, expectation, intersectional and unlimited.

  • @Btown Say it ain't so! I know what you mean tho. Without humor I might not have made it to retirement. Lol. Playing dumb once in a great while did not hurt either :)

    If there are any kind of soulmates, I think at least 50% of humans never meet one. This is based on observation and listening only. The people that have come closest for me were not from my area and I did not have much in common with them. I'm kinda glad for the mistakes I made that indadvertently caused me to meet them. Sometimes life saved me from myself :)

  • Prompted by what @achetocuddle wrote about 50% of humans never meet a soul mate ... I wonder .... perhaps we miss recognizing our soulmates because until we make a conscious choice to really know ourselves we don't really know ourselves. If we don't know ourselves, how can we recognize our soul in another?

  • @TNNative I don't disagree with that. I would not be surprised if there aren't several reasons why people don't meet a soulmate/soulmates if they exist. I do know that until you know yourself you can't hardly do anything. I wish more parents and guardians would tell children how important it is to make a conscious effort to know yourself. I don't think some of them know.

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