What can I do in case I get an erection, so it doesn't get awkward?

So far, I have only got to cuddle with my blanked, but still, sometimes I do get an erection, especially if I drift off and nearly fall asleep. My blanked doesn't care, but a human might, so im wondering what I can do to prevent it or what I should do if it happens.

Thank y'all for your answers



  • edited August 2022

    It's been a while since one of these threads popped up.

    Don't draw attention to it. Switch positions and/or take a break.

  • Oh wow, it's a genuine, brand-new, honest-to-gosh boner thread! Haven't seen one of those in a while. @pmvines will be so pleased. Anyway, here are the standard answers:

    • You can try blowing off steam beforehand.

    • If it happens anyway, change positions so nothing's poking anybody and wait for it to go away.

    • If it comes to it, go take a break and cool down.

    • Don't encourage it (obviously).

  • Oh boy when i was a……, …… that….. all the time.

    Just adjust and practice some deep breathing techniques.

    Puppies and orange soda.

  • I have to be straight, sometimes you have to stick to the plan.

  • Chop it off.

  • It’s a perfectly natural thing. If anyone suggests to ‘change positions’ or ‘put a pillow between’ that’s first class body shaming. But then again, keep it respectful.

  • edited August 2022

    @SilenceMe I think a person has a right to request someone to remove their genitals from making contact with their body. It can depend on the situation and position, but that should never be "not an option." In the end, it's about respecting boundaries.

  • edited August 2022

    This is unacceptable. While yes, it is a natural thing, the majority would agree to help keep things platonic if someone gets aroused during a session by either taking a break or readjusting to a different position so no one is touching or being touched by a male arousal. [reurbo]

  • For me, the most important thing is, that we can keep cuddling. If the other person wants a pillow between us, sure, so be it. As long as we can stay snug it's fine with me.

  • I'd like to have someone I might meet up with lay on my chest, seems like the best position to me. Im 6'5 they are 5'1 im not sure if that's gonna be a bit awkward. But I guess in that case, we'd just switch positions.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    Nothing worse than an awkward erection as opposed to a standard one.

  • edited August 2022

    @ArmasF31 I think you have the right attitude! Good luck!

    @SilenceMe Best of luck with your cuddles!

    @Btown The standard issued one is intents, but you have to check with your partner so that you don't blow it.

  • ...I'd argue that if you're poking somebody with your dick, you don't need to talk about it to draw attention to it. Forget thrusting, even just holding it there and refusing to move it is non-platonic!

    What is this, @SilenceMe: the cuddle version of soaking?

  • @SilenceMe touching somebody with your genitals isn't merely non-platonic, it's borderline assault. And it's categorically against the ethos and rules of this site.

    Suggesting a new position or putting a cushion in the affected area are standard responses in the cuddling world. They are not body shaming. It's just noticing and responding to a change in circumstance.

  • "touching somebody with your genitals isn't merely non-platonic, it's borderline assault. And it's categorically against the ethos and rules of this site."

    That is exactly why I'm asking. As I wrote in my first text, it just happens whenever I get really relaxed, and I don't want it to be uncomfortable for my partner.

  • Just rub one out prior to the session. It’s much easier than fighting human nature.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @ArmasF31 Try some laughter to lose an erection. When my partner laughs at me I am done.

  • @Btown I always like to have a sense of humor - so I check myself in the mirror every morning ...

  • I have only got to cuddle with my blanked

    @ArmasF31 How does your blanket feel about these erections? Does it still stack with the other blankets or is it withdrawn and wadded up and disheveled in a corner? If it’s the latter, you both need help.

  • edited August 2022

    @SilenceMe - Peeing is natural. It doesn't mean it's acceptable to just whip it out and go wherever you please.

  • Having good discussion and talking with your partner or whoever your cuddling with can help distract and keep your mind off erotic and naughty things even when your basically grinding up against your cuddle partner. Or like someone said take care of that once or twice before your session.

  • @Mike403: Armas knows. SilenceMe apparently doesn't.

    If only their pictures would load!

  • @DaringSprinter - Tagged the wrong person. I'm at work and was a little distracted.

  • @Mike403: I almost did that earlier. Their pictures aren't loading for me and these two images—

    —are easy to mix up.

  • Puppies and orange soda.

    @BashfulLoner Imagine puppies that are teething. Then that erection makes like a scared turtle.

  • @Mike403 when you cuddle with a woman, are her boobs pressing against your body? According to your theory, you’d need to adjust position immediately. Right?

  • @DaringSprinter oh it’s you again.

  • @SilenceMe - Yes, if she asks you to. I don't know why we're even having this discussion. If your cuddle partner is feeling uncomfortable, you change positions or leave.

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