What can I do in case I get an erection, so it doesn't get awkward?



  • @SilenceMe: It is me again! And this is the first I've heard of boobs changing state so obviously that it'd be feelable during a cuddle. I had no idea an aroused boob was so different from an unaroused boob!

  • @CuddleDuncan in a cuddle session, body parts are bound to come into contact. It’s how you behave in those situations that matters. Assault is when you whip your dick out and pull a Harvey Weinstein.

  • Boobs shouldn't even really be a sex organ. They're meant to feed babies.

  • @SilenceMe - Assault is ANY unwanted touching. Do you understand the concept of consent when it comes to cuddling?

  • @DaringSprinter exactly. A woman might be getting aroused from her boobs pressing against someone and no one but her would know. And nipples do get hard.

  • edited August 2022

    @Mike403: Besides which, it's not like a boob changes obviously when its owner becomes aroused. If the nipples hardened so much they actually reached out and stabbed you, well, that would be different!

    ...Or if they twitched uncontrollably. Left damp gooey spots on things.

    Yeeeaah, if they did any of that I think changing positions so they weren't touching a platonic cuddle partner would be a very good idea.

    Not moving them would be borderline sexual assault.

  • @Mike403 like I said, personally, I wouldn’t cuddle with anyone that will make that a big deal. You can cuddle with someone who will, if that’s what you want.

  • @SilenceMe when a woman’s boobs press against your body, does it make you uncomfortable?

    If so, most reasonable cuddle partners would be glad to make an adjustment if you mentioned your discomfort and it’s cause. It’s easy to reposition.

    For many women (and dare I say men as well) an erection pressing into your body is an uncomfortable feeling. You would be making an adjustment as a good willed and considerate partner. This isn’t a matter of shaming. Just a matter of consideration.

  • Im honesty thinking @SilenceMe Is being a troll, I hope no one is that blatantly stupid to think he's going to find a cuddle partner on here who is fine with an erect dick pressing into their back or butt.

  • Welp, looks like @SilenceMe has been outvoted! Voting has ended. Thank you, everybody.

  • Locking this thread as well. Unlike the Cuddle Soaking thread, this one started out asking something that occasionally newer site members will ask, but it has since spiraled into something else entirely which is not appropriate or helpful to the OP.

This discussion has been locked.