Why do so many men not have profile photos?



  • Personally I don't have it because of my job. I don't put my picture for any social media or online activities in case a student comes across it.

  • edited October 2022

    there's nothing to judge bc adult entertainment is not morally wrong

    You were judging the poster’s reason for not having a photo because of his co-workers. You did this repeatedly. Then you insinuate he is done other things more “naughty” on other sites. It is judgmental. Why the big to-do over his reasons over and over? He doesn’t want to post a picture. He could be a dude with a swastika tattoo covering his face. We don’t know. It is their choice, yet you seem to be against it.

    Just having a discussion about reasons like you. I don’t care what someone’s reasons are because they have a reason. You seem to be on a crusade to discredit his decision.

  • edited October 2022

    @FunCartel Well, you can flag it - it's in your power to do so. Otherwise, it's impossible to reach an understanding without expression and a back and forth. Clarifying reasons does not sound like I'm trying to debunk anyone.

    In fact, I even used statistics and logic to support the chances that someone you know will join a niche community.

    I mean the DC Maryland Virginia metropolitan area has about 6.5 million pple. There are about 45 enthusiasts that live within 25 miles of me and about 75 that live within 50 miles.

    That's approximately 0.00115% people in my locale of 6.5 million people that are actively participating as enthusiasts in the area.

    • There's a 1 out of 4,292 chance, or 0.023% chance of getting hit by a car - so there's a higher chance of getting hit by a moving vehicle then for someone to out you
      ‐ There's less than a 1 out 1,000,000 chance of getting hit by lightening - so someone will sooner find you before you get hit by lightening

    So @FunCartel and @zerocantaloupe both discussed community members and jobs that won't take some folks' participation in this community in graceful way. That's fair - I was wondering if that is specific to the group, to the individual, or to men or men in specific social/professional situations? I ask, bc women have not stated this as a concern even though they also hold important community and professional positions or have equal chances of being found out. Or, do the women that don't have pictures have the same, equal, or a completely different reason for not posting pictures?

    Food for thought.

  • edited October 2022

    @cylee1180 When you use statistics to shame a person for their personal choices and right to privacy you are not as you stated “Clarifying reasons”. Besides most people here do not live in the DC Metro area and there are people that come on the site as new members and delete on the same day. You might never know. I agree with @CuddleWho—-if you can’t see what is wrong with what you are doing then it is pointless to even talk to you. I can’t cure your blindness. Respect the choices of others. Pretty simple.

  • I am always surprised when I see these kind of threads pop up . Nobody has to explain why they do or dont post pics, and it is downright arrogant piety to assume that your opinion of what someone else chooses to do re this even matters .

  • edited October 2022

    @FunCartel Of course you're backing him up. It's a clear confirmation bias. Lol There wasn't much of a discussion, but there was selective listening and selective responses to what they thought were weak points in the argument to avoid actual discussion and a rage quit. With all the discussion of science and logic on this forum, I thought we can actually have a conversation without people getting defensive, manipulative, and aggressive. I mean, women (both pros and enthusiasts) are constantly under attack on the forums and talked over and such, and they're usually fairly even keel and responsive and logical in their responses.

  • edited October 2022

    I have my pictures up but none of them show my face and I’m a cuddle pro… so it’s not just the men. I work a very important job and it would be very bad if the company I work for knew I was on this site… bottom line is many people have zero understanding of platonic cuddling is and most would think it’s weird or something worse especially living in Las Vegas. I think most people are just wanting discretion when not showing their face more then anything else, although I do believe after trust is established and a cuddle session is for sure going to occur then of course I show my face and expect the same in return from the person I will be cuddling with.

  • Does it really even matter wether men or women have pics in their profile...at the end of the day its between me and the cuddler, nobody else...if the pro ask i send if not i dont....plus it makes it fun when the pro is curious as to who his this hunk of a man with so many Excellent karmas like myself 🙂🙂🙂.....by the time people finish reading my post im very sure ill be seeing people dropping by to read my profile it never fails lmao

  • edited November 2022

    Does it really even matter wether men or women have pics in their profile...at the end of the day its between me and the cuddler, nobody else...

    @carino Precisely. It is a choice and not fodder for someone’s faux scientific discussion on a thread. Well said. It is no one’s business except for whomever they choose to disclose their business to.

  • @pmvines Spot on. People’s choices should be respected.

  • Facts and discussion are pushing boundaries. Got it. No comparisons allowed. Got it. First rule about profile pics is don't talk about profile pics. Got it.

  • Now your learning cylee1180..good job son

  • @cylee1180 it is just a pointless argument is all I'm saying. Personal choices and what is best for that person is always subjective, but in the end who cares what anybody thinks about their decision. Nothing to get upset over . In the end , my opinion about your opinion about any of this doesnt matter either ....

  • I think what it comes down to is, does the fact some people don't have pics on their profile hurt you somehow? And if not, why does it matter? Seems like there are plenty of other things to be concerned about.

  • @WriterGF I just take exception to people assuming the worst of men all the time, like what the original post did. This may be because of the trauma I've gone through.

  • The ones I've asked are married.

  • Earlier in the thread a poster stated he doesn't post a profile photo because he thinks his friends would find his involvement with this site to be weird. I respect each person's choice to do as they please, but...

    First, I don't think needing human touch is weird, especially when work life and other obligations dominate one's time to such a point that it prevents the development of a romantic relationship. Over the past couple years I've met potential dates for coffee/lunch and it became clear I didn't have the time to devote to them that they would deserve. And they are 100% correct.

    Second, I don't visit or sign up for anything online that I would be embarrassed for an immediate family member or the feds to know.

    Third, I don't particularly like photos of myself, but I'm on here to meet and cuddle women in person, and I bet it's virtually impossible to do so without a photo or two.

  • edited November 2022

    Honestly I can’t figure out how come my photo doesn’t show up in the messages here as an a avatar
    does anyone know how I can fix it?

    I had to insert it into the message

  • @Tom2019 That’s you. Doesn’t mean your way is the only way. I do not have any photos of myself on my profile yet I have no problem meeting enthusiasts or pros. I do what a lot of guys do that don’t have a profile photo—I send one with the first message. No big deal.

  • Well said funcartel ,besides my pic is only for that cuddler only, not for the entire people to see, besides who knows what wacko lurks in these sites they can use my pic and post it on their profile pretending to be me lmao..... What I'm about to say has nothing to do with the discussion on hand put the discussion on hand but I would like to point out that in my hay days I've come across cuddlers that that had their pics posted on their profile and when it came down to meet them in person they do not look nothing like the picture they have posted in their profile if anything these pics were few yrs back 🤣🤣🤣

  • I realize this is irrelevant, but all this reminded me of how eHarmony in the early years didn't allow photos up front. They matched you with someone and you had to get through three phases of written communication before you were allowed to see the person's photo.

  • @FunCartel That might be me, I don't know. I've had a photo of myself on my profile since day one on CC. I was just surmising from other posts/threads that some folks have trouble meeting cuddlers w/o having a photo. But I don't know that for a fact -- I haven't tried it.

    @carino That's a good point about having a photo hijacked by someone else. That's a good reason for someone not to want to post their photo. On your other point, I agree that photos (should one use them) ought to be current. All of my photos are from Summer 2021, except the salmon pic.

  • Yep it should and ought to be a current foto of yourself, now don't get me wrong I understand that everyone wants to put there best pic of themselves I get it but still not putting a current pic of yourself is misleading and I know I'm not the only one that came across this .. The same could be said about old pics not being current it's because it's their best pic when they were younger more vibrant and didn't put on a few lbs over the years just for the almighty dollar..and yes that's right I said it and let it be known

  • Be proud and happy of what you currently look now and not what you looked like 10yrs ago

  • @carino How can I be proud of what I look like when I get ghosted instantly after giving women a picture on this site and others?

    I don’t like platitudes. I’d rather just accept reality.

  • Well zerocantaloupe ,enthusiasts and pros get ghosted all the time your not alone everyone has been ghosted at least once or never showed up for the cuddling session, or never respond to your messages with or without pics don't let roadblocks like that get in the way..look at it this way your the mature one for reaching out to a pro for a session pic or not .they are the immature ones for not having the same courtesy by responding back

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