Tips on a better experience?

Hello! I have some experience with cuddling and helping the other person feel at ease with talking to them. Is there any small tips anyone would like to share so the hour or two does not seem so boring or stale to the client?


  • edited September 2022

    I was wondering about this; how often people here (either pros or clients or enthusiasts) have experienced sessions that seem to drag on, or as you state, are boring or stale. I've had a few. But with my regular (pro) cuddle friend the opposite is our experience. No matter how long session is the time flies right by and we cuddle basically 1x per week since June and the sessions just get better and better, endless effortless conversations and amazing cuddles every time. I'm very greatful!

  • @HalfMoxie , you might want to wait and see how many clients you get before you worry about sessions getting boring.

  • @dungeondrummer Yes thank you for the input! Im sure if you connect with the person you are with, time will fly by. I guess I just need more experience with people to see what things I can improve on and do.

  • I do not find cuddle sessions boring. I’m there to cuddle, not do anything else. If the session is boring, it means it has gone on for too long.

  • Sometimes all you need to do is be present and silent to give the person space to process their own thoughts and feelings

  • I find fog machines and laser lights always keep them on their toes.

  • @HalfMoxie Over the course of my platonic cuddle experience I've come to recognize a few key words (e.g., healing, vulnerable, calming, centered, etc., etc. ) in the profiles of folks I reach out to cuddle with because that's the type of restorative energy I'm looking for in a session.

    Once I finally figured how to communicate what I was looking for to my cuddle partners, my mostly 2 hour sessions pass all too quickly.

    Hope this helps.

  • I am struggling with something lately and I don’t know how to get help with this. I actually reached out to a moderator and but she didn’t reply, which made me feel that my question is somehow inappropriate. If it is, please tell me!
    I can’t be the only Pro who has ever felt the need to be cuddled! Or am I doing this whole thing wrong? In my sessions, I’m the Giver. I’ve watched many videos on Professional Platonic therapudic cuddling and used those as guides. I am almost never receiving arms around me in any way. I’m realizing this is starting to really get to me. I feel empty, sad, needy, a little depressed after the sessions.
    A friend told me recently that cuddling is hurting me, and I should stop. But I really love it and feel I’m doing a lot of good. How do I feel something in return since my Cuddlers are paying me? I asked one Client and he seemed surprised and it became awkward.
    I want to know if I’m allowed to contact an Enthusiast for mutual unpaid cuddling? I really would like some input.

  • @carrieanne I definitely don’t see why not, we as the professional cuddlers should be givers in my opinion. If it were the other way around I’d feel like our clients would be paying to take care of our needs when that’s not the objective. I think cuddling an enthusiast could be beneficial, or another option would be supporting our other m/f pros for a paid session with you being the guest.

  • @carrieanne Pros receiving in sessions is controversial. Pros are expected to be in a good mental state and able to focus on clients, to deliver the kind of no-drama cuddle experience they expect given the amount they pay.

    You are indeed allowed to cuddle enthusiasts for free, according to the FAQ:

    Can a professional still cuddle for free?
    Yes, on rare occasions. But they should be very clear about this in messages to the client so as to reduce the chance of a moderator finding the activity suspicious, then make a booking with a $0 custom price.

    Some pros offer other pros free cuddles to recharge, so perhaps you could try that.

    Personally I enjoy giving and supporting others when they need it, but surely not every client wants to do that, and even for me I would not be happy if a pro was expecting that during a paid session.

  • edited October 2022

    @carrieanne the question is not inappropriate. But the mods are very busy and sometimes things get missed or lost.

    It's completely normal for a professional to feel the need of their own cuddle. In fact there is a thread about this on the General board right now. (Depression sucks...) From your post is sounds like you are doing things right. You are the giver, the carer. And that is emotionally exhausting.

    Seeking reciprocal support from clients is potentially problematic because it breaks boundaries. Even if it doesn't upset the client at the time it can still end in tears.

    @cde123's advice on cuddling enthusiastically(??!) is correct. If you want to go down that road I suggest you search for suitable candidates and approach them. Be very clear about what you have in mind. If the person has approached you then you are immediately into boundary issues. You're still left with the problem that enthusiast cuddling is meant to be mutual: 50-50. So you'll still be doing caring.

    What you really need is a cuddle from a professional as @SSRe suggests. Some professionals do indeed do mutual sessions with each other, but in your shoes I would consider acting as a client and hiring a professional in the same way as any other client does. This keeps the boundaries nice and clear, and - with luck - will give you the support that you need.

  • @CuddleDuncan , @cde123 thank you both for very helpful advice! Just knowing of the options makes me feel better/and very supported. The Forums have become my go-to spot now. I think it was not knowing I had options to receive cuddles that was getting to me.
    Most of the time I’m good to go on giving and I do get lots of hugs from Mason who is 6 🤗🥰

  • @carrieanne Giving and receiving is the best cuddle time. It’s great that you are in it to receive too and how important that is for self care. Kudos to you for finding options to receive too…it’ll only make your giving that much more better and fulfilling.

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