Traveling Pros

edited February 2017 in Professional Cuddling
Hey guys-
Was wondering what you guys thought of traveling for pros, what would be the most fair way to approach it?
What should the travel fee for that be maybe per mile? should it be paid upfront because lots of guys cancel but I can also see a guy not wanting to pay up front.

 and how to be sure to be safe while traveling would it be okay to ask for a driver, or a family member to accompany me where would they wait and who would be responsible for paying for the companies way there? should it come out of the pros pocket for her safety, or the guys pocket? or should the pro feel safe enough to travel alone? 


  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    The travel rate set by the IRS for 2017 is 53.5 cents per mile. Although most pros charge less than that. See the link below.

    Clients should also only pay one way. What if a pro has another session afterwards and client 1 pays her travel fee home but she actually goes straight to client number 2 who paid her travel fee to him. That would be a double travel fee and very unethical.

    Most clients would not agree to pay for a pros travel companion.

    This is another example of why karma is so important and also imperfect on this site. There has to be a way for warranted negative comments to be left without the fear of retaliation so that both pros and clients can have a truer understanding of the other.

    I think pros should let someone know where they are and who they are with, possibly a buddy system between pros on the site. I also think a pre-screen phone call would help immensely. Communicating via the internet only shows you so much of a person.

    Has there been example where a pro travelled to the clients location and he wasn't there? I haven't heard that one yet, I have heard of last minute cancellations of course but never where the pro made the actual drive.
  • Sorry, totally should have specified, I meant out of state traveling.
    I personally would never feel comfortable traveling alone even to another city, I always have a friend drive me that drives for uber/lyft I pay him personally.

    this is the debate I was really curious about because I can see both perspectives of paying for a pros way home.
    for the most part if its local I wouldn't consider charging a client for my way home. however on a side note, pros probably would not book a client for a sesh right after another, that's very stressful. and while it would be unethical to take two peoples money, id say that for that to happen it would be a very rare case and not worth arguing that point really.

    But on the topic of out of state; should only a travel outcall fee apply? and not a travel fee to get the pro home safetly?

     I mean It would be quite expensive for a guy to pay for outcall travel fee, cuddle sesh pay, possibly a hotel fee if hosting is unavailable, flight or gas paid for, and a way home fee.
    But on the pros perspective if she got paid per mile there, and got paid the session money, most of that money she made at the session would be ending up going back to traveling home. Plus if she felt safer with company she would probably pay her friend/families way, and be broke by the end. but she got to see a different state, and cuddle someone.Which she basically could have just had clients at home? is traveling out of state not even worth it?.lol

  • [Deleted User]Spoonie (deleted user)
    With all due respect, are you just trying to stir the pot here or what?  You are now asking us to pay for your driver/body guard? And have this body guard hanging in front of my home? Seriously, if you are this frightened, perhaps this isn't a good career for you. Maybe you should stick to something a little safer. Do some cam work or something like that.  That way you won't have any risk other than having the camera falling on you.  
  • Oh my actual gosh, Poonie, what the hell lol.

    Look, there's no pot stirring. I really feel like you are here just to attack me, rather than conversate. I have a person drive me because I don't drive anyways. There would be no bodyguard, just my travel buddy to feel safe while I'm traveling great distances. I'm not frightened, I'm just throwing out ideas and points of view. I'm not asking anyone to pay for my bodyguard or anything, and I have no plans to change any of my prices or rules listed on my profile because of what I randomly toss out into the forums.

    I'm not a newbie, I have dealt with enough happenings to feel ready to protect myself, and I'm definitely not fearful of this job that I'm so passionate about! I've been doing this for over two and a half years, I'm pretty comfortable with my safety. What I'm not comfortable with are clients that give me sketchy vibes. If you can't feel comfortable with a driver waiting out on the street, then there actually is an issue and I probably would decline traveling to your house because that actually does sound sketchy! Even people off Craigslist have been fine with that, and Craigslist is as anonymous and sketchy as it gets lol. Having a driver wait a few streets over is no different than me having a friend back home with my address and time of arrival, except if I had to call someone for an emergency the driver could actually respond in time.

    You make it sound like there's gonna be some big dude at the front door waiting for "the signal" to barge in lol. Let's get real, man.
    And also....
    "Do some cam work or something like that. That way you won't have any risk other than having the camera falling on you."

    Just because you say "With all due respect," doesn't mean what you say is respectful. Damn, that was fucked up, man. Like, really think about what you just suggested me to do. Try thinking about what you say before you say it, because that was really rude.. I ain't talkin' like that to you.

    Best wishes.

    Would love to hear others' input on the TOPIC though :)
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    edited February 2017
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    edited February 2017
    Back to the topic at hand....

    I have a friend who went on a business trip to New York and saw several cuddle clients while she was there. That's what I've heard a lot of escorts will do, travel and see clients everywhere they go which pays their way. I don't know that I would travel to see one specific client but I can see some cuddle pros following the escort model. It would actually be pretty cool if some of the pros in other cities came to LA.
  • [Deleted User]masterofcuddle (deleted user)
    edited February 2017
    Who the world would ever fly a Pro out to another state just to cuddle?? That just seems absurd. If a guy has that much cash he would be on other sites like seekingarrangements
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)

    soooooooooo how do you know about that site????
  • edited February 2017
    Setting the rate based on IRS is an interesting idea and might be worth mentioning in the contract as a form of guidance.

    I don't particularly agree that it's right to assume the Pro should pay their way back home. I think in most cases, for the Cuddlers here at least, it would be rare for them to manage to find another client nearby straight after. It might be different for an actual agency where they are managing each booking with an overview of the entire pool of clients.
  • [Deleted User]FlowerofLife (deleted user)
    I ask for a flat rate for my travel time "per hour", and feel that it's reasonable.  So far, no one has complained:-)  Peace
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    That's cause you're awesome @floweroflife
  • [Deleted User]masterofcuddle (deleted user)
    I agree @floweroflife is a true Pro!!
  • [Deleted User]Alternis (deleted user)
    edited February 2017
    While there are two pros that id really love to see, one living in New York and the other in Utah. I wouldn't fly them out here but id definitely see them if they ever visited here.

    I find that there are some pros that handle local traveling expenses really well. One charged me for only one hour of travel when it would take about two round trip when I told her I like to book sessions longer than an hour at least movie length (2-3hours) unfortunately our schedules don't pair up well atm.

    Another pro charged me round trip travel for 1 hour, one way for travel at two hours and no charge but a deposit for 3 hours. I'm still waiting on her to tell me if shes free that day.

    One hour sessions are just too short for me, can't even finish a movie.
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    I host most of the time and feel bad if a pro has to travel too far to me.
  • [Deleted User]FlowerofLife (deleted user)
    Due to the nature of my "spirit work", I travel quite a bit.  I often receive "visitors" from other cities and states.  I will reach out to them to make that connection.  I just might be traveling through their hometown:-)  So, I guess you could say that I'm a traveling cuddler:-)  And, in this case, I wouldn't charge for mileage;-)
  • Hmmm, these are very interesting ideas. Since, I cannot host, I'll have to travel or the client or an agreed upon location, most often times with uber since I do not have a car. Would you say it is fair for the client to pay for the uber costs? Or greyhound cost if I decide to use it instead? Just some questions. Once I get a car of my own. I suppose charging per mile or by the hour for travel would be a fair cost. Just want to make sure I am fair, don't want to rip people off.
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