Cuddle Types

As I was sitting here I just kind of started thinking what other types of cuddles do people do other than just lay in the bed or on the couch I'm just kind of curious. What kinds of cuddles do y'all like.


  • I’ve heard about people doing slow dancing, which I think is really cute. I usually start off with a little short massage (nothing too involved!) just to settle in. I know some people like back scratches, or gentle stroking (that sounds bad lol…non-sexual stroking!) or even like non-cuddle activities like sharing a meal or doing a board game or something. I’d love to read someone a bedtime story or have someone read one to me. Lots of options!

  • @Hathor I’ve slow danced with a cuddler! It was so fun. It felt like being at a junior high dance without having to be 13 again.

    Holding hands on a walk through a park can feel like cuddling. Snuggles on public transportation. Sharing a seat at a movie theater. Standing really close in line at the store.

  • slow dancing is my favoriteeee type of cuddle

  • [Deleted User]SomeFatLoser (deleted user)

    I think my favourite is sitting, they're on my lap, facing me, head on my chest, arms wrapped around them, preferably in a dark quiet room, just being there for each other.

  • Haven't tried it, but I think karaoke would be fun.

  • @SomeFatLoser: Yeah, that is good. I'm short and skinny, though, so I usually end up in the lap position. It's pretty dang cosy on that side of the cuddle, too! Especially if the person you're sitting on is soft.

    Being as I share living space, I also get to do dishwashing cuddles—one person washes, the other hugs the washer from behind (and then does the drying).

  • Dishwashing hugs are cool. I've done that, long before I ever heard of 'Cuddling' if you see what I mean.

    Slow dancing cuddles is a very good idea, haven't heard that one before.

  • [Deleted User]SoftPetals (deleted user)

    I love all of these ideas! I enjoy my cook and cuddle sessions the most. We choose a meal, go over the ingredients I can prep and cook while being cuddled or they can hop in as they please. But dancing, reading, playing video or board games is always fun as well. I even like watching shows.

  • @DaringSprinter I love holding my boyfriend from behind while he does the dishes or just washes his hands! Any excuse for a quick, warm squeeze. 🥰

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

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