Prominent Pro Cuddler Quits



  • Ok, I can already tell that there is going to be a LOT I have to say in response to all the commentary in this thread, lol, but first just the article and about Sam...

    Wow, I wholeheartedly empathize and FEEL a lot of what she had to say and share in that article. I have met Sam and heard her story, and feel we come from a similar sense of heart in doing this work. I had a recent session where I was brought to tears with the pain I was feeling from my client. I have always considered myself an empath and an HSP, but even still, I have never felt what I felt that day before. The struggle of doing this work, and really truly caring to the level of depth that some pros do, it's hard and it's wearing, and we continue to need to charge, and we continue to need to have boundaries, and we can't ever be available as often as some people may really need, even if they could afford it, which let's face it most people can't afford it as much as they would like. Santa Clause, what a metaphor. The wish and hope and desire to heal everyone's pain, to make it so no one feels alone, to make the world a happier place. It's simply not possible. We must find as much strength and contentment in making small differences, one day at a time. I could go on and on. Wow. I just felt her words so much. I feel like our community lost a treasure.

  • @Syins I have been doing this for 4.5 years and have barely ever made enough money to pay taxes. My general strategy is to reduce my living expenses as much as possible so I can remain sustainable. I completely believe that she wasn't making much money. The cuddle industry isn't anywhere near where floatation tanks are. If you tell someone "I go do a float tank session once a week, it's great!" you'll likely get responses like "so cool, I've heard about that", "I tried that before, it was neat", or even "me too!" etc. If you tell someone "I have a cuddle session once a month" you'll likely get responses that are more along the lines of confusion, derision, or discomfort. As a professional, as Sam stated in the article, no one takes me seriously. I am already burned out on that aspect of this work. When I used to tell everyone with lots of energy, now I am very careful about who I share it with. I'm just tired of explaining myself, explaining the industry, defending the validity of it, feeling the discomfort from people, it's exhausting. Anyway, the point being, the acceptance isn't there yet, so the business and any potential success just can't be compared to societally accepted businesses.

    In addition, as @CuddleDuncan pointed out, a float tank doesn't feel anything, it can just churn people through, session after session. I see one person per day (my average session is about three hours), that's it. So my average session cost is my average daily income. Beyond that, I can't have sessions every day even, I need recharge days. A float tank can just go and go until it mechanically breaks, and then the shop usually has other tanks, so it's just one tank out of commission while the others keep floating along.

    @OnTheJourney I appreciate your attention and care and notice of that particular quote. This is such a strange industry. I do try pretty hard to focus on giving in my sessions because they are paying me, after all, to do so. But that's not to say I haven't received in sessions or in certain client/professional relationships. It is a weird thing, this cuddling business, LOL. I love it and all my people, but it is a very difficult thing to navigate when you are someone who is both authentic in your connection and also very serious about the service. I can barely even comment on it using words. It's weird. 😆 I guess overall, my effort is that the session should be about the client's needs, but if those needs are for them to be helpful for me, then the focus may possibly shift...

    @pmvines I know this is a touchy subject and I don't want to start an argument, and while I do not claim any healing powers in my profile or website (I don't think, ha), and I always encourage people in need to seek traditional talk therapy as well, I have personally experienced and witnessed how truly powerful authentic compassionate connection can be. It shouldn't be overplayed, but it also shouldn't be underplayed. I personally think it's magic. But again, I don't advertise it as such or make big claims to people, just commenting that I hate to see these experiences that some people have to be downplayed.

    **Reading everyone's comments, I guess my prior comment makes it obvious that I too can have difficulty with emotional boundaries, lol. There is only one way I wish to do this work though, and I recognize it's not the "right" way, but it is what it is, and I'm trying to figure out how to navigate it in my way, in as healthy of a way as possible, while still remaining true to myself and my heart.

  • [Deleted User]TheMissingPiece (deleted user)
    edited September 2022

    There's a lot to be said for just doing what you love, I'd suspect that there's a percentage who just do it because they love it. Probably the majority do it for a the extra income or as just any other job. But I'm guessing at least a very small percentage do it because they love it, and love people, and love making a difference, and you have to respect the hell out of that. Maybe she was one of them. Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass because I'm not a pro cuddler and just guessing.

  • edited September 2022

    @ubergigglefritz no reason at all to argue. That's never my intent when I post.and you know I have oodles of respect.and love.for you. Especially admire that you are able to express different ideas and opinions without getting personal about it . And having met you in person I can attest that you certainly are not the average cuddler and I mean that in the very best possible way.

    I dont want to ever take away from somebody else's experience as it is theirs to own , not mine . And for those who get something beyond the obvious loveliness of cuddling, I am happy for them. I think there is a misconception sometimes that I mean to say that cuddling isnt therapeutic. I certainly believe it can have therapeutic benefits, however I draw the line at the extent and.caution against turning it into something that its.not. If someone says they gain more than myself or the average person, then good on them. Who am I to judge. I will always state my thoughts on the topic , but I won't tell somebody that they are wrong or that what they feel they get from cuddling isnt real to them. At least I dont think I do, and if I have , then I am wrong to do that .

  • [Deleted User]RainsCuddle (deleted user)

    I got 3 session in 2 months, I probably would have a few more if I was receiving guest.

    Out of this 3 session there is a lot of emails i've received, vetting, answering questions, sharing publicity and content on different social platsform. Also there the process of learning when you're all new to the word of cuddling. yeah it is a lot of work, more then people can think.

    I know this is something I can't do full time, right now is just a side job and something I enjoy doing.

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