Depression sucks...

Just one of those days... Depression has really taken a toll on me. Is there anyone around the 805/818 area who would cuddle with me as an enthusiast? I would even pay another pro.. I just want to be comforted



  • [Deleted User]SoftPetals (deleted user)

    It does suck. I’m sorry you’re facing some hard times right now. I wish I were closer I’d definitely snuggle with you and be your safe space 🥺🤗. I can provide some comforting words if needed ❤️

  • @SoftPetals thank you so much 😊 I appreciate your kindness ❤

  • It does suck. That’s al i got, it sucks. Nothing good to offer, hope it gets better.

  • [Deleted User]Julesocean (deleted user)

    Oh dear Jessielove, I am sending healing energies from the Bay Area, depression. Sucks for sure. I am unable to cuddle, but am here to conversate if you would like

  • @JessieLove I'm imaging walking up to you right now and giving you a bearhug. And then just holding you for a minute or two.

    I'm good conversation, too, if you like.

  • @JessieLove I am dealing with the same right now. It’s….rough. Hope you are doing alright.

  • Good luck finding a partner. I know it takes time to find the ideal person. Also, I hope you find the help you need to deal with life's difficulties.

  • [Deleted User]SoftPetals (deleted user)

    @Charlie_Bear sending you hugs and love too hun! 💚🤗🥰🥺

  • @SoftPetals thank you so much 😌

  • Yes. It sucks! Hugs from TN. 🫂

  • Depression does suck..definitely sucks a lot of mental and physical energy. Hang in there..sending good vibes of comfort @JessieLove.

  • @JessieLove it does. But keep going. Keep talking about it. Keep fighting.

  • Depression does suck, but it's fightable. As others have said talk about it, reach out to people. Don't let it bury you, which I know is easier said than done.

    Wish I lived in your area, I would give you big comforting bear hugs and cuddles.

  • edited October 2022

    My apologies, though I’m sure words don’t do much for you. If I were in your area I’d be more than happy to hold space for you. You can feel free to message me anytime if you would like.

    Depression sucks, I hope you wake up in the morning feeling like you enjoy the limitless paths available to you.

  • Sometimes we have to take the shitty things and wrap ourselves in them like a warm blanket until we learn to accept that its part of us, and that we can live and thrive regardless of mood or circumstance. You cant always beat depression, but you can learn to be friends with it .

  • Well said @pmvines

    I hated doing it at first, but more recently I have started to be more comfortable with turning to what ails me and asking "what do you want to teach me." The validation of what is shitty and validation of the feelings what arise from the crap can be healing and freeing for me.

  • I think you would get a lot of messages from enthusiasts, if you would add into your profile "All fees waiver until further notice.That would be easy. Sorting through all the messages might not be so easy.

  • 🫂 for anyone who is in need of one! Depression is a real turd burglar. Chins up. 💛

  • @TNNative exactly! Living with depression doesn't have to mean controlled by depression. But if you live.your life being afraid of the dark then you will never learn to embrace it . of the spectrum of human emotion has a time and place. No use to fight it, because we will lose that fight .It is much better to learn to cope and accept things as they are

  • @JessieLove I've been in that place and I know how painful it is. Sending you a hug from afar, and my inbox is always open if you need a listening ear.

  • @JessieLove - I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I wish you were closer, Hon. Hang in there. Message me if you'd like to chat. We could even talk on the phone, if you'd like. 🫂

  • @TNNative , I have recently started practicing this in therapy. Some call it "unblending".

    I start by establishing an externalized language relationship to the negative emotion by saying something like, "I am sensing a part of me that feels..." rather than saying, "I am...(insert feeling)".

    Then say I say, "hello" to the that part. This step feels kinda cheesy to me, but it has been helpful to personify that part of me in order to relate to it and validate it without fully identifying with it.

    Often times, I have an actual physical sensation associated with the emotion (tightness in the chest or knots in the stomach). So placing a comforting hand there can further validate and soothe it.

    The last step is asking that part what it needs.

    I'm still learning about seems strange to me but I can already see value in it.

  • @CactusHuggerTim … Great work and thanks for sharing. I haven’t heard of unblinding before. I have done inner family systems work and it is similar. IFS therapy will assign feeling to inner parts of the self and self love in order to integrate the different parts. Difficult work. Tough and rewarding.

  • @JessieLove @Charlie_Bear sending hugs and love to you both!!

    @CactusHuggerTim this sounds like a lovely method. Thanks for sharing.

  • Depression is a very real a tough thing too deal with I've battle with it for years and the best I got is if you can find a way to change your mind set to more positive things what ever it maybe is the best medicine it's not easy but there's a bright side to everything you just have to find it look deep down and find the strength to look its there ♥️

  • [Deleted User]Mitch2991 (deleted user)

    Yeah I def need to cuddle I’ve been having a difficult life and have been searching all week for some cuddle and it’s starting to put a pain o me that know body wants to
    I must be down so much I’m looking for a professional cuddle snuggle

  • edited October 2022

    I’ll cuddle with you! @JessieLove

  • @JessieLove I'm so sorry you're going through depression. I've been in it for several years. It's very rough. I really admire your courage to share what you're going through. I hope you can find someone to cuddle with you, and that you feel heard, cared for, and accepted. I'm similarly looking to eventually find someone to cuddle with on here, or get a massage (off site). Physical touch has been so important to me, and lacking. It's been one of the very few things that has made me feel at least somewhat better through my depression. Even if it's only temporary. I hope you feel better soon, and that you have/find the support you need and deserve to overcome this awful disease.

  • wow, @pmvines, that was beautiful. thank you for sharing.

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