[Deleted User]LUVS2CUDDLEWITH (deleted user)
edited October 2022 in General

Let's say you were offered a once in a lifetime deal.. $70 Million dollars but you could never cuddle again ever, would you take the deal? and you could never cheat or the money would dissapear??


  • edited October 2022

    Heck yeah.. lots of other ways to reach my touch needs like dancing or massage or hugging. My only concern is if I meet a significant other and it affects them a lot. Or maybe we'll feel like this:

  • No way. I'd need at least $75 million.

  • Since I haven't cuddled in many years, sure.

  • Like never come back here and search for people to cuddle? Cause I could go for just 1 million. That would fix 99 percent of my current problems and id have enough to last my life.

  • Could you take the money and still cuddle with family, friends, and significant other?

  • 70mm, sure, I would just hire a lawyer to redefine cuddling and I'd be good.

  • Idk, cuddling is kinda life... 🥺

  • I'd take the money and do it anyway, who says there is honor among millionaires

  • Yes. I would blow through it so fast, and then once it’s gone I can cuddle again cause I’d have none of the money left to lose.

  • No way. In my work and in my private life I've spent time with people living at all sorts of socioeconomic levels. Relationships are what make us happy. Once we have enough to meet our basic needs, more money does not make us happier.

  • I’d take the $70M and buy cuddles for everyone on CC until all the money was spent. Then, with nothing to lose, I could cuddle again. That’s a win-win.

  • Great idea, @MrPaul - will send my address! 😂

    Sadly, after scrutinizing the fine print for loopholes and finding none I’d likely opt to take the money.

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    Honestly assuming it was an airtight thing and I'd physically be unable to cuddle anyone for whatever magical reason after taking the money I'd still do it I think.

    $70 million is a lifechanging amount of money not only for myself but for others as well. You could buy a house, invest some in reliable things to get a bit of money to live of, save some money for fun things, and still donate tens of millions to others in need.

    As much as I love and value cuddles, other things are important as well.

  • As much as I Iike to cuddle, I would take the money.

  • I've gone without cuddling for so long, going without it for the rest of my life would barely be a change. Gimme that sweet sweet lettuce💰

  • [Deleted User]vtpixie78 (deleted user)

    I would take the money as I have so many things that I would do with that money… travel, invest, donate, start a business that helps people,etc. as long as I can still have hugs and kisses I’d be ok.

  • Take the money and lease natural human weighted blankets and pillows.

  • It's been years for me since I've cuddled anyone. So I'ma say hand me that money pls! Can totally still have a relationship without cuddling. Tho might take some adapting lol. But I've yet to be in another relationship sadly. So might as well buy my happiness and others withthat 70mil lol.

    I'd likely invest some, get the coolest vr, car, and music tech. Travel, and ride every awesome coaster in existence. And of course help ppl in need.

  • I assume the terms of the agreement wouldn't allow one to blow through the $70 million by buying seven NYC $10 million condos and living off the processes. So if I had to spend the $70 mil but not invest it, sorry, cuddling RIP.

  • [Deleted User]RainsCuddle (deleted user)

    I can't live without cuddles, thats humanly impossible for me. I prefer to be poor and happy..

  • @BashfulLoner ~ Yes!!!

    @Charlie_Bear ~ At first I was thinking absolutely!! 100%!!! But then thought, what if all the things the money bought also disappeared, including any memories of experiences?
    Makes me wonder if this might explain some of my memory gaps - like I keep saying 'yes' to the millions then blow it due to their damn 'no cuddle clause'!!

  • I haven't cuddled much lately. It's a thought. I'm sure I could find other ways for oxytocin.

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