Do you value a well written out, detailed profile with no actual pics, or

edited October 2022 in General

An empty profile with the person’s pics … and why?



  • And yes I know it is ideal to have both, and I agree.

  • I'd rather have a detailed profile, as you can always ask the person for photos if you like what you've read.

  • I really don't much care if a woman's profile has a photo or not. After all, this site is supposed to be platonic, and a photo shouldn't be important. In my opinion, an empty profile, with however many photos, is completely useless.

    I would really would like to see well written out, detailed profiles, but I do understand that some very intelligent people (e.g. quite a few of the engineers that I've worked with) just don't write very well. To me, the one critical factor is that a profile contain enough information that I feel like I actually know something about the person.

    Given a choice between being well written or having a reasonable information content, I'll choose the latter. Being well written, is icing on the cake. Sticking with that metaphor, a photo is the candle on top of the cake.

  • edited October 2022

    I know this will sound superficial, but I’d much rather see a profile with pictures and no text. For a few reasons:

    • Although I’m definitely not just looking to cuddle really attractive people, I do have some mild appearance and body type preferences, and so there are some people who I wouldn’t pay for a cuddle session with based on their appearance.

    • On the other hand I find that the large majority of cuddlers I meet I can enjoy at least one session with, regardless of personality, even if they’re not the type of person I’d normally spend time with.

    • Also I find the prospect of having to ask for pictures and potentially rejecting someone based on those pictures awkward. If I message someone and it turns out she’s an unpleasant jerk, or seems like the flaky type, I don’t feel bad about ending the messages based on that.

  • Photos for me. And then I can always write to them and ask about them.

  • edited October 2022

    I agree with @GreatHornedOwl especially since it’s understandable that someone would want to maintain their privacy on here. I don’t use my photo anywhere on social media for that reason. The only reason I use it here is, although appearance shouldn’t matter, it’s most likely going to, and I would much rather be rejected right off the bat than get to know someone first, then reveal myself, and then get ghosted. I am not really mentally equipped for that.

  • I prefer a well-written out, detailed profile. In my experience, I'm more likely to receive actual responses from them.

    Profiles with only pics rarely respond to my messages, and are here today, and gone tomorrow (deleted, deactivated, etc.).

  • I think photos are more important than info about them I can ask However photos can be misleading

  • Man I could write a lot about this (that would interest nobody but me). But the bottom line, for me, is that there is pretty much no way I could schedule a cuddle sight unseen.

    Otherwise, detailed profile all the way.

  • @GreyingBear Lol. I relate to that.

    Detailed profile is way more important to me. I have to know the mind and heart I'm cuddling, at least a little. At some point before meeting I have to see their face to see their kindness or lack of. And to see their eyes. Eyes say a lot.

  • Detailed profile matters way more. Anyone can come on here and upload some pics, that tells me nothing about who they actually are. I've messaged people solely based on their picture and I was disappointed every time once they actually started talking.

  • @JBearz That is so easy to believe. I don't understand how people get anywhere by going more by the pic, but I'm glad for them.

  • 100% don't care about photos unless they help to convey something about a person (interests, sense of humor, etc).

    For me it's more about how they present themselves in their writings and their answers to the profile prompts than anything else.

    Ha! And if they can ever be bothered to message me back/have a textersation with me!!

  • [Deleted User]Momoo (deleted user)

    For me it isn't either/or. I much prefer both, because I find folks who don't mind describing themselves online tend to be people I'm naturally compatible with regarding conversation. And regarding pics, I really wanna meet folks who, like me, are comfortable sharing an image of themselves online. There are very valid reasons for privacy, but it's not for me in this context.

  • I prefer a well written profile! How someone describes themselves and how much effort they put into a profile can tell you a lot about that person. As a female pro It's important for me to glean as much info from their profile or our interactions as possible, both for safety and for building a rapport with the client even before meeting, which can improve the quality of our session.

    If I don't see anything on their profile, I wonder about their intentions, or what their interests are and whether I'd be able to engage them in a stimulating conversation.

    That said , as others have mentioned how well someone writes is not the end all be all of cuddle-session indicators but it helps a lot.

  • For me, the person is more important than their body. Although I do prefer a person with a softer, cuddlier body, I'll enjoy cuddling pretty much anybody if we get along well enough. A detailed profile without pics is more likely to catch my interest than an otherwise empty profile filled with pics only.

    It is close, though. You can glean a lot from pictures—at least ones that aren't just headshots, or done in a random bathroom. Photos that show personality are valuable. Worth at least 500 words, I'd say.

    But I tend to be the most interested of all in people who've put a lot of words out on the forum. That'll tell you more than even the fullest profile!

  • edited October 2022

    I rule out when someone has only one or the other. Imo, they're a prospective cuddler, not a scavenger hunt. Lol

    My feeling also is that if they're serious about finding quality cuddle buddies, they would do those two bare minimum things.

  • I sound superficial but pictures. I can learn more about a person by talking, but I feel uncomfortable having to ask directly for photos and definitely would not want to set up meeting someone without having even seen their face before, it would make me nervous.

  • After several people sending pics at the beginning of the convo without me requesting one, I am less wary of profiles with no pics, but still wary. Also inclined to agree with @cylee1180 on this.

    It does seem if someone is serious they would not make you pull a pic out of them.

  • Most definitely a well written out, detailed profile. It conveys who they are, what they're looking for, and that they're serious. It's much quicker to ask for a photo than it is to ask all the questions that I'd want to know prior to booking.

  • edited October 2022

    Well in my experience a large % of profiles without pictures have no detail at all, so its kind of like why wade through them looking for the 1 in 100 that is. Profiles with pictures have things to read much more often because the act of adding a picture shows effort. Of course im writing from the perspective of someone who needs to actively seek people to talk to. Its perhaps different for someone who receives messages.

  • edited October 2022

    @nilvaz A lot of those without a profile and pic are dabblers seeing what the site is all about.

  • No pics on a woman’s profile to me means something is wrong

  • [Deleted User]SnuggleSuz (deleted user)

    Detailed profile I prefer. I don't mind how a person looks. Honestly a well written message and comfortable dialogue with a cuddle proposal is good to me. I don't ask for pictures before cuddle sessions.

  • A picture is nice but the well layed out profile that's honest and detailed helps me in finding if I think that would be someone that I would be comfortable with.

  • I prefer if they actually put something into thier profile. One picture is enough if they are shy

  • @GreatHornedOwl I see you must have had a birthday fairly recently. Happy Birthday!

  • [Deleted User]Pieces70 (deleted user)

    What I’ve always hated about this site - or, the people registered at it - is that it’s become accepted to assume that a man with no profile picture(s) is hiding something or hiding from an unknowing spouse, and is therefore a potential red flag. Yet, it’s just as accepted for women to have a photo of anything but themselves and have no one say anything about it by comparison.

    Apparently not everyone is able to comprehend that some people just don’t have much interest in having their picture out there in cyberspace. I’ve been registered at this site twice before - with photos, as uncomfortable for me as it was - but, ultimately I have to be true to who I am and not change this time just for the sake of a cuddle. If someone is so addicted to the visual aspect that they’re unable/unwilling to take the time to read the picture-less profile of someone who is willing to provide them privately, that’s their loss.

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