Anyone learning new skills or hobbies currently?



  • @ModestEnvy haha yeah it’s actually true! I had this really cool ion drum kit for Xbox 360 that I gave to him, so I like to think I kickstarted his music career haha

    @Mikitea hello ☺️ all I needed to learn was some Java to get into my job, though I think I told you that already

  • @Charlie_Bear that's right! I actually started learning after you suggested it to me last session!

    I tried Java and got to while/if Loops and the syntax was so hard to get through. I found python much easier to understand! Though, I'm still torn on which language to commit to

  • @Mikitea oh yeah next time I will show you!

  • I had a hitch installed on my Subaru, got a bike rack, a mountain bike, and all the stuff for me and for bike $$&& because someone I was seeing wanted us to mountain bike together - I only had a road bike, you see.

    We never did go riding together, but I made myself go riding after she discarded me - literally immediately afterwards- and have been building on this new set of skills ever since.

    Recently added kayaking to my roster of activities.

    I play saxophone nearly every day and lately have been making myself play for extended periods without reading music I might just play solo, or more likely I’ll start a jazz or blues Pandora station and play with that …or try to! 😂

  • @SnuggleSuz @Mikitea - I downloaded a Go app on my phone, Badukpop. It has fun exercises and puzzles to teach you the game. Around 1996, they created a computer Deep Blue (I believe) that beat the world champion. It wasn't until around 2016 that they made a computer program to beat the Go champion, b/c the game is that much more complicated (more squares and possibilities).

  • edited October 2022

    @Charlie_Bear I too started playing the drums in high school observing music videos when MTV was only about that. Then I tried to play the guitar and realized the huge gap between following a rhythm and reading notes - but I just thought today (really) about trying again.

    Also, I rode my new motorcycle this summer and felt a lot more comfortable than last year. Probably Saturday will be the last ride of the season here in WI.

  • I have all kinds of things I would love to learn or do. I was learning French I really should get back to it. Anything that has to do with Arts and Crafts is always something Im most interested in.

  • @Maverick07 haha that’s so cool. And that would be awesome to pick the guitar back up again!

  • I've been working more on model railroading....the layout is looking really nice!

  • @addicted2touch im an old 0-27 gauge collector. Haven’t set up in years !

  • After about five years of blacksmithing, my skills stopped improving. I tried forge welding a few times, but when it didn't work, sort of gave up. It was much too complicated to try to figure out what went wrong each time. I've been playing around at my forge for the last 35 years or so, but not get a bit better.

    There are limits to what can be done at a forge, without being able to weld. I am doing a real study of forge welding, and I'm determined to learn how to do it.

  • I’ve recently returned to Tai Chi after a long break. Not been since Covid started and I’d only been going a month then. I’ve been learning Chinese Lion Dance since January and I’ve performed at quite a few weddings with that team since as a musician. Love it!

  • I am notorious for picking up anything that catches my attention and then putting it back down just as quickly lol. I taught myself to sew well enough that I can make clothes, though nothing fancy. And I picked up acrylic painting for a bit because I was regularly going to wine and sips with friends. Around the holidays I’m always rejoining dollar store crafts sites and making things and then selling them. But then I lose interest again.

    Thinking about it I seem to practice things juussssst well enough to get good at it and then move on to the next thing. Unfortunately it’s a personal flaw that luckily only translates to hobbies and nothing else in my life lol.

  • Let's see...

    • I'm reviewing Java to keep myself fresh
    • Trying to learn SQL from a few free websites (khan academy, codecademy, w3schools, sololearn)
    • Started going through the "Responsive Web Design" course on freecodecamp
    • Taking weekly Bel Canto singing lessons via zoom.
    • Trying to make sure to practice and get better at guitar when I can.
    • Really trying to get fit/back in shape with walking, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, chair dips, and side crunches
  • I bought a guitar a couple of years ago and have been taking lessons since then. It probably sounds like a “quarantine hobby” but I was actually as busy as I’d ever been up to that point. I’d just been thinking about it for a while and had some extra money at the time so I decided to go for it.

  • I love archery! Been so long since I've gone. I had a 24/7 indoor range I almost became a member at... Maybe should still try.

    @Francisco108 been trying to find myself an instructor, I have a keyboard collecting dust for the last decade...also just may convince myself won't happen. Back and forth on taking it to the thrift store

    programming languages like Python

    Python all the way. I love it. It's my career after all.
    If you haven't seen, then you should go there right away!

  • @entwine I'm finding it a lot easier to understand but I feel torn because i think overall I'm better suited to working in front end development so I feel I should learn js and css. I think I'm gonna just complete a python course all the way through and then come back to js after I get my fundamentals down

    I'll definitely check out free code camp! And if you'd ever be open to it, I'd love to pick your brain a bit about what kind of work you do as I'm still not sure what kind of tech jobs are even possible knowing python

  • Yeah no problem, feel free to message me.

    Python has plenty of front end as well! Django, Flask, FastAPI.
    But definitely can't go wrong with JavaScript. Especially with NodeJS.

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