Group Cuddling: Can We Talk About it?

edited December 2022 in General

The essence of this message is a request to talk about group cuddling. You can skip everything else.

Here’s my journey. I think of platonic cuddling as private, non-sexual full-body contact between two people that is usually combined with another activity like watching TV, or as a prelude to sleep. With that mindset, I was surprised to read about cuddling being a solitary thing in itself, public cuddling, cuddle parties, cuddle puddles, and all the excitement over the cuddle events that are about to happen in New York and elsewhere.

One part of me figured that my idea of cuddling as a (combined or prelude) private event was outdated, a byproduct of the notion that platonic cuddling is a non-sexual activity. If no one is doing anything naughty, then why not do it in public or groups? But I still couldn’t let go of cuddling being a bonding between two (not three or twelve) people. Old School, I guess.

(And along these same lines, initially, I was surprised to learn of professional cuddling which, in my mind, seemed to be missing the essence. In fact, I felt that—going to extremes to make the point—bonding without touching at all for an hour or two was preferable to holding someone for whom you felt no connection. These days I have a more sanguine view of professional cuddling since I have come to understand that pros are sensitive enough to forge a connection. But I digress.)

So I searched the forums and found this:
What do you like to do while cuddling?
@michael_j (post): What do you all like to do while cuddling? Movies, television, music, conversation, or just silence?
@Morpheus (post): I like to cuddle when I cuddle.

So there’s part of the answer. Like most things, the answer is: it depends. For some, cuddling is a thing itself that doesn’t need any ancillary activity. For others—like me, I guess—it gets combined. And, although it was new to me, I kind of "get" public cuddling between two people.

But I still need help with group cuddling. I’ve read about it, so I think I know what happens. But I’d like to hear from people sharing their feelings about it, what they get from it, and how it’s the same or different from cuddling between two people. Does the bonding that seems so important to me happen in a group setting? Is it a succession of bondings, or is the zen of group cuddling something completely different? I'd like to hear how it works for different people.


  • I’ve had some double cuddles (me with two women), and it’s nice, and I do feel like we can bond to a reasonable extent. Maybe not quite as much as just one on one.

    But yeah in general I’m with you on the idea of group cuddles with a larger group. That has zero appeal to me. Seems to completely undermine everything that’s nice about cuddling.

  • edited December 2022

    Just to be clear. I didn't post this to slam group cuddling. I'd truly like to hear from those who are into it and their feelings about it. Maybe some of the people who organized, or who are going to, the various parties.

  • @homeboy You don't sound like you are slamming group cuddling :) I have no experience with it.

  • Im following this, I wondered about this too. I dont think I could enjoy something like that in a group, for me its a private intimate thing, but Im curious to hear how these things go

  • edited December 2022

    Great subject! From my experience so far from one on one cuddling, out of 3, 2 were negative. The one that was positive still had boundaries challenged a tad. Although I much prefer one on one cuddling due to its all obvious benefits, I'm now more open to group cuddling. From what I read, it seems to be more of a strict environment, social pressure is there to not test boundaries and I don't have to go thru the burden of overemphasizing my boundaries. I may go to my first one in about week. Here is more info, from a fellow cuddler, @RadiantHugs.
    @homeboy I'm 'ol'skool' as well.
    Whenever I do go to a cuddle party, I will update on this thread.

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)
    edited December 2022

    Why did the syllables of reading the the OP remind me of MGK's diss to Em asking, "can we talk about it?"

  • Heya! I joined the cuddle scene late this spring and after hanging around here learning and asking questions for a couple months, I finally decided to dive into actually cuddling. I chose a group cuddle as my first experience, because I had only cuddled boyfriends before, and I liked the idea of a structured event that had a heavy focus on boundaries and consent. I am super grateful that @justjennn led my first cuddling experience, and I have been a huge fan, ever since! I had no idea how it would go either, and thought that I might just sit and not engage, but in the end, I wound up engaging and having a beautiful time.

    I have not been to an official CuddleParty, but the ones I've been to essentially follow the same method. Everyone sits in a circle and introduces themselves, says what brought them there or perhaps what they're looking for ("My shoulders are sore today", "I just want to be held"), and anything they don't want ("No tickling", "I'm uncomfortable with people touching my stomach"). The rules are read and agreed to, individually. You break into smaller groups of two or three and begin listening or consent exercises. No touching is involved at this stage, just verbal yes's or no's. Finally, open cuddling begins, and you can choose to cuddle with those in your small group, or to break off and go find someone else. Lots of people are familiar with each other, or are already friends, as they have become regulars at these events. This can result in them wanting to cuddle their friends, or in them being extra excited to see new faces and get to know the new people.

    Some people just cuddle one person the entire time. You can lay there and spoon and have as deep of a conversation as you want. Some people move around a bit from person to person. Others, especially the leaders, I've noticed, engage in the actual "group" cuddling you are envisioning, AKA a puppy pile or cuddle puddle, where multiple people are all snuggling together. This makes for sweet pictures and a lovely sense of community, though I myself prefer just one or two cuddlers, because, like you, I prefer to have conversations and get to know people deeper.

    Some people laugh and are boisterous, some are very peaceful and just nestle down for the duration of the event. It can really be any way you want it to be. You can snuggle, you can get a shoulder rub, you can sit and hold hands and talk, whatever you're looking for that's platonic, there is likely someone else there who is joyfully ready to share that moment with you.

    I see group cuddles as a beautiful experience in and of themselves (the vibe is like no other, such vulnerability, such openness). I have also come to see them as a networking opportunity; if your favorite thing is one on one cuddles, this is your golden opportunity to meet a wonderful array of people and start making connections! You can provide them your contact info and strike a friendship up, or schedule an individual cuddle. I've met strangers at the group cuddles who I have gone on to have coffee with, shared dinner, had individual cuddles with, sent heartfelt novels back and forth across the distance once I went back home, etc. I've made some great friends and I am so grateful for the chance to be a part of such a thriving, wholesome, accepting, supportive community.

    You are never required to touch anyone at a group cuddle, and you can say no to anything. At the end of the open cuddle, there is a closing circle, where people share their takeaways. This is unquestionably one of my favorite parts of the whole experience (which is several hours long), because of the vulnerability that comes out, at this stage. Throughout this time, people have gone from sitting a foot away from each other during the welcome circle, to holding hands, hugging, or laying across each other by the time the closing circle rolls around. It's so special to see that transformation, every time.

    I would highly suggest attending a group cuddle; it can be whatever you make it, as individual and bonding as you like, if you choose to simply connect with one person, or a networking extravaganza if you want to briefly touch base and then get to know people individually, at a later date. But the experiences have been wonderful, for me, and I am always chomping at the bit for my next one...I live in Wyoming, and I attend the group cuddles in Colorado, every chance I get. :3

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • edited December 2022

    Obviously, group cuddling can come in many forms - it could be an informal gathering of friends in a living room, or it can be a more structured, facilitated experience.

    The kind of events I organize in the Austin area are all facilitated events that follow the Cuddle Party format. Every event starts with a consent workshop called the welcome circle. It's a full hour where we go over the rules, but also discuss boundaries and practice how to communicate them clearly and effectively. One place where this format is unique is the length and thoroughness of the welcome circle workshop - it's not just a reading of the rules but a full workshop on how to apply the principles in daily life. We practice saying and receiving "No," we practice saying and receiving "Yes," we practice how to ask for what we want, and how to negotiate. Most importantly, the workshop goes over how to take care of yourself in those cases where someone doesn't ask before they touch, tries to push boundaries, or simply doesn't follow the rules. The whole thing is designed to create a safe container to explore touch with others.

    I often hear stories about how people arrive as skeptics but leave full believers, or how they arrive for the first event feeling very nervous but can't wait to sign up for the next one by the time it's over. I'm sure the opposite happens too, but I don't hear those stories often 🙂

    The cuddle party organization has an extensive FAQ about official cuddle party workshops

  • Great thread. @SunsetSnuggles I always enjoy and learn from your well thought out posts. Thank you. :)

  • @TNNative You are so sweet, thank you! I was all ready to go to bed last night but saw this and actually went out to my laptop to answer, haha, I knew it'd be a doozy. 😅

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • I first started learning about Cuddle parties in 2013. In which I learned about consent culture as well as creating & respecting boundaries. Also asking for what you want and self-care.

    I also learned there are different aspects of cuddling as well. As in puppy piles and group cuddles. I've been on the bottom of a puppy pile and felt the weight and pressure of others as well as a group cuddle with multiple people in front and in back of me.

    Being in the puppy pile, I did not object to the pressure that I experienced as some enjoy. It was interesting to experience. Being in a cuddle group was different. It was nice having somebody in front and behind me. When the person behind me got up, I noticed the absence of warmth and pressure and it was an eye-opener.

    Having gone to multiple cuddle parties, there was always somebody that I had seen before and had connection with them. Made it more special.

    I was also sought out because of the grounding and calming affect that I have on people. As well as giving great big squishy hugs. Also for holding space while cuddling with people.

    Years ago I used a pro cuddler once a week. I was single, and it helped me with the loneliness as well as just self care in general. Every once in a while, she would have another pro and offer a two person cuddle. This was way different then the cuddle party cuddle group.

    This was two people making sure that you're comfortable and that you were happy and it was very nurturing.

    There are multiple dynamics to multiple person cuddling. It all depends what you were looking for.

  • A cuddle party sounds like it could be enjoyable, but not so much for me. I have trouble being around more then 10 people at a time, especially indoors. I think I would get to overwhelmed by it :/

  • edited December 2022

    I really love group cuddling because I get to connect with a bunch of people at the same time and usually the group cuddle last about four hours so you get time with each person. And I like different aspects about group cuddling that you don’t always get in a private cuddle like I love to rub peoples hands and give them back massages and just sit next to them. I am a very outgoing person and the more people that I can meet with the better. And I honestly like the consent and rules that you have before the cuddle. It makes me feel very safe. It seems like people that come to cuddle parties truly love platonic cuddling. They don’t have any romantic or sexual intentions. They just love to be next to people.

    we kind a group cuddled when we were children if you laid in bed with your siblings and your parents that’s like a group cuddle.

  • @RadiantHugs I have to agree with you the first time I came to a group cuddle I thought they would be couches. But there was a bunch of mats on the floor and this was my first time ever cuddling besides family members or relationships. I was very nervous. But when they went over all the rules and we got to know each other and it was very simple first encounter was sitting back to back with someone and it felt so good. Just the slow intentional cuddles not rushed. It was so fun we had a big spooning train. And then we all laid on each other’s bellies with our head and then we just laughed. The great thing about a cuddle party is you may be able to find someone to cuddle for free. If you connect with someone. That’s how I found my first cuddler before I got on the site.

    Getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new that most likely will end up being very enjoyable is worth trying

  • edited December 2022

    @SunsetSnuggles you really covered the cuddle party experience. That’s exactly what it’s like and it’s such a wonderful thing. I wish there was one here monthly I would so look forward to it. We just don’t have much of a commitment from people. I have a know a cuddliest, that leads a cuddle party and that’s how I found out about cuddling but the last time she tried to get one together everyone canceled at the last minute. If anybody knows about any cuddle parties in Ohio please let me know I would travel to them.

    When we had a group cuddle in St. Louis out side I have this really nice guy laying next to me holding my hand, I don’t think we spoke but the love I felt with him holding my hand was so wonderful. I would love to find that person and cuddle them. If you know that’s you, thanks friend!!

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