Eye Contact



  • edited December 2022

    I don't really do eye gazing because people fall inlove... 😬🤷‍♀️

    Just my experience anyways.
    I've been told I have doe eyes and its hard as is for people to not get feelings for me. (Not trying to sound conceited, it's just what happens) So I try to avoid the real deep intimate stuff much as possible.

  • @Jillybear87 It doesn't sound conceited, it sounds authentic and matter-of-fact :)

    I would be willing to try eye contact, but I've never done it and I think I would laugh or act silly. It's never come up during a cuddle.

  • Eye contact is so complex. I'm pretty comfortable with it, but it seems it can get intense for others, so I try to avoid looking at people too much. I don't know what to do, though. I don't want to look at people's feet or something. I don't want to eye gaze for a whole conversation though, so I end up just looking at random stuff in the room.

  • I had someone who had booked with me asking oh how do u feel about staring into each others eyes. Now yes this person was new and I have to admit I found it uncomfortable. If they were a regular maybe but it does seem like this is something people do when their dating and in love. I do look at the person I'm cuddling with when I'm talking but I dont think I can just lay there for two hrs staring into each others eyes. I dont know just my opinion!

  • I’m not sure but i think that’d could be too much. I’d have to experience it to understand if it would work or not. But initially the thought makes me feel uncomfortable. Too vulnerable, even though i desire to be more vulnerable.

  • I'm uncomfortable with eye contact for the most part so I usually focus on someone's nose during a conversation and every once in a while glance at their eyes

  • @Jillybear87 I will have to agree with those people, definite doe eyes, especially your profile shots where you're looking to the side.

    You also sound like you'd be an awesome cuddle buddy, to bad you aren't in Utah.

  • Eye contact used to be too intense for me, then did several festivals that had lots of prolonged eye contact in the classes and now I love it. I like to maintain it until I hallucinate... But not with clients 😂😂

  • I'm trying my best to break out of my introverted little shell...
    I do, however, absolutely love eye contact. Its such a great connection
    with the other person and can break a lot of ice.

  • I don't know I don't think eye contact is really important because most of the time when I'm cuddling I'm closing my eyes and I'm feeling the moment because it is about the sense of touch to me I would only be staring into someone's eyes if I'm romantic with them that's what you do with your lover now if you want somebody to stare in your eyes and cuddle you cool but that to me doesn't seem natural because that's not even how normal people act when they're hanging out with somebody it may be a personal preference that is out of the normal which is okay people have those preferences but I'm not doing that personally it's not comfortable for me as a professional to be staring into somebody's eyes while cuddling it would detract from the moment in my opinion

  • @DeathbyChocolat I feel very much like this also.

  • edited December 2022

    Eye contact can be extremely difficult for neurodivergent people. I’d rather not pressure them.

    As someone who struggled with eye contact myself, looking at the bridge of the nose achieves the same effect from the POV of the other person

  • @achetocuddle What kinda eyes does Homer Simpson have?

    Doh! Eyes.

    Tenk Kew tenk kew.

  • They say the eyes are the windows to the soul 👁️👁️ 🌌 I think its very nice to do with a significant other and very important when it comes to business, (getting someone’s word), besides this I agree With pmvines & ClubSamwishes.

  • @DeathbyChocolat I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!! I will totally stare at your beautiful blue hair instead of your eyes next time I'm in AZ!! hahahhaha but I completely agree with you... There's something a little "unreal" about the thing.... It sometimes seems very unnatural and that in and of itself lends to a sense of "something uncomfortable is happening."

    It is like cuddling. You don't just walk up to someone and start cuddling them on the street. Its intimate and creates feelings and needs discussion.

    I love how you stated the closed eyes and FEELING thing..... I can totally relate.....

    Another thing I was thinking about has to do with focus.... When I was younger, I had 20/20 vision but now things that are up close are blurry without glasses, and who wants to wear glasses when cuddling? If I want to look into someone's eyes and have things be in focus they have to be far away! hahahha

    This is another interesting thing that I was thinking about.... and quite a few people have mentioned it in different ways. There's a beautiful thing in showing someone that you are paying attention to them and making sure they feel heard and appreciated (and eye contact also lets them know for SURE that you aren't looking at a text or a tik tok because you're not interested in listening to what they have to say!!) but in the case of eye contact... a little goes a LONG WAY!!!

    Long story so I will spoil it.....

    After college, my daughter went to talk to a grad school in order to get into a Master's program for Psychology. This happened after Covid and she was seeing them in person for the next semester to find out if it was going to be in person or online. She was using all of her relationship tools she had just learned like asking question's, listening intently, eye contact, and the lady at the school was so nervous and uncomfortable with my daughter's behavior. Finally she realized that this woman was uncomfortable because the school she was visiting was a RESEARCH university instead of a client based teaching school. So this shows the different ways that people react. Some people are REALLLLLLLLLY looking for the connection with other people and eye contact to some degree is an extra bit of loveliness while others would rather focus internally and maybe on the research and the brain because they feel more comfortable there. I love that we can use the term neurodivergent in a positive way to show that our differences are AMAZING instead of problematic!!!

  • I follow the lead of whoever I am with. I personally enjoy eye contact.

  • [Deleted User]CatGirlColorado (deleted user)

    Eye contact makes me suuuper uncomfortable. I had an ex that was obsessed with my green eyes and loved to stare at them. A bit creepy to me.

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