Profoundly Amazing cuddle moments

I had such amazing cuddles today with someone who iv been cuddling for a while now!! I'm usually not super comfortable being a small spoon but when iv built up such trust its amazing to have a completely safe space that I can be vulnerable and cozy in 🥰
It seems like cuddling is full of these profoundly amazing moments. Like when we turn off all these electronics and just connect with other humans magic happens.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and your profoundly Amazing moments:)


  • @CozyWolfy - I 100% agree about the beauty of turning off electronic devices and connecting with another human. For me, the only thing that really makes it more perfect is the setting. I’ve had some great indoor cuddles but location wise, some of my favorite have been in a State Park here in Indiana on a river bank. It is like a “2 for 1” connecting with another human and nature at the same time 😊

  • @JohnR1972 "It is like a “2 for 1” connecting with another human and nature at the same time." 😊 Both have been proven to reduce cortisol levels.

  • While cuddling with my favorite cuddle person, we usually start with the spoons but end up with our arms wrapped around each other as much as we can wrap them, and then as if that weren't close enough, we squeeze in the best possible bear hugs. Its literally glorious. Its my favorite part of life right now :)

  • This one ... before I was a pro, at one of the very first and very last Community Cuddles we'd have before the pandemic ... This pile is what brought me back home, to myself and to my people. This is where I re-learned how to trust that human touch could be safe, if I advocated for myself. Touch didn't have to be associated with bad trauma all the time, it could be beautiful, piled on in bountiful measure, and abundant with joy. This one ❤️

  • My best cuddling moment was when I realized that I could trust a particular pro with my tears. To have my grief accepted without judgement is something I've experienced very few times in my life. She simply held me while I cried, and I'll never forget it.

  • edited December 2022

    The most profund moment cuddling was with a good friend of mine. It wasn't intended to be a cuddling encounter, they just came round to check in on me (December is a rough time for me).

    I played all tough claiming to be fine but they gently pushed and I finally said out loud what I'd been carrying for weeks - I was not ok, in fact I was a mess.

    They hugged me and just held me quietly. The warmth of their kindness had me in tears which rare as I usually never cry.

    After soaking their shoulder they out on. A film and had me lie in their lap as they stroked my hair.

    All this from a friend who I thought wasn't touchy feelie.

    We never shared such intimacy again but our friendship became stronger and I learnt to be more open with them.

    Sadly I relocated countries and over time our lives went their separate ways and we just exchange Christmas and birthday cards now.

    I've been chasing that level of connection with others but have yet to find ut although some gave come close.

  • I had a recent cuddle session with a new cuddle partner and It was absolutely amazing as well as healing and eye-opening. She made me feel comfortable in my body. I felt accepted. Which made it easier for me to connect with her.

    Our energies connected perfectly. Plus, I always have my mind and. I am thinking an over analyzing most of the time. I was able to release and let go.

    All in all it was a great connection.

  • My most profound cuddle moment was with a an enthusiast who I reached out to a while ago. We’d never talked before, didn’t know each other. I sent a msg asking for a platonic unpaid mutual cuddle session, would he be interested? Told him my situation that as an adult I was always giving, always expectations of me. Realizing that there was something I was so deprived of. Something so simple but that I had none of in my life. I’ve never felt protected or been taken care of without strings attached.
    I had in 2 hours the most relaxing and simple experience. ‘Only’ being spooned. No talking or any other cuddling. He held me tight while I slept and I’ve never felt so relaxed in any experience. This person asked nothing of me. We were basically strangers. I’ll never ever forget that someone would do that for me.
    The absolute respect from him and trust I felt was amazing.

  • I'll never forget the time a friend of mine - who had always been somewhat touch averse - outright asked me if I wanted to cuddle. I played it cool thinking he might feel embarrassed if I made a big fuss over it, but I was elated. And genuinely honored. :3

  • @justjennn I’m so jealous I love cuddle parties. Looks like the most fun!!

    I had to click on this image so I could see it, weird

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