Mileage Charge

[Deleted User]navyvet76 (deleted user)
I saw on a profile the pro was charging .585 or something per mile which is fair. but to tell the client the exact amount like that pretty much is telling the client where you live if you have give at least some type of direction to it. Could lead to stalking.  Just a thought, that for safety range rates might be better so the client could not narrow down where you live if you don't want them to know.  


  • [Deleted User]CuddleBandit (deleted user)
    I wonder if pros can write off their miles on their taxes. 
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    Yes they can
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    edited March 2017
    Yes , and no.
    the IRS states that everyone has to drive to work .
    i would interpret that ruling as :
    if the pro makes one trip from their home to a clients house and back home again , then those miles cannot be deducted.
    if the pro makes one trip to a client , then has to drive to another client , only those miles from the first client to the second client are deductible .

    best to consult a tax professional , or you can call the IRS themselves . They have on staff agents to answer questions
  • If the pro maintains an office at home and claims it, then the trip from the homie office to a client's house can be claimed otherwise it is commuting. Either way, it is best to consult a tax professional.
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