My message I sent today to a woman Cuddle Enthusiast

edited January 2023 in General

I've been on this site since early 2012 and have yet to meet another female cuddle enthusiast.

Below is about the craziest random message anyone would receive.

I figure, in order to meet a unicorn you have to take an approach not seen yet to

This message below is what I sent to another cuddle enthusiast today.


Happy New year's 2023 !!

The PI variant, which doesn't exist will happen this month sometime after January 15th 2023 and hit the United States around Valentine's Day. I believe they will say it's the most deadly variant and they will offer another vaccine.

There will be a massive earthquake in the United States on 1/19/2023.
I'm watching tomorrow 1/3/2023 for a possible earthquake.

Nobody told me any of this and i'm not psychic. I just figured it out..

If you want to know more you'll have to cuddle with me

Edited the title as too many reports questioning it were coming in. While it doesn't look to have been meant for anything non-platonic, it is extremely rare for women to join the site simply to cuddle as an enthusiast without switching to become a Pro and the term 'unicorn' would be appropriate for this kind of site member. Those who read it as something else, please sure to fully read and understand the context of something before reporting it in the future. [netrunner]



  • You are right about it being crazy.

  • If you find someone whose sense of humor matches yours, maybe. But if you have been trying for over 10 years without success, maybe enthusiast-enthusiast just isn't going to work out.

  • I don't cuddle with men (not that there's anything wrong with that), but, how do you get that last bit of mustard out of the bottom of those plastic bottles? I can't figure it out.

  • WOW!!! 2012! That is some of the earliest beginnings of the site. I am sure you have a lot of stories to tell from that time spent let alone all of your fun band shenanigans. 😊

    What a funny message. hahhahaha And with all of your karma from PRO's it seems like you have built a fabulous platform for connecting with enthusiasts.

    Kudos to you for thinking about something non-traditional and silly. Good luck and as always, "May the Cuddle Gods be EVER in Your Favor!"

  • Lol, I definitely believe humor can be an opening line to starting a conversation. But doomsday might not be hers.

  • edited January 2023

    I think the idea of trying different approaches is a good one. Take a clue from the person's profile and reply in kind. Or randomly try different approaches. Long detailed messages. Short pithy ones. Funny ones. Serious ones. Ones where you focus on describing yourself. Ones where you focus on details about the other person gathered from their profile. The problem of course is that you will try Approach A on a person who would respond to Approach B. That lottery number you picked last week might have been a winner if you had picked it this week.

    FWIW, I liked your irreverent message.

  • Well… I love that message! 🤣🤣🤣
    So, I would just say - ,,YES”!!!

  • We’re not “unicorns”, we’ve just learned we have to be picky.. And WE DO!! I don’t know how many fellows I’ve had banned from this site for inappropriate messages either on or off this site (I don’t care how many cuddle sessions we’ve had or how good of friends you think we are! I’ll take screen shots and report anything I’m not cool with and I won’t think twice!!). It goes both ways.. You males have to be careful.. And so do we!

  • You know, sometimes that stuff works, if someone made me laugh I know I'd be more likely to talk to them lol. I've also had no luck on this site, I found a female enthusiast and she gave me her number, but then didn't respond after a few texts. Not sure why, I sorta gave up after that. My area is kinda empty as far as cuddlers go. But alas! Don't lose hope!

  • I think it's best to get to know someone before you want to cuddle with them. Maybe ask some questions or make comments about their profile before bringing it up.

  • There are female enthusiasts here? 🤔

  • @MrMarkAndrew Yes, but we have REAL jobs (it’s not a personal dig at you) and from what I’ve been told, we’re few and far between! 🤷‍♀️

  • The issue is tone doesn’t come through via text and there ARE genuinely nuts people. I’ve met dudes on Tinder who genuinely believed the government was controlling us with sound waves and shit.

    So if I got this message, I’d think you were serious because I have met seriously unhinged people who thought the CIA were after them or something.

    That’s why generally people use emojis or other indications such as /j and /s to make it clear they’re not serious online

  • [Deleted User]SnugglesRus (deleted user)

    Agreed, @cylee1180

  • edited January 2023

    Referring to a woman as a unicorn has some inappropriate context that I don't think the OP intended. Look it up and hopefully change your wording in the future.
    P.S. I didn't report it. I did comment on how it may be construed in the wrong way but that was mentioned above.

  • @stormydaycuddle - I thought that calling someone a unicorn just means that they are rare.

  • @cylee1180 - Oh brother. People come up with sexual meanings to everything. Their mind must be in the gutter.

  • What variant is coming after the PI variant, and when? I need to know when I can book air travel :-)

  • @Mike403 Nothing wrong w sexual meanings imo! It also means we have to be super careful with our word choice! Lol

  • edited January 2023

    Ohh. Sounds scary, paranoid and not inviting.

    Have you tried being genuine and trying to connect with a lady cuddler by showing interest in who they are? Like commenting on a shared hobby?

    I’ve cuddled with several enthusiasts and that is what I found works well.

  • I have met men/women/enby enthusiasts on here that are so incredibly nice. I am the type that doesn’t chat much with people I don’t know (even in online gaming!) so on here I am trying to break that. I think if you message someone wanting to cuddle right out the gate, you are not gonna get a reply. (I am talking to myself here more than anyone else.) I have cuddled enthusiasts and I think it needs to be approached without any agenda. I would rather meet someone and become friends than just meet to cuddle - even on a cuddle site - if I could only have it one way. Being my genuine, honest self and reaching out to others simply in the hopes of finding a new friend is how I am approaching this. I don’t expect cuddles from any enthusiast, and I think if cuddling is on the table, that trust needs to be earned first. Even then, cuddling isn’t an end game objective. I don’t want to cuddle with anyone that doesn’t enthusiastically want to cuddle with me.

  • Here is what you do. Write to all enthusiasts on the site. Maybe about 8000. Tell them you can predict the future and to prove it you will predict the winners of the first round of the NFL playoffs. That is 6 games so there are 2^6 =64 combinations. Send each a random combination. You should then have about 125 enthusiasts for which you sent the right combination. There are only 4 games in the next round so that’s only 16 combinations. Send each a random guess as well. Odds are you will be right on about 8 of them. Then there are 2 games so you will be right on about two. And finally write to those 2 with different predictions for the Super Bowl. Odds are you will have about 1 person for which you have predicted every game of the playoffs. They will likely be impressed at your psychic abilities and accept a cuddle session.

  • @Charlie_Bear Lovely sentiments well-articulated :) I couldn't agree more.

    @dave31415 Your approach would appeal to me simply because it's so funny, Lol.

  • Bro, after 10 years I'd be throwing in the towel.

  • "If you want to know more you'll have to cuddle with me." is the oddest part of that whole message to me.

    And as one who considered themselves to be a "unicorn" (prior to learning the slang bastardisation of it), I think there's a lot to be said for those who take the time to read a profile, try to understand something about what that person is about and does their best to make a real connection (sincere, silly or otherwise it's nice to feel seen).

    Anywho, hope your enthusiast is intrigued and messages you back... but if they do, you might want to question why they did, because that really is an odd intro message. 💁‍♀️

  • I looked at your page. I think you are quirky and interesting. It is cool you play in a band. I just kinda saw your message as playful whimsy. Besto of luck ❤️

  • Personally I’m looking for a Narwal. 😂 DO NOT tell me if that has some hidden meaning.
    Side note: until embarrassingly recently I didn’t know Narwals were real and thought people were messing with me.

  • @stormydaycuddle One of the smartest people I know had a similar experience with the existence of Narwhals! You’re not alone and I don’t blame you.

  • I was referred to as a unicorn by a former manager once. I asked him how so. He said I'm one of the few software guys he could put in a room with the customer and let him explain things to them.
    So to me it just meant something rare or unusual. It shouldn't always mean something crude or perverted.

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