Do you or does the pro you work with offer discounts the more you visit?

I'm starting to build a consistent client base and I'm thinking of doing "packages" or maybe a discount the more often you book. I do discounts for longer hours so it seems kind of like the same thing. What do you lovely humans do?


  • Discounts are a tool. In the context of long-term repeat clients, they have [at least] four possible functions.

    • improve or cement client loyalty
    • increase revenue from clients who can afford it
    • influence client behaviour in some other way (e.g. more frequent bookings)
    • make your life happier or easier

    Start by thinking about what it is you want to achieve, and then consider how some kind of discount may produce the desired result. Discounts come in two classes: those you advertise on CC or elsewhere and are accessible to everybody; and those that you offer to individual clients to benefit them specifically, and you of course. Do sums first where necessarily, and don't be afraid to experiment.

    I have been offered per-session discounts to encourage more frequent booking; free informal additional time (use with care! it raises boundary issues); and additional time at very low cost.

  • It would be smart to offer a discount to clients you want to keep. there's no need to advertise this, because you don't want other clients asking for the same discount. It should be between you and your favorite clients.

  • @cuddleduncan thank you for how well thought it that reply was! It's definitely giving me some thing to think about!

  • @Hugginghealer thank you, glad to help.

    One thing I forgot to say is that it's not at all uncommon for professionals to offer discounts - sometimes substantial - to regular but infrequent clients who really need their services but who genuinely struggle to afford them.

    It can be difficult to identify such clients, but a good rule of thumb is that anybody who asks, or talks frequently or openly about how broke they are, isn't actually that broke. The people who are really finding it hard to pay for a session will not talk about it, and will quietly book 1 hour every second month, or something.

    If you are in an area with enough cuddlers that clients have a genuine choice, and you have an above average rate or a 2 hour minimum, then you do not have any such clients. In that case, if you'd like to help then you can talk to your fellow professionals who do and make an arrangement with them to help one or more of their clients.

  • Is Groupon still a thing? If so can you groupon your cuddles if your a pro?

  • I love the idea of purchasing a "package" of cuddle sessions, at a discounted rate. I've done this before with massage therapy.

    BUT, it requires a level of trust. If the cuddler pre-pays for a number of sessions up front, what happens if the pro leaves the site, temporarily or permanently? What if the two people face difficulties in scheduling sessions, due to other cuddling or various life commitments? If the money has already been paid, does the client get priority scheduling?

    I'd love an arrangement like this, but would want to talk out these details before agreeing.

  • I have played around with discounts a lot. I currently offer a discount for certain days of the week, I offer multi hour discounts, I offer a bundle deal, a discount if you book your next session right away, and I just rolled out a membership. I was doing a loyalty punch card but too many people would forget to bring them or wanted me to hold onto the card and keep track of it for them so I decided to do away with that.

  • @xandriarain, I love all of these ideas. There are two reasons I don't schedule cuddle sessions more often than every other month or so -- budget and scheduling difficulties. If I could meet someone who utilized some or all of your discount ideas, at least that would help with the budgeting concerns!

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