The switcharoo



  • [Deleted User]VIPirate (deleted user)
    edited April 2017
    @luckypapi The folly in that type is that as soon as they decide to go "pro incognito", they get reported anyway. Their entrepreneurial efforts are all too brief. ;)
  • Hmm I see what you mean. I guess I can see why someone would rather be paid for something they would do for free.

    Though can also see why it's disappointing when you are building rapport with the person or have told them about the service.

    Hope u find a buddy soon.

    In regards to the "no reply". I'm sure it's already been covered but it's usually in my opinion (online behaviour for 'not interested' for whatever reason) especially if they viewed your profile.

    Some people think it's more rude to say "no" via message or find it hard to let someone down etc.

    The process of initiating contact followed by silence can be dissappointing.

    Hang in there, if they are not up for up for it some one else will be, either on this site or else where. Virtual hugs.

  • @funandadventure  Based on everything you have said here I do not believe that you cuddle for money.  It is just a happy coincidence that you love what your job pays you for.  I think you would probably cuddle anyone who needs it even if they were not connected to your workplace.  So no, I do not think you should be considered a pro.
  • I copied this from a post I made on another thread, but I thought it to be appropriate for here as well.

    There is a lot more to being a professional than just collecting money for a service.  if you don't know what is required of a professional in any field, then you shouldn't call yourself a professional or collect money, until you find out what it means.
  • [Deleted User]cuddledingo (deleted user)
    It happens.  I just report them every time.  To me it's sorta rude to enter into false pretenses and then give the oh-by-the-way surprise.  It's predatory and could be hurtful to sensitive people looking for comfort. 

  • I'm with I_am_polylover. I am an educated, professional business woman as my full time job. I am also a pro-cuddler. You need to know what being a "professional " really means. Just because you're a great cuddler shouldn't make you a pro. As a professional I respond to EVERY message in a timely manner and with honesty and respect. I take my day time business very seriously and I take my cuddle business very seriously. I'm fair with pricing and manage clients expectations by being clear and straight forward. That being said, I am extremely sweet, kind and caring. These are the reasons I consider myself a pro. I'm sorry many of you have had bad experiences with pros. Hugs to all!
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    edited April 2017
    @scarlette thanks for that and that's exactly what I keep preaching. Girls will come on here and get a pro tag yet they have no clue what it means to be a professional. Many are amazing though, my comment isn't meant toward everyone.
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