Fake professional cuddling pages

So recently I have been thinking.. I’ve been seeing a lot of professional cuddling pages that have zero karma and have been “active” for like (months/years) and I always wonder if those are fake professional pages. I know that I shouldn’t assume but seeing pages like that be still functioning and yet no one has left a review at least always makes me side eye/gives me red flags lol. Am I the only one that ever feels like that or am I bugging out?


  • Yeah I do tend to find it a bit fishy when profiles have been around a long time and are active but have no karma. I don't think it necessarily means there's anything nefarious going on though.

  • There can be any number of reasons why they don't have karma. In my case, I took a long sabbatical of sorts from this site due to health reasons and only just reactivated. Some other pros don't use the karma system, as is their right. Maybe also like me they don't do most of their business on CC - most of my paid and enthusiast sessions thus far have been via local cuddle parties and word of mouth friends. Perhaps they have been a member of CC for a long time but only more recently got the pro tag, so haven't bothered accruing karma.

    The only way to know is to ask, and then you can make your own judgement call on whether or not to believe them. You can always ask for professional references, to do a phone/video consultation, or any other means of verification after booking but before payment. If things don't check out, cancel your booking and report them if they are breaking TOS.

  • The whole idea of being a real vs. a fake professional cuddler on a site with no entry barrier is a non-sequitur. Some people sign up to be pros and don't get any business, and then they stop logging on. Or maybe they get some business and realize it's not for them and stop logging on. To outsiders, this work looks like easy money but then the reality hits that it's not for them when they actually start doing it.

  • Some people sign up to be pros and don't get any business, and then they stop logging on. Or maybe they get some business and realize it's not for them and stop logging on.

    But this has nothing to do with OP's post. It's not hard to understand that some people make an account and then stop using it, for any of many possible reasons. That's not what is being discussed. OP is talking about pros who've been around for a long time and who are active (ie, who visit the site often) but don't appear to do any actual cuddling.

  • How do you know they aren't cuddling, you cant go based solely off karma. Also you have to have people book you. Just because you're on here doesn't mean you're being booked , or that you're accepting everyone who wants to book you. It's a knee jerk complaint to assume they are "fake " especially since you have to submit personal info , why you want to be a pro, and your credit card info .

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