Is it better to cuddle mutually or pay to cuddle?



  • @kleenkutt14 Any female enthusiast gets promptly buried in messages as soon as they join. They may not be responding because your message is #501 of 501. (It's also possible they are planning to go pro so not responding to anyone until that goes through.)

  • @WriterGF - 450 of them are probably d*ck pics. I read forums on other sites talking about CuddleComfort and they were all men talking about how to get women here to do more with them. It's sickening. I appreciate the moderators here keeping things platonic.

  • @Mike403 Yeah, I was talking with a new enthusiast in my area yesterday and warning her about what she was likely to experience.

  • If Enthusiasts are deciding who to cuddle based on their looks, then I question their understanding of the need for platonic cuddling and of this site. We all know about that here.
    And what is the percentage of Enthusiasts looking for relationships/sex here? 🤔😱

  • @carrieanne - If they have a bunch of people to pick from, they are most likely going to pick the one they find the most physically attractive. It's the way people are. As long as they aren't looking for romance/sex, they aren't breaking the rules of the site.

  • @Mike403 would you be willing to share those links? That would be a great resource for enthusiast women. If you don't want to post on the forums, PM?

  • @cudbud64 - I'll share it in a private message when I get to my other computer where I have it bookmarked. I don't want to share anything here and give any shady people any ideas.

  • @Mike403 could you please also send me the links as well?

  • @Mike403
    But that’s why it’s better to NOT focus on looks! It’s much easier to avoid temptation to go beyond platonic, if you don’t choose someone you’re physically attracted to.
    Geez please, let’s use some high level thinking here! No one seems to understand my point, I’ve brought this up before.
    For platonic cuddling, look for another quality in someone to be drawn to. You will enjoy the cuddles more and you won’t be as focused on arousal.

  • @carrieanne - There's more to it for me. When I book a session with a pro, I prefer it to be someone I've been communicating with for awhile (like on the forums) then it feels like cuddling an old friend and not some stranger I picked up off the internet.

  • @carrieanne And if you are communicating with an enthusiast, you most likely have the luxury of getting to know them first. But the impression I get is most pros do not have the luxury of doing the back and forth needed for you to discover their inner qualities. It's a big investment of time on their part which they could be using to book clients and have paying sessions.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesInWI (deleted user)

    Expecting a professional to “care” about you in any way beyond doing the job and getting paid is entitled silliness.

    In some admittedly ironic ways, expecting a professional caregiver to care about you emotionally is even worse.

    True caregivers are trained to NOT become emotionally involved because it gets in the way of necessary care.

  • edited June 2023

    It seems like there is a huge misunderstanding of how Pro Cuddlers personally feel.
    Seriously, how would you know, especially if you’ve never cuddled with one?
    Apparently you’ve had some really sad experiences that make you say that and you presume everyone is the same!
    You can only speak of your own experience.
    You are making generalized statements about how much someone cares.
    You have absolutely NO idea what I feel for those on this site who I’ve had the privilege of meeting.
    The two posts above are so out of line!
    AND I spend long periods of time before and after sessions talking, messaging. I still talk to ones from a year ago All. The. Time. And people out of town who I’ve never met! I know all about their lives and they know mine!
    No money is exchanged in messaging and yes some do pay me for cuddling but that has nothing to do with feelings.
    This is about a caring relationship that you seem to have zero experience with. I’m sorry for you.

  • You have absolutely NO idea what I feel for those on this site who I’ve had the privilege of meeting.

    @carrieanne You are right 💯.


    No, you are right…exactly. End of it all. No one ever knows what the level of care a person has for another because only that person does. This applies to any situation. It is like the people who lived next to a killer for years and are surprised they were capable of taking a life. What you were expecting them to be that much of an open book? You never truly know about anyone. To say otherwise is entitlement.

  • @CharlesInWI - Degrading pros will likely earn you a warning from the mods.

  • @carrieanne - Some people join thinking it's going to be easy money and they don't last long.

  • edited June 2023

    @carrieanne I know exactly how you and every other person on earth feel about everything, all of it, all the things, all of the time. Now come gimme cuddles so I can tell you what you think !

  • [Deleted User]Mman (deleted user)

    @pmvines @carrieanne is thinking that she needs to cuddle me before she moseys over to you.

  • Thanks guys! @pmvines @mman. I would love that.
    I guess I took some comments very personally. 😢

  • And to @Mike403 @BoomerSpooner also thanks for your comments. Maybe i need to go for a walk and listen to

  • edited June 2023

    One argument I keep seeing against hiring pros is that people don't want to question whether or not the pro is only cuddling them for pay, that it would feel different knowing that their cuddle partner is only with them because of monetary gain...

    While I can only speak from my own experience, I imagine this is true for a lot of professionals out there: I only choose to cuddle clients I genuinely enjoy cuddling with, and no amount of money would entice me to cuddle someone I have zero interest in. Period. At most, having the monetary transaction allows me to cuddle more people of more variety than I normally would be allowed to because without the professional exposure I would not have the opportunity to cuddle recreationally as frequently.

    In other words, had I unlimited free time, energy, and financial support for the rest of my life needs, I would gladly cuddle my clients for free. But alas, time and energy are limited resources, so what I am being compensated for is those - and I already heavily discount off of the area average because I believe in and support accessibility. I also have gone through some professional trainings and will continue to do so, all of which allow me to better cater to client needs and those courses and workshops are not cheap.

    I'm sure there are pros out there only in it for the money, just as there are scammers and other bad actors....but that is what vetting is for. And I would hope that with talking to me a client would be able to determine if I'm a good fit for them just as well as if I'm able to judge them.

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