Friends don’t let friends _________



  • @AllAboutSoul - what did the… oh, never mind 😂

    @Charlie_Bear - that is some great advice that nobody would have thought of 40 years ago!

    @natickben - good one!

    @MrMarkAndrew - reminds me of a T-shirt I once saw which read “Alcohol and Calculus Don’t Mix. Never Drink and Derive”

    @Melanin8 - I don’t have to worry about that one, I have not been in a Starbucks in ages. However a friend recently returned from Israel and in one of her photos she was standing outside of what APPEARED to be a Starbucks. When I mentioned it, she said, “Look closer” and I noticed the company was actually called “Star & Bucks” but the “&” was a lot smaller than the other letters. They used the same colors and fonts as the real Starbucks and the logo was nearly the same. 😂

  • Drive under any influence/ sleepy/ distracted. Compromise their value/ principles, drunk text anyone, stand by idly if said friend is in danger/critically wounded/ medical condition or even bullied. Eat desserts alone. The list goes on...

  • Are we talking about the friends one knows personally, in real life?

    Or the online "Friends," of which mostly, nothing is actually known?

  • @Ironman294

    Listen to the chain smokers or Taylor Swift

    It's perfectly safe to listen to Taylor Swift. If you begin to feel ill, just take some Swiftamine.

  • friends don't let friends use force or coercion on them!

  • I'm something of a geek. In my circles, it's "Friends don't let friends shop at Best Buy."

  • Friends don't let friends go back to their toxic ex. 🙌

  • Friends don’t offer casual friends their Munchos potato chips dipped in maple syrup when they are visiting.
    Some things are meant to be kept Special for the most Special Friends

  • Friends don't let friends tell their friends what to do. Autonomy is important.


  • Watch fart porn

  • Make that 43 years ago... 😳

  • Poop alone

  • “Friends don't let friends post drunk....”

    @cuddle_bug88 I’ll take you up on that. 😂😂

  • “Friends don't let friends give up."

    “Friends don't let friends lose sight of their worth."

    “Friends don't let friends forget their dreams."


  • @Lisa123 - 1980 can’t be 43 years ago, I was a high school freshman in the fall of 1980, that was only…
    Uh, never mind. 😂

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