Friends don’t let friends _________

edited June 2023 in General

In 1983, the Ad Council introduced the world to the now classic slogan “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk”. The voice over slogan was usually played after a short video of someone staggering out to their parked car and trying unsuccessfully to get the driver’s door key to go into the key hole when a friend comes up and takes the keys away away from them.

This year being the 40th anniversary of that classic ad campaign, what do you think that ad would say if it was made today?

This question is not meant to be political so please don’t take it that direction. In some ways the world has changed immensely in the past 40 years. In other ways it is exactly the same. We don’t hear as much about drunk driving today although it certainly still happens. I am curious as to other people’s perspective on what friends should be discouraging friends from doing?



  • Friends don't let friends post drunk....

  • @cuddle_bug88 - Even on the thread entitled “what are we drinking tonight?” 😂😂

  • Listen to the chain smokers or Taylor Swift

  • @Ironman294 - I’ve never heard of the chain smokers but I am with you on Taylor Swift, not my type of music (although I still wouldn’t try to prevent anyone else from listening to her).

  • Friends don't let friends drunk text their ex

  • @Lisa123 - that sounds like solid advice 😊

  • Friends don’t let their friends eat Tide Pods

  • 🤣😂 omg....this is going to be gold....

  • [Deleted User]MrAdmirer (deleted user)

    …… Tik Tok challenges

  • threads titled "Friends don’t let friends _________"

  • @JohnR1972 taylors early stuff was cute fluff but once she stopped doing country it all became bleah.

  • Eat the yellow snow .... 🤣🤣

  • @INurturePeace @MrAdmirer
    Great answers. I can’t think of a “good” TikTok challenge but the TidePod definitely seems like one of the worst.

  • We no longer see the drunk driving, but now I’m starting to see billboards about driving a High. Especially since they legalized pot here.

    Friends don’t let friends drive high. Because they stop at stop signs waiting for the like to change.

  • Friends don't let friend compromise their morals without at least mentioning it.

  • Pee on raccoons

  • Friends don’t let friends buy a Ford!!!!!

  • @JasonCuddles I read that first as "mentoring it." 🤣😂

  • Mentoring moral compromises is also known as… being a bad influence! Here. Hold my beer..

  • Friends don’t let friends sleep with their friends boyfriends

    Such friends

  • [Deleted User]RodgerRabbit79 (deleted user)

    @JasonCuddles @AllAboutSoul

    Friends don't let friends compromise their morals.

    If there's something I have an issue with we're going to talk about it. Friends also don't let Authentic personal level friends not burn a near two decade long friendship over a miscommunication. Like yo... tone was lost over text. What's said fight about about? Did I miss something. Dude I'm confused. I will show up at you place or your work because why!? What set off this mistranslation lost tone over text?

    Parents be like," Didn't you say the bridge of friendship was burned and the door shut forever."

    Authenticity, morals... It's ok to have disagreements and misunderstandings. Just don't let your pride be so big that you can't humble yourself to working things out and admitting," Ok. Yeah. We both weren't in the best head space at that moment, tired/stressed/etc. Thanks for clarity on that."

    Continue forward.

    Scientists did a study and the emotion that spoke the loudest was Authenticity. When someone is dishonest," You LIED to me. Out of everything else you ever said to me what else was a lie? I can't trust you anymore."

    I want to see the best in everyone. I believe most people are good by Blake Shelton.

    You lied. I thought I was extremely clear at the start of the friendship. Lie and it's over. I'd go down with people if they were honest/Authentic.

    To Liars," I'm sorry. I don't know you."

    Them example," It was one tinny lie."

    There's a difference between I caught your back stabbing and it eating away at you so you confronted me," we need to talk." Everyone's lies will find them out.

  • @PrettyLuv - Sounds like there is a story behind that post (although in a country the size of the U.S. I am sure it happens to multiple people every day).

    @RodgerRabbit79 - your post reminds me of the famous quote “Three things cannot long be hidden, The Sun, the Moon, and The Truth.” - Buddha

    @relaxtoday221 @pmvines and @Geniger 😂😂

    @Bear - I live in Indiana which will probably be among the last states to legalize cannabis and most of my driving is in KY, TN, and GA so I have not seen those billboards yet but I agree, that would be an appropriate new version of the ad.

    @JasonCuddles - that is probably my favorite suggested version of the ad. Timeless and appropriate!

  • Friends dont let friends text and drive.

    Always horrifies me when I'm messaging with someone, and one of their replies is something like "I'm driving, just missed my exit" or really, ANY message telling me that they're driving and texting.

    Texting someone is way less important than paying attention to the road. 🤕

  • ...tell dad jokes alone.

  • [Deleted User]Melanin8 (deleted user)

    order a starbucks drinks without buying her one

  • Drink, smoke, or text and drive. Just don’t do it.

  • Friends don’t let friends post erection threads on CC

  • Friends don’t let friends use the same password on all of their accounts.

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