Limited Mentality



  • Because I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not living. I don't want to die, and I certainly wouldn't choose to do things that I know would end in death....but I don't want to put life on hold just because it's a risk.

  • Sometimes people have tunnel vision. I'm not pointing fingers. Many of mankind's accomplishments are detrimental but our story isn't over yet.

    I ask the audience at large, do you own or use a car, a computer, a cell phone, clothes, shoes, etc... We are all culpable.


    Back to the point. Exploration is not a whimsical gesture. Nor is taking chances. Burying your head in the sand does not make things go away, not quell the adventuresome spirit.

  • I can't help myself.

    We're not killing the planet. That is an absurd notion.

    Please familiarize yourself with the many and varied incredible forces of the Universe, many seen and known, many not. The death of Earth itself will come from space, not people, automobiles, plastic bags, etc.

  • I love that attitude @cuddle_bug88 !!!

  • @cuddle_bug88 - You nailed it! I am in no hurry to die and I do a lot of things to maintain my health and vitality. Barring an accident, I plan on being around another 50-60 years (my grandparents on both sides lived into their 90s and they did not take care of their health the way I do).

    Anyway, as much as I look forward to being around for decades to come, I refuse to let fear hold me back from living an adventurous life. In a couple of weeks I am doing a 160 mile bike ride on a U.S. Highway. I fully realize the possibility of being hit by a car so I take precautions like wearing a fluorescent color Jersey and putting extremely bright flashing lights on my bike. But I don’t let the fear of an accident hold me back.

    Years ago there was a syndicated radio show host named Bruce Williams. He was an older, classy moon sense guy who avoided politics and talked about practical life stuff (how to negotiate buying a used car, the importance of having a will, etc.). His nickname was “America’s Uncle”.

    I remember Bruce once talking to a caller who was OCD about nutrition and exercise. Bruce cheerfully reminded the caller that you can eat perfectly all your life, exercise the exact amount you need every day, avoid smoking and drinking and get adequate sleep every night. Still, one day you will feel very embarrassed lying in a casket dead of nothing.

  • there’s an Interesting balance between risk averse and risk taker. Of course we all want to enjoy life and of course, whatever activity we may partake in can be a danger, but I personally feel that there are some undue risks that can be avoided.

    Let’s just use this as an example if you were offered an all expense paid trip to climb Mount Everest, would you do it? You would receive all of the training needed before the climb to prepare you.

    Also I’ve read that “Humans are naturally disposed to disregard issues that are not challenging their daily lives or those which dilute their convenience.”

  • @JohnR1972 Wow! Bruce Williams. I used to love listening to him! I think he broadcasted out of his house in Florida. He was really interesting to listen to. About 25 years ago the local radio station switched to Art Bell, and I missed Williams.

  • I love this thread that I'm too lowly to contribute to. So interesting and well-said.

  • @achetocuddle no one is lowly. It’s really just meant to be an open Ended discussion where people can just observe and take things into consideration it’s not meant to bash anyone or say anyone’s wrong or right.

  • @lonelytauros I know. Thank you much. I should maybe have added an Lol to my post. It is a great discussion and one of my fave threads.

    @warm_embrace I just realized that I read your post the wrong way and responded in a way that doesn't make sense, ha ha. In spite of becoming less risk averse as I age and it coming from learning more about myself and the world, I don't think there is anything wrong with becoming more risk averse. I was very risk averse for most of my life and it worked well for me, in spite of the naysayers.

  • @lonelytauros - I would absolutely attempt climbing Everest if someone else was covering all my training and expenses. I have done white water rafting over Class V rapids, underwater cave diving and sky diving. I am always on the look out for other fun, high adrenaline activities.

    @TxTom - yes, I miss Bruce Williams. He was my favorite and I also liked Dr. Dean Edell. Art Bell was… interesting 😊 I had to be in the right frame of mind to listen to him and his guests who were really out there.

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