Virtual sessions/FaceTime cuddle sessions

Hello, I’ve a question regarding virtual cuddle sessions. I have never done any and wondering if anyone can provide me with how that works exactly. I’m guessing more of conversational and eye contact?! I appreciate any feedback. Thank you fellow cuddlers!


  • Hello! A virtual session can be beneficial in that there are exercises that mimic touch that you can do via FaceTime. Eye gazing is one of them, there are more and also deep listening

  • edited July 2023

    comment reviewed & removed for being inappropriate [Shake49]

  • @TxTom I do remember reading some examples of that problem on the forum as well :#

  • edited July 2023

    @snugggalicious there is a meta thread about this on the professional cuddling board - there is a lot of information there.

    Virtual cuddling should not be confused with online companionship, which is an equally wonderful but entirely different thing.

  • Virtual sessions are beneficial when there is a great distance involved between the people involved; when transportation is problematic; or just to touch base and say howdy or to confirm a pending session.

  • I've said this before, but it bears repeating: virtual cuddles aren't just a poor substitute for "the real thing".... They are absolutely vital for accessibility for a decent number of people who cannot meet in person for any number of reasons. Think beyond just distance - someone could be homebound due to chronic illness, avoiding exposure to multiple germ pools, have social anxiety, have mental or physical disabilities that make leaving home difficult, lack of transportation, only able to afford the cuddle session and not all the "hidden" costs, have sensory issues and so need strict control over their environment, etc. Whatever a person's reasons are is not really any of our business, just know they are meeting their own needs in the form that works best for them.

    I get so tired of all the ableist language and messaging that gets thrown in these threads about virtual cuddling. If it's not for you, then fine - but watch how you say that because you may be shaming or otherwise deterring someone who really needs that accessibility from even trying it.

  • @cuddlefaery - People always feel the need to give their personal opinion on a topic whether or not it was asked. I'm guilty of that. I decided to stay out of this one.

  • That's funny, no one actually criticized it in this thread?

  • @jplemmon - No, but they have in other threads. She's just beating them here.

  • So this thread gets punished because of others? That seems quite unfair to me.

  • I enjoy virtually cuddling

  • @jplemmon there is long history of virtual cuddling threads being ruined by various types of negative vibe merchants. @cuddlefaery is just heading all that off at the pass.

  • @CuddleDuncan I think you are advocating very poor forum etiquette no offense. Each thread is different and the OP was asking a very fair question. No one responded in a negative way. Give each thread a chance. Do you truly advocate "heading off" a thread because you predict it could turn negative by the other side? No offense yet again but you seem to me to be afraid of pros on this forum?

  • I've been pretty confused on what virtual cuddling us until I was able to find a little info from some of the threads from a few years ago. I also found this video which I found very helpful.

  • Thank you to everyone that has responded. Greatly appreciate your advice! :)

  • edited July 2023

    @jplemmon no offence taken. 🙂 I'm not afraid of the professionals in any sense, but I am a great fan of professional cuddlers and I've read, listened and written about the profession extensively.

    I agree with you that the OP's question is great and that there have been no negative comments in this thread. And also that 'heading off' is not a great practice in general. However, this particular question has been asked many times before and there is an unfortunate repeating pattern which we are trying to break.

  • @CuddleDuncan it's funny you mention that. After all, the negative that began was not those who criticize virtual sessions. To fix the problem, BOTH sides have to resist the negativity or else it's a never ending cycle. There is absolutely no evidence anyone was coming on here to criticize virtual sessions.

  • I don't really see how CuddleFaery's comments are going to stop someone from taking an anti-virtual position if they want to take it - unless they are somehow intimidated by one pro's comments. Seems to me she is simply giving an answer before the objections are raised. Is it somehow squelching conflict in this topic? I have a hard time seeing that, people on here seem to have strong opinions about everything here and most likely aren't going to be silenced that easily. I will admit that I have not experienced virtual cuddling, have no idea what it would entail and right now am not inclined to try it - but nothing in this topic discourages me from saying that. (Of course, if you are someone on here to "stir the pot" and want to see conflict, I can see where preemptive strikes becoming a habit would be annoying.)

  • @WriterGF you may have some comprehension issues that you need assistance with. The point is that the thread was derailed for no reason and this is why we can’t have nice things. If you are advocating this preemptive strike idea then it goes straight to my general belief about who the TRUE bullies are on this forum. Look inwards.

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