September is over

Yea I couldn't help myself with the title lol but anyways...
Happy October y'all 😊 I'm not a big fan of Fall mainly because it means it will be cold soon but Halloween is my favorite holiday followed by Christmas. I know I know both my favorite holidays are in cold months. What makes it even more funny is I'm from the south.
What's y'alls favorite Fall holiday?



  • edited October 2023

    πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ₯³πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡β€ΌοΈβ€ΌοΈβ€ΌοΈ This is the best time of the year!!!

  • This is my favorite time of the year! Thanksgiving is probably my favorite, but I love all the fall & winter holidays! I'm near Houston, so I love any time the temp dips below 80 ;)

  • edited October 2023

    My niece became old enough to trick or treat last year so I am excited to take her this year. I’ve always loved Halloween but seeing it as an uncle makes it even more special without having to be a parent myself πŸ˜…

  • @CharlieBear
    First, thats adorable!

    And I actually never liked Halloween because I don't like being scared.
    But when my nephew was born and old enough to trick or treat, it made me focus on the kid friendly side of Halloween.
    Now with other nephews I can continuously enjoy the season.

  • @SnugglyMel I use to love snow and everything but after living up north for 10+ years it can stay away lol I still remember the first winter up north. I'm use to snow being gone in the same day not lasting for months.

    @CharlieBear @Jova114 when I being a parent Halloween did change a little for me. Mainly because I did have to think about them and the dangers this holiday can bring but other then that it's still the same. When they was younger it was funny to watch them get excited or scared by something.

  • I woke you up when September ended. 😐

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    πŸ¦„ Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • @SunsetSnuggles Wake me up! Before you go go!

  • My favorite holiday is Yule. Especially since I used to play Santa Claus for my cousins grandkids and for friends of the family. I also do it at work occasionally.

  • [Deleted User]Abbeyroad (deleted user)
    edited October 2023

    Not my fave time of year to be honest. Light and long evenings are for me. Personally I don't ' celebrate' Halloween as it's an occult based tradition that gives recognition to spiritual darkness and satan. Those who know - know.

  • Halloween wins by default. I have no real attachment to Thanksgiving, and I despise christmas, all 90 days of it. It's not even my holiday, but it's impossible to go anywhere without being subjected to it. And too many people consider not celebrating to be a huge sin that makes you a bad person.

    Sorry for the rant. My mood generally starts taking a nosedive this time of year. But at least I've still got spiritual darkness to look forward to.

  • @Bear

    My favorite holiday is Yule.


  • No need to run the AC or the Heat. Love it

  • edited October 2023

    I like Halloween

  • @Bear Yule is up there with Christmas for me. I can see ya playing Santa. Fake or Real Beard?

    @Abbeyroad well I'm a pagan

    @Unscented_Lemon I can understand your view on Christmas. But I try to focus on what it's meant to be during the time. Which is family/friends and kindness. I'm definitely not someone who celebrated 90 days of Christmas though. If someone doesn't celebrate then it's there choice. My youngest daughter isn't a fan of Christmas and doesn't really want to celebrate it but deals with it because of me. My grandma is the reason I like Christmas so much.

  • @Sooson that is very true...spring is the same too. 😍kitty

  • @Mama_Bre I know that's how the movies portray it, but that's never been my experience. Growing up Jewish in a small town, it was a time of hate and intolerance (even more so than usual). As an adult, it's knowing that I can't go anywhere without being assaulted by it and knowing that my friends are all busy. Plus the hate and intolerance (some people start foaming at the mouth at hearing "happy holidays" or seeing a plain red Starbucks cup).

  • My favorite season is definitely Fall, we just don't get much of it here in Dallas. i miss the cold air, trees, and colors, smells of being up north.
    My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, because it’s not about buying and all the advertising and shopping pressure that Christmas is now. I also love to bake desserts! But then i start stressing about Christmas by October.
    Halloween is more fun with a child imo, but i dont like the dark frightening imagery thats pushed on kids at a really young age

  • Did everyone notice there’s a Friday the Thirteenth, Blood Moon, and more this year? October is my favorite :)

  • @Unscented_Lemon well that is shitty of people. Well I'm non-judgmental if you need someone. 😊

    @Bear the fake beard doesn't look bad but a real one would be better lol

    @carrieanne Thanksgiving is another good family holiday. It's suppose to be the start of the giving and kindness that goes along with Christmas.

    @stormydaycuddle no I did not know that. 😍But now I'll adding them to the calendar lol thanks for the heads up.😊

  • @Unscented_Lemon posted: "some people start foaming at the mouth...seeing a plain red Starbucks cup"

    πŸ˜… So true. When I was a shift manager there many moons ago, we had a customer who was a staunch Christian, and he refused to accept a red Christmas cup until after December 1st. He was super rude about it, too, which I found ironic and sad. (I was raised conservative Christian, myself.) We eventually started keeping a sleeve of regular white cups just for him, even though we weren't "allowed", because he would throw such a hissy fit. Wish people would learn to send their complaints to the right place instead of taking it out on those who can't control it. He should have sent a strongly-worded letter to corporate. Or sent up a strongly-worded prayer. 😏 Guess neither worked.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    πŸ¦„ Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • Stepped outside last night and actually needed a jacket!!
    So excited for cooler weather!
    I also bought some Jack the Skeleton earrings at a farmer's market to go with an outfit I'm putting together.
    And yesterday I started listening to a horror podcast, time to get spooky!!! x3

  • Halloween is my thang! I like to dress up and usually have 2 or more costumes and outfits to display! This year I will be in New Orleans dressed up for Halloween Karaoke with my brother and sister!
    Thanksgiving, meh. I'm a vegetarian who doesn't like football. Turkey day is just a gap filler until Christmas!!

  • edited October 2023

    Today I started listening to my Halloween playlist that seems to grow in length every year (currently 662 tracks):

    Once I get through that list I'll go through each song in alphabetical order and usually by that point the month is over.

    Though my favorite holiday is probably Christmas with Halloween as second. Never been a fan of Thanksgiving, since I don't particularly love turkey or a lot of the other dishes that my family usually has at Thanksgiving.

    My Christmas playlist (which also has some Hanukkah and other seasonal songs in it) though is only 563 songs, some of which are the same song recorded by different artists. That's when I like to listen to the playlist in alphabetical order to compare different artists' versions of a same song.

  • 🌲 🎁 I would say Christmas! 🌲 🎁
    It’s a fun, sweet holiday with children. And celebrating the meaning of it for Christians.

  • How dare yal bring Christmas vibes on October…

  • Halloween is my favorite! September is just blah in general so I’m happy it’s over. Spooky Season! Yay!

  • @HumbleBaron well I did ask the question so my bad lol πŸ˜†

  • Love Halloween. Gotta love the horror movies binge! I live on the outskirts of a small village and in the 30 odd years I've lived here, I haven't seen one trick-or-treater. Doesn't stop me buying bags of choco just in case though haha.

    Also it's close to my Mum's birthday so it's a great time by default.

  • Halloween candy trivia:

    Reese's Pieces soard in popularity after the movie E.T.: the Extraterrestrial.

    The movie's producers had initially talked with M&M's executives for product placement in the film. But the candy company didn't want M&M's associated with such an ugly creature. Little did they realize audiences would fall in love with E.T.

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