When A Client Books you without even messaging you....



  • @carrieanne oh yeah, it’s funny when you actually do accept the last minute ones to see what they’ll do. Usually nothing and they’re not even ready to meet. Like uh??? Why send me the proposal then????

    Either it’s a legit request but made in the most ridiculous way (would you book a plumber and say “idk what I need you to fix or anything and also I have no idea when I want you to come by, actually no I’m busy and don’t need plumbing now!”) or a shady request, and they flake out once realizing you aren’t a hooker 🙄

  • That’s actually what happened with the guy I mentioned who did that this week. I accepted without any comment just waited to see what would happen. Sure enough he wrote back and said oh sorry I just saw that you’re not in the same city as me so I’ll have to cancel. Ok

  • edited January 3

    Actually, that’s how I booked my very first pro cuddler. I just sent the booking proposal without sending any message. But that wasn’t done intentionally I didn’t even know you could send a message. I thought you just had to book so that you could message after now I know better so what I do first before sending a booking proposal is I send a message like hey cuddle pro!

  • I try to give folks the benefit of the doubt when this happens. After all, the button a client pushes says “request a booking,” and not “send a message.” Many folks are just very literal and think they must send the booking or that it’s more polite to do so.

    I just send my normal greeting and let them know whether their proposed time works for me, or if it doesn’t (and it usually doesn’t), I suggest a time that works better. If they’re in another city, I point that out and ask if they’re in my area visiting.

    75% of the time it leads to a normal booking right away. Another 10% of the time it leads to a future appt.

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