Favorite “Quirky” Healthy Foods



  • I think it was merely a misunderstanding @TxTom
    That happens.
    Just don't want it to get escalated when it doesn't need to be

  • @Jova114 You are an extremely nice person but I disagree with you. I think you have a blind spot to disingenuous comments. But that’s all I will say on the matter. I enjoy 100% positivity but i can also spot BS when I smell it. And the BS was not coming from you.

  • @BoomerSpooner
    Firstly, thank you for the compliment my friend.
    It may not be that a have a blind spot but moreso I choose not to focus on it.
    In no way am I trying to argue either.
    We can disagree and that's fine.
    Let's just agree to disagree and continue with the positivity that this forum is..

    I mean..it's about food after all

  • @Jova114 💯 And thank you for clarifying that you just ignore it. That is quite different from saying it isn’t there.

    But all natural peanut butter is great too.

  • @BoomerSpooner
    This is just a general statement I am making. It is not aimed at anyone.

    The more you focus on something negative, the bigger it becomes. The more you focus on the bigger picture, that little negative things fades away.

    I don't know if it's natural, but I've been getting into flavored BBQ sauces.
    I'll check the label when I get home but I just got a peach flavored one that is AMAZING!

  • edited October 2023

    The more you focus on something negative, the bigger it becomes. The more you focus on the bigger picture, that little negative things fades away.

    You can do both without burying your head in the sand as well. One can call out the negative and not be focused on it. And when it’s a recidivist it makes it very easy to spot and call out.

    I also understand that some people are inclined towards negative thoughts swallowing them whole. But I don’t think calling out disingenuous comments would do that to those people because a disingenuous comment is the back door entrance to saying something negative or snarky with a little camouflage make-up to cover it up.

    In the end if we are nice and allow negativity to flourish in the name of preserving positivity then the behavior we are actually portraying is insincerity.

  • @BoomerSpooner
    You make a point there.
    I guess this is where we just differ.
    And that is 100% ok.

  • Chocolate covered chia seeds. They’re soooo yummy! I love it for the texture more than anything. Imagine eating 100 micro m&m’s at once, but with a more delicate crunch and minus the overly sweet sugar.

    At $10 a bag, it’s a bit of a splurge but so worth it.

  • @BoomerSpooner isnt disingenuity the name of the game though. People will say in one breath they support x, y, z & then make friends with a person doing exactly the opposite. What’s the point in engaging with any of them? It’s all cut from the same cloth either way. You’re bound to be disingenuous in your response.

  • Thanks @JohnR1972 for the info

  • [Deleted User]Hugginsworth (deleted user)
    edited October 2023

    Pretty much everything I cook ends up being quirky in some way. Pine nut cream, flax eggs, almond parmesan, collard wraps — it's all in a day's work for a vegan.

    if we are nice and allow negativity to flourish in the name of preserving positivity then the behavior we are actually portraying is insincerity.

    (I don't think it's disingenuous to avoid feeding the trolls. That's a valid way to keep positivity flourishing.)

  • edited October 2023

    @Hugginsworth The comment about being disingenuous was from a post someone made it had nothing to do with Jova or whether or not we should engage said person.

    Edit: thank you for clarifying what you were referring to. I recognize your point and I agree with it to an extent but I would argue as I did that recidivist trolls do need to be called out or they will continue to pollute the forums with their baiting, circular arguments, and general bad faith discussions. But yes your point is also correct, you can usually ignore them or report them. But there are exceptions.

  • edited October 2023

    Reported and reviewed. Removing comment. Let’s just get back on topic, and this note is not directed solely at @TxTom. Thank you. [CharlieBear]

  • Cauliflower Crust pizza

  • I love grilled cauliflower steaks

  • @Hugginsworth Following your advice. Dumping all the corn and seeds on the ground. In the words of Jules “I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.”

  • While not quirky (my apologies to the OP), one of my favorites is salmon and steamed broccoli. My local grocery store sells the absolute best Atlantic salmon filets. I put nothing on it except a dob of garlic butter. Same with the steamed broccoli, nothing but a dash of pepper.

  • @TxTom I love me some salmon but I try not to eat too much bc mercury

  • @sunnysideup
    Ah, gotcha. I guess I've never really worried much about that because I eat a ton of Albacore tuna sandwiches. (Perhaps that's why I'm so sensitive to temperature changes?) Although, at the time, my ex avoided most fish while pregnant.

  • @TxTom mercury is a neurotoxin so your ex was smart in that regard, but I think that having twice fish weekly or so doesn’t give you any kind of poisoning

  • Mercury was used in hat making in the 18th and 19th century and could cause neurological damage that would mimic insanity, hence the term mad hatter.

  • I think something similar happened with lead in cutlery and cookware.

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