A friendly reminder to not be absent minded while messaging others πŸ˜‚

That's from someone I was speaking with elsewhere.

Though y'all feel free to play CC friendly This or That in the comment section if you'd like, and respond to whoever's comment piques your interest. 😊

I can start and I'll make bold the one I'd choose:

1: Cats or 2: dogs
1: Parks or 2: movies
Dancing or singing
High fives or handshakes
Heavy blankets or light blankets
Bird-watching or people-watching


  • Restraints is never on the table for me

  • edited October 2023

    Cats or Dogs: Dogs

    1: ****main squeeze**** or 2: lap of luxury
    1: ****cook dinner**** or 2: order takeout

  • Handshakes or high fives? Pounds
    Heavy blankets
    People watching
    Movies at the park
    Couples pedi or couples massage?

  • @RadiantHugs 2, 1. Ocassional take out sounds nice too, though. 😊

    @BashfulLoner πŸ˜‚

    Ah, movies at the park, I've not thought of that for a minute! What a great idea.

    I'll go with massage. 😊

  • Bahahahahaha! This is the type of typo I can get behind. 🀣

  • I live and desire massages, but couples massage, i feel like we don't even interact so I'd rather go myself.

  • @PixiePassions That was not a typo..., I did the most LOL! πŸ˜‚

    @BashfulLoner Interesting! :)

  • Well I can't choose behind cats and dogs because I have both lol
    High fives
    Restraints...I mean...restaurants
    Heavy Blankets

  • @Lovelight, have not seen you here in a while... glad to see you back. :)

  • Dogs
    No restraints so picnics.
    Restaurants. L O L.
    Dancing versus singing
    Sheet. I’m a heat generator.

  • Cats or dogs
    Parks or movies
    Dancing or singing
    High fives or handshakes
    Heavy blankets or light blankets unless it’s really cold, then I love a good snuggly comforter
    Bird-watching or people-watching

  • The interesting thing about autocorrect is how it sometimes types stuff you’ve never typed before?!? You’re like, β€œwhy would I ever say that in that context?!?”

    Cats or dogs - both
    Parks or movies - both
    Dancing or singing - both
    High fives or handshakes
    Heavy blankets or light blankets unless it’s really cold, then I love a good snuggly comforter - yeah I’m with @Jewel107
    Bird-watching or people-watching - both

  • edited October 2023

    @Mr_Cuddle_Bear Thanks! I'm glad you remembered me, I decided to come back for a little while. I'm glad you're still around too. 😊

    @Bear awesome! Picnics are awesome! Also, cool. I can't really stand the weight and it doesn't really take much to warm me up usually. So light it's for me too.


    Cool, since making this post, people watching piqued my interest a bit. So who knows, I just might pick that up lol. I'll try not to weird anyone out though. On second thought, I'll probably get a lot of hi-s and maybe end up with a friend or two, who knows. Though I'm also lucky to be somewhere relatively safe that people don't flip out and cause ruckas because someone looked at them. Some places unfortunately I heard some people are even afraid to make eye contact because of it. So it isn't as straight forward and easy as bird* watching. Though it should be interesting to try a bit, although my interests lie more on the introvert and nature side.

    @IsMeArrggh Nice, very diverse! :)

  • By the way, I was on YouTube and accidently tapped a FB ad. I thought I accidently opened my inbox and was like... who is she and why is she offering to get food with me?????? πŸ˜‚

  • Dogs
    Singing (well, trying and failing)
    High Fives
    Heavy Blankets (I'd just kick it off anyway)

    ...Milk or Dark chocolate anyone?

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