


  • @stormydaycuddle "… taking it down. It doesn’t sound right/the way I wanted it to."

    If it's any consolation and that my memory serves me right on this, I just wanted you to know having read it prior, that I think you wrote it nicely and I knew exactly what you meant. :)

  • [Deleted User]MavReborn (deleted user)

    At risk of an onslaught of comments of people coming at me, I want to be transparent here if it will help you! I have some serious social anxiety. I know a lot of people do! And I’ll feel great at the start of our communication, and then the anxiety would creep up. One time, I was the flaker. My anxiety overcame me and then I felt horrible and guilty cause I knew it wasn’t going to be good, and I flaked! I still feel terrible about that! That’s why I really was hoping one of those cuddle parties would come to the area because the pressure wouldn’t all be on me, and I feel like I could get used to cuddling with a stranger. Anyways, some people here mentioned that a phone or video call may help! I want to attest that it certainly does!!! I just had the most wonderful conversation with someone on here on the phone! Which I was indeed nervous about! But I did it! And I loved it! And because of that initial call, I am so excited to meet up for coffee/hot chocolate!!! We are setting up a time soon to meet up, and the nerves are settled! If things go good at the coffee we’re then going to move to a hangout at her house with no expectation to cuddle at that time until we both feel comfortable enough too! This level of communication and the small step process has been so nice!!! It alleviates every ounce of pressure!!! I know she respects me, and she felt respected, and next step here we go!!! Please know, I know I was wrong when I flaked! I only said anything because I wanted to offer (and affirm what’s been said) that a good phone call prior can work wonders! I think for both sides!

  • @Lovelight ty. :) It feels weird saying in one breath enthusiasts rock and have a lot to offer, and if anything if you find a good one to help you're in good shape then in the next paragraph writing that if you need a mentor pros streamline a lot of trial and error for things only pro can teach. Ha. I think that might be it. I didn't quite know where I was going with that sentence at first but I think that works. Lol. ty.
    @CuddleDuncan that was more of my guilt for being a flake lately. I'm good. I hate canceling on clients. So I'm trying to decide whether to take a moment. I say three ring circus because its been a little weird NOT (hopefully) that there's anything really that wrong.

  • @MavReborn you're safe from me. I'm glad its working out for you or at least headed in that direction.

  • @MavReborn Thanks for sharing that. I think one that did ghost me once was due to social anxiety.

    @stormydaycuddle Hops you feel better soon!

  • I did have to last minute cancel once due to sickness in the family. The person was already driving to me, but it couldn’t be helped. We did eventually reschedule. The person then did want me to come their way, but that was feasible for me. I explained that it was probably a one time event and it couldn’t be helped. He understood and did drive to me.

  • edited November 2023

    @stormydaycuddle * no problem and it doesn't come across contradictory to me at all. As an enthusiast and especially always been one, most likely always will be, I know there's a lot I don't know from a pro perspective. So what you said and what you're saying now makes perfect sense. In other words, we, enthusiasts and pros, both offer value. Though from different perspectives, and in some ways there can be a lot of overlap. :)

  • [Deleted User]MavReborn (deleted user)

    @stormydaycuddle and @CuddleHugs01234 thank you very much for the grace!!! Stormy! I really hope you can get back to enjoying some uninterrupted great cuddling soon!!!

  • @Lovelight I have a stomache. I'll send you the bill. If that's in your vocabulary? hahahahhaha

  • I have trouble with my eczema being flaky.

  • @Minestrone101

    "I have a stomache. I'll send you the bill. If that's in your vocabulary? hahahahhaha"

    Lol... 😅

    Not yet, though I may be able to hop into my ol' beat up imaginary pickup truck if it decides to giddy up, and come help you wash some dishes. Or maybe we can all put our cards into a draw, and let the poor winner take on the responsibility of 'bailing' you out. If all that fails, we may have to go back to the drawing board and figure a way to get you out of that mess you got yourself into. I'm very confident that at least one of the previous plans will work though. 😂

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