What does this mean? Plz help!

What is this yellow box?
My messages after it doesn't have it but the one before does.

Has it sent?


  • I'd assume it has something to do with the downtime/outage they had earlier today.

  • Your phone has yellow fever. Has your phone come in contact with a mosquito in the last six months?

  • Not to distract but I kept thinking that I had a new message while reading this.

  • @emotionalsponge lol. Same for me.

  • Did you ever find the answer to your question? I see yellow boxes over some of my messages as well. Thanks!

  • Hello, @VitaminJ, welcome to CC!

    The only time I notice a yellow box around one of my messages is when I have used the message search feature. For example, here in this thread, I used the search function to find occurrences of the word "weather,"
    and then when I clicked on one of the exchanges that contained that term, it highlighted the exact message that contained the word "weather."

    Could that be the case for you?

  • It could be! Thanks for responding! And thanks for the welcoming words!

  • @Bella_Sera looks like you need to charge your phone ;)

    But seriously, you just taught me a search feature!

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