Bored & Lonely asf 😫



  • [Deleted User]01001000P (deleted user)

    Played some war game.

  • Got gifted a big heart shaped box of chocolate 😍
    It’s tacky and cliche but I liked it πŸ’œ

  • @bobadevotee wow, nice. What type? 😊

  • I've been on a two week long reclusive hyper-fixation bender of sleep deprivation and experimentation. After a long day of report writing and hobby research, I decided to relax in the jacuzzi. Unbeknownst to me, it was valentine's day so after about a half hour, my relaxing solitude in the cool twilight was disturbed by a, frankly, obnoxiously attractive couple seeking to utilize the communal hot tub. They were cordial and genteel, but I was conflicted with inner turmoil. I realized that my presence there was impeding romantic development; however, my inner mischievous pixie wanted to blithely interject at comedically appropriate times during the procession. I decided against it as they were nice and we shared a moment of affable discourse, and I left them to their lover's frenzy. All things considered, it was a nice night and I got a great picture of just my head protruding the stirring waters.

  • I had a 2 part Valentines this year. Part one was a trip to Santa Barbara county. We had a luxury picnic at a park. I recommend those picnic companies! And then a hot air balloon ride after with dinner at a restaurant. This was on a weekend. Then part 2 was on Valentines day where we got each other chocolates and sweets.

    Anyway I recommend to do a hot air balloon ride at least once in your life! I might try it twice lol

  • @Amortentia Great pictures and that really does look like a lot of fun. I'm definitely going to add this to my list of "Things to Do at Least Once."

  • For couples whose marriage is on the rocks they offer a hot air balloon with a trap door.

  • @BoomerSpooner looool. And the pilot did ask if anyone was celebrating anything like anniversary or divorce lol. So maybe they have those!

  • @BoomerSpooner Damn, lol, if I ever go up in a balloon I'm gonna both look for the trap door and be super nice to my partner a week or so before the ride. :#

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