How do you like to be held?

[Deleted User]CasamigoLove (deleted user)

Tell me what’s the most comfortable way you like to be held or hold someone



  • Preferably not as a hostage

  • Between the inexorable jaws of cruel fate and the rending pincers of abject futility. But in a pinch, covered with a dozen purring fur babies gently kneading me will do.

  • I really love the 'sweetheart cradle' (google for image, I can't seem to add it here).
    There is reciprocal holding/being held, and it feels very nurturing and heart-centered because of the head resting on the chest. I feel very connected, and like being able to hear their heartbeat or them being able to hear mine. Of all the ways I might be able to fall asleep next to someone, this might be it :3 It's also nice having one's limbs slightly intertwined, but if you're not comfortable with that, the person lying on their side can also put a pillow between their legs which is super comfy.

  • Hostage?


    @ g point?



    Trivago. 😊

    I'm a little curious, is your username... "snuggle up rank" or "snuggle u prank" 🤔

  • @Vocalist100 - are you a writer? because that was a thoroughly enjoyable read. love the imagery🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱

    @Lovelight - i was just thinking that too. 🧐🧐

  • I prefer to be held like this, so STRONG ARMS💪, HANDS 👐 and a SOLIDLY stable leg and foot foundation is NECESSARY!😁
    Let's do this!👍

  • 🤣🤣🤣

  • Eh depends

  • @katota Is that a laser cat?

  • Kitty picture because cute kitty.

    Sweetheart, little spoon, and legs innertwined.

  • @TxTom Lol! 🤣 Laser cat? Yoga cat? Whatever, just hold me like this cat is being held. That's the point!😁👍

  • @SungSherBear That is a cute kitty! All snuggled up by its kittyself. Love it!😍

  • @SungSherBear wow, that looks like my cat!!!

  • @Katota Lol, how about this? 😊

    There so many different types of these things by the way, and I've lately been obsessed with them. They're just so cute or something. 😂

  • The half spoon for sure. Sometimes I like being the little spoon. I just haven't found somebody to be a bigger, big spoon.

  • [Deleted User]CasamigoLove (deleted user)

    Lol it’s snuggle up rank

  • @Bear I'd be your same-sized big spoon 🤗😂

  • @cuddlefaery thank you. I would love that.

  • edited February 18

    With both feet to the fire.

  • In high regard

  • @Bear That's a nice holding position too!😊
    Of course it doesn't top the "flying kitty hold" 😄 up there. But yes, I agree that position of holding is very nice indeed!😁👍

    Lol! I still have hope for someone to participate with holding me "flying kitty"-style. 😁

  • @Katota if you were laying on a bed I could hold you like that. I'm lucky I can hold myself up lately. I'm not as young as I used to be.

  • I really like this one.

  • 'Sweetheart cradle' with me lying on my back.
    This is 100% my favorite. Thank you, @Kallista, for the name of this position!

  • The Koala is a nice

  • @Mela_B that's one of my favorites along with sweetheart cradle.

  • In all seriousness... I don't think I've had enough experiences to really know. Though here are two experiences that I still remember being quite enjoyable.

    He was lying on his back, with me resting on his chest and sometimes looking at him while we conversed. Then I remember we changed to me being the "little spoon" and after I think we held side by side facing each other. All were quite nice.

    Another experience was with a guy I sat beside, and I think he had rested his head on mine sometimes. Overall it was nice. Though the most enjoyable moment for me, especially with him, was when he lifted me up, and held me for a little while, before I asked him to put me back on my mobility aid. He did it all safely, and well! Although, I'm probably almost as light as a kite, I was still concerned for his back after, and expressed that to him. 😅

    Shhh, don't tell him, and I hope future cuddlers don't see this lol. Though, I can actually get on and off my mobility aid myself. Which I did myself the first time... I think. However, he apparently wanted to lift me when our cuddle was done, and I had no objections. I don't remember if one of the other guys I cuddled with also lifted me. 😊

    My Overall Take:

    I enjoy being comforting, and to some degree or another engaging. Whether that's having conversations with abundant eye contact, and comforting pats or caresses on their back. I also love holding hands, especially if the person shows comfort, and assertiveness through their hands! Aside from any medical conditions, I am not really big on handshakes that are very dainty such as barely even holding my hand. If you can't hold my hand well, how can I trust you to hold me well???? I can't, never, never! You're an imposter... IMPOSTER LOL!

    We don't have to apply constant pressure and we can just hold with relaxed hands sometimes. Though I think the issue is if that's all it is, and there's no variety. Or if it's the first impression, and the person for whatever reason doesn't get a chance to make a better impression with me. While I focused on hands, a lot of this can also apply to overall cuddling. I think being held a little firmly sometimes is very soothing. It can also communicate: "I got you, and I'm comfortable with you."

    I love a comfortably strong grip when it comes to handshakes, and some gentle pressure applied from time to time when holding, hugging, etc. Or I might take it a little personally, and think: "I KNOW I look so dainty, though I'm not THAT dainty! Come on... you can put a little strength, and life into it." 😂

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