Anyone else excited about Wonder Woman ??



  • [Deleted User]navyvet76 (deleted user)
    i saw it last week was really tired and missed "parts" of it. I don't know how long i was asleep,  but pretty sure i missed a few plot lines. LOL
  • Let me know if you liked it.
  • [Deleted User]VIPirate (deleted user)
    edited June 2017
    I hope that it's not inappropriate to turn this into an all-inclusive comic book movies thread. My God, after I saw this, I am incredibly hyped for Black Panther.

  • I just got out of the theater and Wonder Woman was AMAZING!!!!
  • DC is playing catch up with Marvel and this was a good, promising start.
  • I finally saw it this past Saturday and I freaking loved it! 
  • [Deleted User]RScarf1 (deleted user)
    I thought the movie was average.  I also did not like the feminist statements in the movie.  Why does female empowerment usually also involve male bashing?  Gal Gadot is a great actress and potrayed Wonder Woman well with the acting and fight scenes.  I agreed with the few movie critics on Rotten Tomatoes who did not think it was an excellent movie.  
  • [Deleted User]manticorp (deleted user)
    They were literally just going based off of the lore behind the Amazons though.. I don't really remember a lot of examples of male bashing, but in general it's impolite to bash anyone. I think it was a very balanced movie that showed the balance between the idealistic way of looking at the world and the reality of it without pushing too hard towards a certain opinion. I thought it was above average for a superhero movie, and pretty darn good for a movie in general
  •  I absolutely loved it! This is the first movie that I have ever seen where the woman isn't a victim or needs to be protected at any point. She's the one who protects the men.  It's a very powerful movie to show how women  can be strong and don't always have to be victims either.  I personally love the fact that little girls can look at this and mimic a strong female character!  
  • [Deleted User]RScarf1 (deleted user)
    Wonder Woman said that being a secretary is "slavery."  The movie is set during World War I, so I know women did not have the opportunities they have today, but it is a job.  There are women today who are secretaries because they choose to be.  Some women would rather be a secretary in a doctor's office than become a doctor.  Some women would rather be a legal secretary than become a lawyer.  I also did not like the comment from Wonder Woman that men are here for procreation and not for pleasure.  What if a man said that to a woman?  They could have left these two scenes out of the movie.  If the movie was above average, it was because of Gadot's performance.  
  • [Deleted User]manticorp (deleted user)
    edited June 2017
    (EDITED FOR SPOILERS) The comment about the secretary being involved in "slavery" was a comment on how overworked secretaries were and how often they were expected to do things that weren't fair in terms of what their job is supposed to be. It's fine to be a secretary, she was never demeaned for it. Diana was pointing out the unfair system that allowed her to be exploited for labor that isn't anywhere in her job description, which still happens a lot today for everyone.
    As for the whole procreation vs pleasure thing, she never said men are only created for procreation. She says that men are not necessary for pleasure, which is true. He had asked her if she knew about all that with the assumption that because there are no men, she can't know about that kind of thing. She just points out that it isn't necessary for a man and a woman to be together to experience pleasure. (I hope this isn't too inappropriate for the forum, but I fully understand if it is flagged as such)
  • [Deleted User]RScarf1 (deleted user)
    I'll have to watch it again when it is on video to get the exact quotes, but I still think it was male bashing to some extent.  
  • [Deleted User]chococuddles (deleted user)
    Obviously this movie was going to be about female empowerment but the trailers had me hoping it wouldn't be overly preachy.

    It was a perfect balance. It showed powerful women could lead and inspire but also be sensitive and empathetic.

    At no time did I feel preached to or roll my eyes.  Based on her background and upbringing Diana's comments were honest and justified.
  • [Deleted User]RScarf1 (deleted user)
    I disagree chococuddles, but everyone has a right to their own opinion.  Both the director and Gadot have acknowledged that the movie deals with the topic of feminism which they say is about equality and freedom.  I feel they could have done it a better way.  
  • [Deleted User]chococuddles (deleted user)
    The director, Gadot and Chococuddles all acknowledge that the movie deals with the topic of feminism.

    It also deals with leadership, destiny, status, prejudice and about 8 other things that made it a well-rounded movie for me.

    My only real complaint was the final confrontation.
  • So whats so bad about equality and freedom? How is this anti male? Reminds me of when white people complain that black people voice discontentment about racism.
  • [Deleted User]manticorp (deleted user)
    That's a shame, it struck me as an excellent example of how to fight old stereotypes that most of our media revolves around without making it uncomfortable for men to watch it and thus dislike it because it caused them to see outside their bubble. And idk why you mentioned "which they say is about equality and freedom", since that's the definition of what feminism is
  • [Deleted User]RScarf1 (deleted user)
    There is nothing bad about equality and freedom for women.  That is what feminism is, but the problem is that is not what the feminist movement is totally about.  You can empower women without disempowering men.  The Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) movement began because of the feminist movement.  
  • [Deleted User]manticorp (deleted user)
    We're getting off-thread. As much as I would enjoy discussing this, it's rude to the thread owner to go on like this. Apologies to all for splitting off.
  • Me too, i am guilty as well
  • [Deleted User]RScarf1 (deleted user)
    Ok, no problem. 
  • [Deleted User]chococuddles (deleted user)
    I was a little worried about Gadot's size. I know she packed on a few pounds of muscle but I still wanted her about 10 lbs thicker.  Luckily, she handled all the physicality very well and was quite believable when kicking butt.

    Wonder who the villain will be in WW2? Unlike Batman she doesn't have a wide array of opposition.  Maybe the Cheetah.  Kind of like how Kung Fu Panda had a powerhouse villain in the first move and a more stealthy strategist in the second. 

    Can't wait for Justice League! ^_^

  • [Deleted User]VIPirate (deleted user)
    edited July 2017

    @chococuddles I think Cheetah, Circe or both would be good antagonists for the second film. I look forward to seeing the direction they head in. :)

  • Wonder Woman was, and still is, my favorite DC character. I grew up with the comic books and the age of Linda Carter's TV shows, which I watched whenever possible. I had the chance to see the movie on an Imax screen and had a fantastic time. Freedom and equality means women taking opportunities and having choices - hardly a diminishment of men and their hysterically fragile egos. If anything, the film balanced out a story-line and archetype we've been living for centuries: war as an aggressive male expression countered by the fierce, female powers of empathy, compassion, and love.

    In the Marvel World, I love Scarlett Johansson's depiction of Black Widow. She gets s*** done that the "boys" can't - which is often. Second favorite is the Scarlet Witch, followed by Doctor Strange, Thor, and the Hulk.

    On the negatives, Iron Man is a d***, Captain American needs to get a girlfriend (or boyfriend) badly, Superman is NOT, Batman needs medication, and when Justice League comes out I demand that Aquaman have the smallest of possible Speedos (because eye candy should be an equal opportunity event).

  • [Deleted User]StarFlower (deleted user)

    I came to the party a bit late, but saw Wonder Woman last week and was floored! Great movie--definitely worth the price of tickets! See it on the big screen, absolutely!

    I thought the comment about secretarial work as slavery was funny. It was about Diana's perceptions, to my mind--imagine the freedoms she enjoyed on her island and saw all around her before she arrived in London.

    As for female empowerment, I did feel like I was a member of the Badass Club after I saw the movie. Then again, I don't think her behavior demeaned the male characters, it just opened their eyes to different possibilities.

  • Maybe c it Sun afternoon - who here is Superman fan over Batman? Me not seen much trailers 2 know where WW stands.

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