Dr who

[Deleted User]01001000P (deleted user)

Any fans



  • Former fan. I watched every episode of Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, and Matt Smith as the Dr. but I lost interest during the Peter Capaldi era.

    To me, David Tennant will always be THE DOCTOR.

  • edited February 27

    Love this character. I wouldn't say I am a die hard fan, but I have seen a couple of episodes and I know the references.

  • Been a fan from the first season.

  • I'm a fan but I stopped watching when Matt Smith took over. It seemed like a pretty strong departure from the 9th and 10th doctors. I'm one of those Tennant die hards 😊

  • So much so that my recent batch of foster puppies' names were Dr Who themed: Dalek, Stomageddon, Tennant, Wilf, Vastra, River, Eccleston, Ood, Strax and Adipose.

  • [Deleted User]AttilaH (deleted user)

    Grown up with it. Like the older ones better

  • Am a fan of the newer series, though I'm not caught up. Like @JohnR1972 , I lost interest during the Peter C era, but my loss of interest was more related to personal stuff going on in my life. I'd still like to pick it back up.

  • I am holding off until the Doctors What, Where, Why and How are accounted for. Otherwise the credibility of the show is suspect.

  • edited February 27

    but not Dr. wicky wicky Slim Shady @BoomerSpooner ?

    You are to blame for my punniness btw.

  • I just like the music while tripping through the wormhole.

  • I’ve got great memories of watching Dr. Who with my daughter. To this day I have the Dr. Who theme music set as her ringtone on my phone. I have the theme music for Eureka set as my other daughter’s ringtone for similar reasons.

  • [Deleted User]ElijahFrisbie (deleted user)

    I’m only caught up through Jodi’s run, still need to watch the return of Tenant. Really enjoyed the format and story of Jodi’s Flux arc. I felt like Capaldi got stiffed with that huge gap between his seasons and how the writing for his seasons went.

  • I watched up to a few episodes into Jodie Whitaker's stint. Might give Ncuti Gatwa a chance eventually.

    I am planning to re-watch from the Eccleston period some point soon.

  • Tom Baker was my first Dr who, then all the doctor who’s since the reboot. David Tennant was awesome so was Natt Smith, Peter, Jodie was cool too but so many stories during her reign were just silly and virtue signaling.
    Her first episode was about the bus boycott by Rosa Parks and the movement behind it, but apparently a racist alien from a galaxy far far away decided they didn’t want this to happen in America. Eye roll so hard. Still have to watch the new doctor Christmas special but he seemed cool in the David Tennat special

  • edited February 27

    I haven't seen much Dr. Who beyond the Doctor who also played "Tristan," in All Creatures Great and Small. My favorite Doctor was John Pertwee. I was introduced to Doctor Who as a teenager when they ran them on Saturdays on public television, and did marathons during their pledge drives.

    My favorite companion was Elisabeth Sladen as "Sarah Jane Smith."

  • Doctor who is cool. Looking forward to Ncuti’s run starting.

    My favourites are probably 5 & 10, but I’ve been watching some of the older classic episodes and 2 is becoming one of my favourites.

  • I grew up watching it and I've seen some of the newer stuff, but TV isn't convenient so I generally don't bother.

  • [Deleted User]01001000P (deleted user)

    I'd say my favourite episodes/arcs are Genesis of the Daleks, Pyramids of Mars, Rise of the Cybermen/age of steel, and Daleks in Manhatten/evolution of the Daleks

  • [Deleted User]01001000P (deleted user)

    Also Revelation of the Daleks

  • Really love most of it. Just researched cap also and it was SO much better than I remember. I think the Danny Pink story was so terrible that I wrote everything off

    Wish Jodie Whittaker had a better writer. I liked her but the writing sucked.

    Very afraid of what is to come if the last episodes are indicative. I HARE the goofy farting alien RTD villains. The singing goblins were embarrassingly bad. If we don't move away from that, I'll likely be out.

  • @lesmis33
    Fair warning: This creator is known for making cursed thirst trap cosplays. That said...

  • @cuddlefaery she is terrifying. Thanks. :lol:

  • I started watching and around the early 80s. In 88 I lost a lot of memorabilia in a flood. Kind of burnt out for a while. I started watching again with the secondary run and I'm in the middle of Capaldi still.

    When I was in eighth grade, I used to have the Tom Baker scarf and a whole bunch of other stuff.

  • [Deleted User]01001000P (deleted user)

    Fuck I wish I could be a dalek (minus the xenophobia and obsession with purity).

  • I love Dr Who and need to catch back up. I also want to watch the really old doctors too.
    Also I want an Adipose plushie! lmao

  • Fans of Who?

  • edited March 14

    @01001000P What is it exactly about being a dalek that appeals to you? I've never heard anyone say that before. :)

    I forget the epsiode, it has been so long since I've watched them, but I remember jumping up out of my chair and laughing the first time they had this one uber dalek encounter some stairs and it used a rocket system to fly up to the top rather than being stymied like the characters and (I was too as a viewer) assumed would happen.

  • When not exterminating, Daleks lead a luxurious and relaxing lifestyle

  • edited March 14

    @natickben Oh, who knew!? Maybe being a dalek isn't so bad after all. 🥰

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