What makes a cuddle session, your favorite?

I’d like to get some ideas and other perspectives from all of you, if possible 😊 I’d like to know why some cuddlers are your favorite and what makes someone not your favorite. It’s just a discussion so no need to name anyone or pick at anyone. I hope your March is starting off great! 🌸🥰

  1. The environment34 votes
    1. The cuddle session itsself
    2. I don’t have a favorite


  • The one where the cuddler brings a ham & pineapple pizza to the cuddle session.

  • One that makes me feel like a person and not just a number or a dollar sign. Or the ones that wind up becoming friends that you have a mutual care for.

  • edited March 2

    soft skin……... someone that enjoys a balanced ratio of light conversation & being comfortable in silence whilst enjoying my superb cuddling playlist at the perfect volume……..…..not afraid to be proactive and initiate some positions on her own……….. the every once in a while syncopated breathing…….. can initiate touch and caress and not just receive……. a connection so amazing that I don’t wanna karma her because I want to keep her allllllll to myself (a selfish thought I don’t really act on) …………..But the prize goes to *** WHEN OUR BODIES JUST PUZZLE PIECE FIT TOGETHER PERFECTLY and you both just know it!!! ***
    Thaaaaaat’s where the magic lives….

    bad breath……. lays there sorta stiff and doesn’t move at all……. over drinkers…….. talks about her exes……. big hair that won’t allow me to big spoon

    Although I’m now rethinking it all because a Hawaiian pizza sure the heck sounds good too!

  • Mine is when you know a person pretty well from multiple sessions, and you chat a bit to catch up, and then you cuddle, and it’s effortless, and very comfortable. Them being a great human to be around is the best!!!

  • edited March 2

    When they actually cuddle and not just lay there!

  • Second @CuddleHugs01234 . When they are your friend and you could be doing anything with them other than cuddling really because you enjoy each other as humans and it doesn't matter what you do you just enjoy being around them , then the cuddlle stuff just becomes icing on the cake .

  • @Jubal Pinaapple on a pizza should be illegal. Though I like the idea in general

  • edited March 2

    @pmvines I agree! Years ago, I had a friend and we cuddled a lot with in one of those big cane basket chairs while we played D&D. Some of the other players also cuddled, some didn't. It was fun and the cuddling was definitely icing on the cake.

  • edited March 2

    I have met a couple of great cuddlers that really care about you, not just during the session but even afterwards and are true to themselves and a real friendship and connection is created. Follow up sessions with those make the experience much better after this connection is created.

  • The connection and calming atmosphere matters. But @Jubal pizza is great during a cuddle!

  • It seems like the Hawaiian pizza was the secret sauce that stole the show. Who woulda thunk!!

  • A few Favorites: Relaxing atmosphere plays into it some.

    When you vibe well with the other person, feel really comfortable, and you both give the same energy into the cuddle. That is magical.

    When you develop a friendship or already friends with them.

    Guys who are gentlemen when it comes to cuddling are the best.

  • I can’t say it any better than @pmvines said it above.

  • Some of my best cuddles have been when the conversation just flows, but then we are so comfy with each other we can stop talking and just caress and have nice firm squeezes/hugs. Snacks would be a bonus! I think people underestimate the calories burned in active cuddling.

  • The conversation in between sessions. A connection. Continued dialogue that leads to additional healing and strengthening the connection. They're not just cuddle buddies, they have become true friends invested in my healing and growth.

  • I would say probably the most important thing is the energy of the cuddle - do we both feel accepted, happy to be there and other stuff like that

  • @Jubal next time then? 🤣🤣🤣

  • edited March 4

    Oooh, hard to say what is my "favorite", as I like different things about each cuddle partner/session. They all have different "flavors", ya know? And I'm a variety gal, lol.

    Just some random things that I particularly enjoy that come to mind:

    • getting an extra tight squeeze at random, almost too hard and too long, to where I'm about to tap out for air 😅
    • head scratches/massage, especially at the nape of my neck/occipital ridge area. I have constant headaches and having someone else's hands relieve the tension back there feels aaaaahmazing!
    • being able to laugh off awkward moments and learn from them without it being, well, awkward
    • getting to dance or stretch with someone. People rarely take me up on it, but it always feels amazing and is a heavy hit of nostalgia of partner stretching back in my dance company days
    • the tactile feel of the edge of a clothing hem/seam in contrast to skin - like along the neck/collarbone or at the sleeve/arm
    • both of us pretending we didn't notice the other one dozing off. Nope, no one snoring or drooling here! 😅
    • when breathing syncs and slows
    • how the timbre of people's heartbeat changes as they inhale and exhale, or how their heartbeat sometimes changes speed. How their heart echos when my ear and cheek are pressed against their chest, and how I can feel it in my own breastbone sometimes.
    • The feeling of cool air on my skin after I've overheated and throw off the covers/move away/take a breather
    • That feeling of being understood and supported when I'm not chided for my ADHD quirks. Seriously, that feeling of safety is second only to having boundaries respected without asking.
  • the ones that wind up becoming friends that you have a mutual care for


    @DisneyHugs Yep, these are my favorite as well. Out of the three cuddlers that I have met and cuddled with ONLY ONE has shown himself to be more than just cuddling to me. And I greatly appreciate that about him!😁👍

  • edited March 4

    Edited, removed due to private matter

  • @bobadevotee - It was mentioned that they don't want to scare off people who are actually coming here for the right reasons which is why they haven't implemented ID verification to join this site. Some people are concerned about privacy especially on sites they know nothing about and the cuddle movement is still a very niche thing.

  • edited March 4

    Edited, removed due to private matter

  • @bobadevotee - I think they should give an option for them to verify their ID and it will be tagged on their profile that they are ID verified and pros can make their own decision whether or not to see someone who isn't verified.

  • I like my hair played with, it makes me really at ease and I guess the feel of nails or fingers running up and down my arms or back.

  • Unfortunately there seems to be someone on this page that has a problem with me. I do not know this person. I have never encountered this person in any way. What I am being accused of is absolute slander. If anyone has any questions about who I am as a person, please feel free to contact anyone who has left me karma. I hope you all have an amazing week.

  • @DisneyHugs report the post and consider your legal options.

  • edited March 4

    Any cuddler that has good intentions. It's usually someone I love cuddling because I can let my guard down and not feel anxious. When someone says you're pretty enough to cuddle, or I find you attractive enough to cuddle, it usually is a red flag for me. Some of my favorite cuddler's may not be attractive as what the world says, but I find them attractive as people because of their lovely soul, and how they give such a loving, caring cuddles rather than sensual, fantasy cuddles. I hope this doesn't stir up anything. Just my opinion.

  • edited March 4

    @ilikewarmhugs-banned member
    @DisneyHugs same member

    Perhaps this is why she has a problem with you?

  • I always wondered why @ILikeWarmHugs was banned. He seemed like a well rounded person in the forums.

  • I always wondered why @ILikeWarmHugs was banned. He seemed like a well rounded person in the forums.

    Hence why the forums don’t mean Jack.

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