Opinions Please let me hear every single one about

The best time of day and place to stub your toe on something really hard while holding a cup of your favorite something? Do you drop the cup? Do you tell out in pain. Do you walk it off or sit down? Do you spit out some of what your sipping even though its your FAVE?

Most importantly if you have a cuddle therapy session later that day, week, or month, year, decade or century..... Do you talk about it during the cuddle? And when you talk about it, do you act it out or just use words?

(Sidenote) When you cuddle in a bed are your bed sheets waaay to small for your bed and struggling to stay on and not fly off?😔


  • More importantly, does your chewing gum lose its flavour on the bedpost overnight? If your mother says don't chew it, do you swallow it in spite?

  • edited March 7

    My sheets are kind of undersized because I already had them when I replaced my mattress and don't know where to get ones big enough to handle the new thickness. I bought a very firm mattress because I like support. But I also like something soft to lay on, so I put a couple of mattress pads on top: a gel pad for cushioning, and a down pad for breathability. The mattress was already unnecessarily thick to begin with, and the added pads push it into the ridiculous. To keep my (under)fitted sheet on, I use some elastic straps that clip onto the sheet near the corners and act as extensions to reach down and around the mattress corners.

    If anyone knows where to get queen sheets that can go around a 20-inch thick mattress, I'd be glad if you'd share.

  • @Mailleweaver Throw some oversized king sheets on that queen bed. It’s commonly called linen transitioning.

  • Linen transitioning, eh? I wouldn't have thought that anyone would talk about beds enough for there to exist a term for putting oversized sheets on a mattress. I'll give it a go. Thanks.

  • 1) Stubbing your toe is one of those actions that make any kind of four letter potty mouth completely and totally permissible. As a matter fact, I even think there’s a certain je ne sais quoi kind of style that you can have in the selection of your wording. Anything you say at this time cannot be held against you in a court of law.

    2) No. Not necessary. No intellectual or conversational value in re-telling the tale. Bite the bullet and move on.

    3) Who has sheets that don’t fit their own bed?

  • You triggered this silly Nickelodeon game memory.

    Bigger than the bed sheets & sheet suspenders.
    So no more looking like this cat about my fitted sheet giving up! 😂🤗

  • @Mailleweaver just type in the words attached in search bar. You’ll find plenty.

  • Funny side note...

    Has anyone else dislocated their pinky toe running up a set of stairs?

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