If not interested please cancel. Don't just ghost.



  • @pmvines last Sunday @3:15 pm. 😊🤗

  • Yeah, I'm just gonna let the memes "speak for me" here cuz ghosting sucks all around. 😔
    Great advice and comments here ya'll!👍

  • @carrieanne I lurves you my friend , I'm probably looking more like a ghost lately lol can't wait to catch up when we can 🤗

  • I had no idea people paid deposits for dental and medical stuff in the states.

  • Sounds like deductible or copayments

  • I think they’re referring to the doctors offices that charge a cancellation fee if you cancel your appointment the same day. I have several doctors that do that and because of that I make sure I don’t cancel same day. If it’s a dire emergency, I call and explain.
    This is logic and courtesy. Their rules and I follow them, and I find it very easy to do that.

    From my experience here, I’ve found that some people feel entitled to do whatever they damn well please without any thought to how their selfish actions affect others. Does this go along with the mental state of being sooo deprived/depressed/needy that those are incapable of understanding common courtesy? I guess it’s possible but for some, they were raised in a barn and don’t get the concept.

  • I get ghosted……. As soon as I say “Platonic Cuddles” only. I am not interested in anything more. 🤔🤔🤔

  • Many times the only way to be able to charge a cancellation fee is through doing a temporary hold/deposit the way hotels do. Without a valid credit card on file that you know has enough funds to cover the fees, trying to recoup the fees after the fact is next to impossible. Those ghosting are unlikely to agree to pay, so you only end up getting the rule-followers paying on the rare times they fall through.

  • Those ghosting are unlikely to agree to pay, so you only end up getting the rule-followers paying on the rare times they fall through.

    And isn’t that the way it is for all booking conflicts on the site including ghosting, karma, payment, boundaries, consent, etc.? You are either a person of respect and reason or a toxic person who sees rules more as suggestions and boundaries as obstacles.

  • @BoomerSpooner yup you're either a slime ball or you're not !

  • @cuddlebud84 HA! 😄 Same here with me, even though I mention it in my profile. Some still wanna try to cross my PLATONIC ONLY boundaries anyway. Many end up vanishing on me as well, and I am TOTES okay with creepers creeping away. And staying away!😁👍

  • @Pmvines Thank you for not being a slimeball, friend.😊 Looking forward to hanging out with you again this weekend!👍

  • @Katota sweet I'm gonna slime you !

  • @BoomerSpooner it does say that and it is true. I believe if you don't want the cuddle session you don't pay the deposit. That's the way I see it. I require my adult of town clients to pay at least the first hour deposit. Then it holds their spot so that I don't drive the distance for nothing. I know it's not the most popular answer but it works for me and for what I do. I respect my clients to show up at that appointment and they respect me and trust me that I will be there. I don't do it for my in town or repeat clients it's just the out of town.
    I enjoy my cuddle sessions but I also am a pro and I appreciate the ones that want to reach out and cuddle with me. Hope you have a great day!

  • @ElleCuddleMi Oh I get it and I don’t pay deposits, but I was pointing out how the site itself talks out of both sides of its mouth. I fully understand why someone would charge a deposit and why someone would choose not to pay one. The post was more about the selective enforcement of the site’s own claims and rules. I mean why even have that posted if you view pros as non-employees?

  • edited March 16

    All this talk but nobody is asking or stating the real information on ghosting and why it happens.
    You all know I get my daily life information from these threads on these forums, from YOU people!

    Look for cups!!! Then judge them...


  • [Deleted User]ozcuddlez (deleted user)

    And just as equally this should apply to cuddlers (pro or enthusiast) when contacted by those interested.

  • Thank you everyone for your comments conversation and support.

  • @pmvines

  • edited March 17

  • @PeopleLikeUs
    100% agree with your post.

  • I'm def pro ghosting. People were not getting bombarded with dozens if not hundreds of random pieces of mail from strangers in 1889. It's a modern problem, and the anonymous interactions are both a blessing and a curse.

  • @Minestrone101
    Ghosting does not mean ignoring random, unsolicited messages, it means abruptly ceasing to communicate with someone with whom you had been engaged in a meaningful dialog.

  • I’m not a fan of ghosting. In the past I’ve thought it really inconsiderate. And I always want to be kind, respectful, thoughtful.
    But now I find I have a different POV about it after being on CC for a while.
    There have been times lately that I don’t have anything left to say. Or whatever I write to someone in response to their message just doesn’t get through to them, doesn’t change what they say to me or how they treat me.
    It goes beyond a point where I have anything left. The interaction feels exhausting and I don’t want to make any more effort, so I just stop writing.
    I feel like others get to that place too. It’s regretful, but sometimes nothing else works.

  • edited March 17

    I don't mind being ghosted in the least by interwebs strangers . That doesn't hurt me . What hurts is being ghosted by somebody who is and was your friend . That happens from time to time and it stinks when it does . But you have to be an adult about it . If you can't control your emotions and deal with things in an appropriate manner and have age appropriate emotional competency that is on you , not then .

  • People that ghost are really horrible. I'll never understand why they do that. Just one day they stop talking and you're left wondering why.

  • @cuddlebud84 If anyone asked you for anything non platonic please report them! Sorry that’s the kind of attention you get

    Not that I ghost people, and I don’t like people that ghost people; but I think that most people that ghost do so because the alternative is uncomfortable, telling someone they changed their mind the last minute is uncomfortable m, or saying they don’t have money last minute is uncomfortable. They are either inconsiderate peppercorn or extremely anxious people

  • @JohnR1972 I'm okay with that too. I think a lot of it has to do with the busy-ness of life and how easily distracted that people are these days. I think there is a small percentage of the time where people actively don't want to talk to a person. I mean it is what it is - sometimes it's okay, sometimes it's unpleasant. It doesn't really bother me - no action is an action to me. I try not to take it personally and give them the benefit of the doubt - no lectures or rants if we reconnect.

  • Had my first positive cuddle booking yesterday. The whole experience made me feel good and that my services were helpful. My first experience I walked away feeling icky and creeped out. Hopefully now I had my first positive experience and good karma review that it will lead to more.

  • What hurts is being ghosted by somebody who is and was your friend . That happens from time to time and it stinks when it does

    @Pmvines I agree. 👍
    That happens a lot to me.😌

    Hence why I believe in meme:

    Especially, since I sincerely thought of said person as a friend. It is rather hurtful, when you reach out to a "friend" and they no longer respond back. 😔 OR... the ONLY WAY that me and said friend will "talk" is by ME ALWAYS REACHING OUT TO THEM FIRST...That's starting to get tiring to me as well.😌
    Those people are mere acquaintances not friends, eventually I let the acquaintances go and keep the friends.😌
    Friendship is a two way street!✌️😊

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